eve carrier ratting skills

48 comments. Now you only have sites you are interested in and if any new signatures spawn you will see them.After getting the signatures you want listed, you should sort by ‘Distance’ so you get the closest ones on top.I really like the guide. )A Tick is a 20 minute time period, and ISK per tick is the Bounty income paid out per 20 minute Tick. If that's the case, don't bother waiting for your fighters to recall. an NPC dreadnought. You can fight npc caps from 300+km away and you won't need a tank or help. It for rats. So usually a simple buffer tank is sufficient, which let you also keep your cap up high enough to always be able to jump.

Savage Moon Society. Combat Drone Control Improved. Fighters also have a heavy rocket salvo weapon system that needs ammunition and does good damage against bigger targets. If you have spent the 2 months training T2 fighters and you're still losing fighters after 2 months, eve is not for you, biomass asap. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. You can basically use any carrier to rat in but the Thanatos and Nidhoggur have both bonuses to fighter damage and the Niddy even to fighter velocity, which will directly result in more ISK per hour. You could also fit with Cap Booster 3200s. I thought the fighters will choose the optimal by themselves.I tried to set the “fighter optimal orbit” and it dosent change my ticks. If you're just ratting you are fine with only level 3 Cali. As long as the fighters are selected, all commands will be performed by the squadrons and will not affect your ship. 5%/level at level 5 is indeed .05*5 +1 = 1.25. To move your fighters, you can select the three squadrons and command them as if you would command your own ship. If you dont get set up By an awoxer you should be quite safe unless you go semi afk and dont watch intel/local.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed. When all NPC ship waves have been destroyed that way, warp to the next anomaly. If you are in a bigger corp or alliance it is key to organize a proper capital group and intel channel. It looks very low.Here are my skills and fitting. Obviously everything that gives your fighters more damage is something you want to have and some EWar skills are also quite nice to have.For the ratting part jdc5 is Not really needed. I think the ISK you can make from carrier ratting is rather average considering the big investment you have to make in order to start. That means you can design your ratting ship with align time/warp speed and damage application.One pro tip: Design your ship so that the drone optimals are at least as long as their orbit. For example, have an out-cyno ready on a friendly citadel, stay at >71.25% cap, etc.In general, for flying caps JDC5 is the must-have skill. Must have skills would be max damage for drones and t2 fighters.Thanks for replies so far, the tank is. I was never a big fan of ratting in my Eve carrier, but since carrier ratting seems to be such a big thing, I decided to buy myself a shiney ratting carrier and give it a try. In average I took me about 20 minutes to finish a Haven including travel time between the anomalies. Just have the Shield Booster on there for that little bit of assurance and for when you get those NPC Capital spawns, those will hit you hard.Warp speed is important and I’d add some Hyperspatials for sure. NPCs love to shoot your fighters and can easily destroy them if you forget to keep them moving, so always let them closely orbit your current target at 2000 meters. You’ll have to judge for yourself as the analysis of worth was done by others.When you undock in your ratting system, the first thing you should do is open your Probe Scanner with all the signatures, start by sorting by name and then ‘Ignore’ all the sites that are not one of the types above. Text for posting a class ad in the EVE University forum: Ratting 101. If you want to have a deeper inside on how to fit a ratting ship just read the other parts of my . You can take out most subcaps, but a supercarrier can literally alpha you. If you're in an alliance that has support (and FAX) on standby rat in a max tank shield Thanatos/Nidhoggur.

Yes they do lower your personal wallet ticks but if you’ve got an active crew ratting the ESS will quickly reach it’s full bonus and then you’re making an additional 5% ISK on top of the 20% that it’s taking so if you take the risk there is a reward, plus you get the LP.If your crew is good at ‘sharing’ the system-wide pool then you’re not actually losing any ISK and could be making up to 5% extra.“With an active ESS in a system the bounty payout values change and a Loyalty Point payout is added. Again splitting this task between multiple carrier pilot’s alt is a great benefit of organizing a group.If you get tackled by hostiles, you should inform the other capital pilots on your corporation’s comms that you are being caught and need assistance.

Unluckily, I did not get any escalation after finishing around 10 sites, so there was no extra ISK from selling or running these.

Thanks in advance for any help.Id like to point out that if you inject a toon to do this it will take you a very long time to break even on this.A very long time on a very attention-intensive way of making isk.