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... {"id":"620973","linkUrl":"/serial/The+Take-2009-620973","alt":"The Take","imgUrl":""}Dwaj kuzyni, Freddie i Jimmy, wkraczają do świata przestępczego kierowanego przez mafijnego bossa, Ozzy'ego.
Odsiedział swoje, nawiązał korzystne kontakty z mafijnym bossem, Ozzym (Brian Cox), i teraz ma zamiar je wykorzystać. The Take – Zwei Jahrzehnte in der Mafia (Originaltitel: The Take) ist eine britische Mafia miniserie aus dem Jahr 2009, die auf dem Roman The Take von Martina Cole basiert.
Jej siostra, Maggie (Charlotte Riley), jest gotowa na wiele, by chronić Jackie przed toksycznym wpływem małżonka. The Take is a four-part British television crime drama series, adapted by Neil Biswas from the novel by Martina Cole, that first broadcast on Sky1 on 17 June 2009.
Bob Saginowski finds himself at the center of a robbery gone awry and entwined in an investigation that digs deep into the neighborhood's past where friends, families, and foes all work together to make a living - no matter the cost.
Directed by James Watkins.
Foundling Heathcliff is raised by the wealthy Earnshaws in Yorkshire but in later life launches a vendetta against the family. Watch Free on IMDb TV Hardy wprost został stworzony do tej roli. Set in Depression-era Franklin County, Virginia, a trio of bootlegging brothers are threatened by a new special deputy and other authorities angling for a cut of their profits. Dan's decision to run away and join the French Foreign Legion has far reaching implications for his younger brother, Keith. You've seen Hardy in major pictures probably going back to Band of Brothers, but you would never have imagined his overwhelming power as a major star, an actor so exceptional and so explosive he's more menacing than Al Pacino has ever been let alone any movie villain of the sort we see all the time being defeated by superheros.
Was this review helpful to you? With Shaun Evans, Tom Hardy, Charlotte Riley, Kierston Wareing. Sinopsis: Miniserie de TV. Título original: The Take. Ozzy sends the cousins to meet a rave organiser in Hackney, ...Beat the literal heat with three films that capture the spirit of summer love.Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site?
Hardy, as an ex-con drug kingpin, brutal, terrifying, a rapist, walking around projecting so much menace people practically poop in their pants. He has the right connections and now he's ready to use them. Use the HTML below.
The Take (Miniserie de TV) es una serie de televisión dirigida por David Drury con Shaun Evans, Tom Hardy, Charlotte Riley, Kierston Wareing .... Año: 2009. It is now 1994 and it seems Little Freddie is following in his father's footsteps, revealing his sadistic side by orchestrating a showdown between Jackie and Maggie. No i Hardy we wspaniałej formie, nie wiem co jest w tym facecie, ale on jest stworzony by grać takie role.Serial nie jest zły jednak patrząc na notę z filmwebu i opinie innych spodziewałem się czegoś lepszego. Zresztą pozostałe kreacje zwłaszcza kobiece również zasługują na duże uznanie. Gorąco polecam!Jeden z lepszych filmów jakie oglądałam, trzyma w napięciu przez cały czas, nie da widzowi odetchnąć i odpocząć. Wkrótce porachunki gangsterskie w połączeniu z dramatami rodzinnymi doprowadzają do tragicznych w skutkach wydarzeń. He has the right connections and now he's ready to use them.
Żona Freddiego, Jackie (Kierston Wareing) marzy, by mieć go tylko dla siebie, ten jednak woli romansować z innymi kobietami i wszczynać awantury.