smite merlin counter

Press J to jump to the feed. Press J to jump to the feed. They may open in void or ice stance so they will fire off both abilities, teleport on you, transform, then fire douse you. Simply just avoid his abilities since they're very predictable and easy to dodge and clear the wave and jungle camps and focus on farming.He always roams to whichever camp I was at and mercs me straight up, I hid under the tower and it was inevitable that he wore it down. Enemies marked take additional damage if they stay within the outer range of Eclipse.

Any dash/jump will do it easily. ... Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XB1, PS4 and Switch. He's strongest against immobile gods who need to stand in place to attack or can't escape quickly. Builds and tier lists curated by a professional smite player to strengthen gameplay and the community. His cooldowns are hella long so if he's killing u, he isn't clearing so u can just rotate to a camp and he's stuck with his wave under tower...stay away from him, his stance switch deals damage as well...pretty much walk away and side strafe the aoe abilitiesNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSmite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XB1, PS4 and Switch.Press J to jump to the feed. Usually you should dodge them. He also devoted his mind to the art of prophesy, one day foreseeing the rise of a ruler destined to stand above all others, and unite the land beneath his banner. Ao Kuang and Thanatos counter Khepri. Zeus counters Vulcan. Enemies hit take damage and progressively get more slowed while they stay within the area. Even his very nature is questioned. This does large amounts of damage. Guan Yu counters Tyr. You should be moving constantly.His ICE stance has fast cooldown which when played aggressively can be a problem, but usually he wants to catch you in an ice shower and then blast you with the line attack shard. To any who think to cross Merlin, beware. That's very hard to get caught in to be honest. Nox and Ganesha counter Khepri. A demon? His range keeps me far enough away from his abilities unless he compromises his position.There's no point fighting a Merlin, since he will most likely win you 1v1. Your source for all things Smite builds and the current meta. Get this exclusive skin on all Cross-Progression platforms when you link your Nintendo Switch account. Sol counters Cupid and Poseidon. After the explosion reaches its apex, it collapses in on itself. 200k. A collector of secrets and ancient lore, Merlin is a master of arcane wizardry, able to wield a myriad of elements and harness them to his will. He's strongest against immobile gods who need to stand in place to attack or can't escape quickly. Merlin is weakest against mobile gods who can avoid large amounts of his damage. While you DO want to get out of the ice storm as fast as possible, you should try to do so while anticipating him shooting you with the shard. I dunno, I guess I'm looking for a way to counter him but he seems grossly OP for mid Lane.What role tho? In the ages of warring kings, where ruler vied against ruler and only the strongest rose to rule the land, Merlin pledged his skills in service to great sovereigns as both an advisor and a devastating battle mage. Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. He only gets 2 damaging abilities and under most situations they won't 100-0 you (unlike Scylla). His void stance is basically just a spinning disk.

Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Members. The foul Saxons were driven back across the distant sea, and the people of the kingdom knew peace, justice and prosperity. Exclusive Star Force Neith Skin. Join. Smite Source. Online. Many know the legend of King Arthur, and yet the man who set that legend into motion remains shrouded in mystery. Chang'e counters Chronos. Many have tested him, seeking his knowledge, his secrets, or the source of his power for themselves. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. The dragons last for 3s. Then a second or two later you can pounce on him when his ability and escape are both down.A common kill tactic of high level Merlins will be to get right ontop of you, ult to switch stances (doing sizable damage to you) and then usually double douse you in fire. Keeping him at a distance will force him to use his teleport (or blink relic if he has that) to get close enough to douse you with double fire. Whatever the answer, what is beyond doubt to all who encounter him is that Arthur's right hand, the great wizard Merlin, is a being of immense wisdom, and formidable strength. Apollo counters every melee god. He can drop a twin flamethrower, but its very small, you can walk out of it easily in either direction (forwards/backwards) to its placement. And few, if any, have lived to tell their tale. The major damage only happens if he hits you dead on, and sucks you back into it with his 2. And best thing you can do is juke his abilities.High mobility, like Bastet probably she can get in and out with great pokes.Are u fighting him?

It was a straight slaughter when he chained them, move in any direction and I'm hit by the first one, then the second, then the third.Also Thoth is a great counter pick. Is he simply a man greatly adept in the magical arts? Any advice?Merlin only has a few good damaging combo's. When possible try to keep this in mind.His abilities are somewhat predictable. If caught in the center of the area, Enemy gods have their protections reduced. His fire 1 is a flamethrower with very limited range. Hel and Geb counter Nox. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts ... Players who tried Merlin, how to counter him?