cessna citation bravo preis

It has a long range compared to other light-sized private jets and excellent short runway capabilities.

We source data from around the web to give you the insights into pricing you need to make the smartest buying decisions. It could seat 11 people and fuel capacity was increased to 5820 lbs. This allows the strut to absorb the loads of landing and taxiing over uneven pavement. Get the average price and specifications for this model aircraft and hundreds of other models for free. It has a long range compared to other light-sized private jets and excellent short runway capabilities, allowing its owner to choose from a large selection of small airports. Seller Information. Internal baggage capac… Cessna Citation Bravo Jets for Sale The Cessna Citation Bravo replaced the Citation II.

When Cessna decided to update its best-selling private jet, the Citation II, the result was the fuel-efficient Citation Bravo. In other words, the new main landing gear will make taxiing over uneven pavement and landings extremely smooth.Cessna put an end to cabin pressurization problems in the Bravo by increasing the pressurization to 9.1 psi and installing a digital pressurization controller.It also equipped the cockpit with systems providing traffic avoidance information, weather radar and digital maps.If the Citation Bravo’s technical capabilities and passenger offerings aren’t enough, consider its price. Typically configured for seven passengers, the Bravo flies and climbs quicker, and covers more distance. This allows its owner to choose from a large selection of small airports.One of the features that sets the Citation Bravo apart from the competition is its comfort.The engineers designed the cabin to be very quiet, fitted with bagged insulation and an isolated interior shell to eliminate the low-frequency engine fan noise. Phone: (870) 926-9031 Call. TKS fluid By 2018, 1970s-1980s model IISPs were valued at $300,000-700,000.Its more efficient PW530A generates 15% more thrust at takeoff and 23% more at altitude. Cessna Citation Bravo Prices 15 listings - Updated a month ago. AirSOUTH Aviation Services, Inc. Little Rock, Arkansas. Production ceased in 2006 after 1184 were delivered. It burns 1,100 lb (500 kg) of fuel in the first hour, dropping to 750–830 lb (340–380 kg) the second hour cruising at 360–365 kn (667–676 km/h) at FL410-430 and then 637 lb (289 kg) the third hour at 350 kn (650 km/h) and FL450. The Cessna Citation II series of Citation jets are light corporate jets built by Cessna. The baggage combined capacity of seventy-three cubic feet, or about seven suitcases, four golf bags, and a few sets of skis. Cessna’s engineers saw their potential and used them in the Citation Bravo.Other updates on the Bravo were designed to aid the crew.

The gear is the trailing link  type, which connects the wheel axel on the landing gear to a gas strut that then  links up to the wing. Description. Citation Bravo Aircraft For Sale. Updated: Fri, July 31, 2020 10:04 AM. These were easier preflight, servicing and maintenance tasks, and so on. Cessna Citation Bravo For Sale. It costs the same as its predecessor, the Citation II, but outperforms it by far in climb, cruise, and altitude performance.The Bravo lost 150 pounds of fuel carrying capacity, increased the maximum takeoff weight by 500 pounds, and The increased performance of the Citation Bravo is largely due to the new Pratt & Whitney turbofan engines. Its overall operating cost rivals that of even the best-selling turboprops. In addition, a secondary seal on the cabin door was added to cut wind noise.The Bravo has several baggage compartments. It has a long range compared to other light-sized private jets and excellent short runway capabilities. They burn thirteen percent less fuel than the other engines in the series. The majority of the improvements on the Bravo, however, will be hard for passengers to miss.A landing gear new to the Citation series was added to the Bravo. The stretched Citation was announced in September 1976, it first flew on January 31 1977 and FAA certification was awarded in March 1978, the The improved 2,500 lbf (11 kN) JT15D-4B has higher temperatures components, allowing more thrust at higher altitudes. Free Price Reports. Cessna Citation Bravo .
The II/SP is a single pilot version, the improved S/II first flew on February 14, 1984 and the Citation Bravo upgraded with new avionics and P&WC PW530A turbofans on April 25, 1995, while the United States used it as the T-47. When Cessna decided to update its best-selling private jet, the Citation II, the result was the fuel-efficient Citation Bravo. How much does it cost to buy a Cessna Citation Bravo 550? Stretched from the Citation I, it was announced in September 1976, first flew on January 31, 1977 was certified in March 1978.