wows worcester legendary upgrade

The new parameters of the upgrade will emphasize the ship’s role as a universal cruiser capable of completing various tasks. I have contacted support and they reply Quote I am pleased to inform you that as part of the new update some of the mechanics of these legendary improvements have been modified. She can put down a withering barrage of shells similar to Now, all this is well and good, but she is fragile, Worcester was assigned to Cruiser Division (CruDiv) 10, and for first year of her commissioned service fitting out and conducting shakedown training off the eastern seaboard. The world's largest light cruiser. Reaching Colombo for fuel and supplies, she and her escorts sailed stayed there from 7-9 August before pushing on to the Malacca Strait. The upgrade was too effective. ... Worcester: Now this ship is still in testing, ... WoW such an upgrade! In the Upgrades section of the Modules page in With Update 0.9.2 mission chains for Unique Upgrades are longer obtainable. I will separate the legendary mods into 5 tiers: Excellent (These are the upgrades are pretty much always useful and is a straight up improvement regardless of your play style. Of course this is my opinion,… Continue reading This penalty didn’t affect the use and effectiveness of the upgrade. This is related to the fact that this UU is mostly effective with 20-km torpedoes and UU fits its purpose for those, who like long-ranged torpedo attacks.UU had rather weak positive effects and was in slot 5, competing with concealment and Radar duration upgrades. This caused low popularity and we’ve decided to keep the concept for this UU (strengthening UU was unpopular due to the large number of negative effects: it lowered her competitiveness in comparison to other upgrades and the ship’s WR. On 2/18/2020 at 8:20 PM, Staines_upon_Thames said: The new upgrade pushes this even further, which is good in itself. Increases survivability and accelerates repairs of … I am pleased to inform you that as part of the new update some of the mechanics of these legendary improvements have been modified. Hopefully it will give you more context for the planned changes. At her core, Worcester is a utility ship, for starters, having access to not only Surveillance Radar and Defensive AA Fire together, but also Hydroacoustic Search without removing another consumable. I still have my Wooster legendary upgrade and didn't have it mounted. I used to have Legendary Upgrade for my Worcester but after this recent update my Legendary Module is no more. : A particular upgrade can be mounted only in its appropriate slot.

The 5% nerf to main battery reload time bonus (from 15 to 10) may seem scary on paper, but comparing to the most popular “Main Battery mod.3” the UU actually provides:For the safer playstyles, secondary armament DPM and turret traverse speed do not matter that much, but for aggressive and risky pushes the bonus is very considerable – and the UU in this case suggests exactly that, with a manageable trade-off.There were some questions about this UU as a whole and claims that nerfing the range in favor of main battery DPM on this ship makes no sense, and that the turret traverse was not a problem in the first place. If something does not work, we can always make further tweaks to reach the optimal performance, while keeping each unique upgrade as an interesting and valid choice. (Tier I+) Main Armaments Modification 1. To obtain a unique upgrade without a mission, each can be purchased for 19,200 Occupying Slot 5, these upgrades block the mounting of e.g. On 2/18/2020 at 8:20 PM, Staines_upon_Thames said: I can see in your conversation with support that you have already figured out what happened and have the module back If you have any of these upgrades already mounted on your ships, they will be replaced with their new versions. She relieved USS The stay in Sasebo was short however, because she left port on the 30th to return to Korean waters to resume fire support duties. Having access to several consumable choices, rapid fire guns, and a nigh unmatched AA suite, Worcester can do most tasks a team or captain needs her to do. You will get compensation in the form of credits for any upgrades in your Inventory that are removed from the game, and the amount of credits provided will be equal to the removed upgrade's full cost. The upgrade was moved from Slot 5 to Slot 6 thus avoiding competition with upgrades which grant bonuses to maneuverability and concealment. –24% to main battery maximum firing rangePros: The trump card of Republique is the quick reload of her main batteries.

1. die Zielsystem-Modifikation 0 für Katori, Yubari und Iwaki Alpha), aber nun kommen mit dem nächsten Update (Version 0.7.6) die ersten die ganz speziell für ein bestimmtes Schiff der Stufe zehn ausgerichtet sind. –13% to main turrets traverse speed 3.

The real kicker is a 13 rounds per minute rate-of-fire. It’s a good case to explain the “alternative playstyle” approach. However, the arc allows the ship to get close to islands and lob shells over at unsuspecting targets with impunity. Keep up with updates to improve your game, win more awards and promote to a higher rank. Besides that, we’ve considered your feedback and decided not to implement changes to the UU at the current time and see what the effect of the changes for Hopefully, we were able to give you more context to understand the changes to Unique Upgrades.