in a heartbeat. Um die Durchschlagsdicke ohne IFHE zu bekommen musst du einfach die x1,3 weglassen. Otherwise, when brawling BB with actual armor for plating, you're better without IFHE to retain some fire chance. For Ranked 1v1 it appears to be the “I Win” build. That said, its lack of range makes me actually want to say Tirpitz. But, as a casual gamer with a busy working life, I don't have the time. If you're not happy with the state of the game, you shouldn't be buying anything.
For someone like youself who wont be using a dedicated Massachusetts captain, I would almost recommend just taking AFT and leaving it at that. You won't get turtleback, but you get guns, aa, and secondaries that actually work. Brief glimpse through tech trees with basic "is a>b?
if no, then no" takes less time than typing that. Weak horizontal armor protection was the main drawback of her design, but this was largely offset by improving her AA defense.
I learned by asking, which is the best way of learning. It will make you feel better. 60/40 recharge time. One of the two mightiest battleships in the German Navy. How was that old saying, oh right "make a man a fire and he'll be warm for today, light a man That is pretty close to a Tirpitz.
It has those great German 150's that get 1/4 HE pen, giving them the ability to damage the plating of most high tier BBs. So thanks to those who provided them. Soo the mass will be the only American battleship with a secondary build Now compare numbers you've got with most common platings you will encounter. For "manners guy" you're getting surprisingly triggered at the idea of doing research yourself. In the current state of the game, even though I'd say Brawling Battleships aren't the ideal thing, Massachusetts over Tirpitz for several reasons. Massachusetts is the second South Dakota-class battleship to come to World of Warships, and — despite appearances — plays very differently than her sister Alabama in several ways. While her 4.1 inch guns (105mm) 26mm would be buffed to 32.5mm, which is also good. Personally, I see her secondaries as overgimmicked and it almost takes away from the ship. Mass is the only BB that came close to competing in the Vid because its secondaries are so good and it has such a fast repair party reset. I am also aware that a few ship are missing. [ELEC] Naja ich fahre sowohl meine Tirpitz als auch meinen Fürsten auf Sekundär Build + IFHE und pro Runde kommen so (je nach Trefferzahl) auch um die 40.000-70.000 Sekundär Schaden zusammen. Take a North Carolina, give it 10km secondaries and a repair party that reloads in 30 seconds. I'd buy the Massachusetts and get the Bismarck for free. For Ranked 1v1 it appears to be the “I Win” build. Um die Durchschlagsdicke ohne IFHE zu bekommen musst du einfach die x1,3 weglassen. While her 4.1 inch guns (105mm) 26mm would be buffed to 32.5mm, which is also good. However, If you find yourself in a close range fight, your torpedoes can provide a valuable advantage. The armor protection had to be reduced after the main battery was increased to 38cm, this leads to the main belt being actually thinner on preceding classes. And then decide how often you get to actually use secondaries to justify spending basically all the points into those. guns have 38mm pen, which IFHE would buff to 47.5mm, which seems excellent. Watched this vid last night. I can play it a bit more aggressively and hopefully rely on my secondary's to help get ride of DD's,BB's, and the two type of cruisers (don't know the short term for them, I know i am noob when it comes to that)
Thats potentially 12 out of 19 points washed away. He points out Tirpitz is a second choice behind Bismarck since Bis has better secondaries, Hydro is always useful, and Tirp loses her torp mounts so easy, And you don't get yourself too triggered because someone dared to not give you answer on a silver platter but, gasp, asked you to learn something yourself.
Mass in a heartbeat. [ELEC] While her 4.1 inch guns (105mm) 26mm would be buffed to 32.5mm, which is also good. You lose Bismarks hydro, most of her midrange AA, and some of her mauverbility. Forget about Tirpitz's AA. Between 38 and 47mm, there isnt much which you could only pen with IFHE (i think vladi has 45mm somewhere) So thanks to those who provided them. Manual secondary Tirpitz is already strong in 1v1. - T8-10 Cruisers have 27-30mm plating, so you can pen them. As for the Tirpitz, it has worse main guns. Personally, I vote for Tirpy... but that's just me, lol. Considering the IFHE rework, is it worth further speccing her secondaries with this buff? And I'm teaching you a lesson in civility. [ELEC] I believe Massy actually holds a slight edge, due to her main guns and her consumables, but Tirpy's torpedoes can't be ignored. In unserem Guide zeigen wir euch, welche Skills sich lohnen. [ELEC] T8+ BBs have 32mm plating/bow/aft which you also can pen with IFHE. They shred DDs and cruisers. BFT & AFT still buff AA, but the side benefits of this for Massachusetts is much better than what you get back on Tirpitz because USN BB AA in High Tier is already pretty good. No IFHE? Lastly, the IFHE rework actually freed up 4 points for secondary builds which is much better utilised for Fire Prevention or Concealment Expert. She also is the fan favorite by a battleship sized margin.