The term "Derpitz," arose from this. Tirpitz also has the option of building for Secondaries or for AA. This also works with the old addage of limit your exposure with your broadsides and never sail in a straight line, make use of islands etc. 5) When you find a close range or lone non-torp carrying BB get aggressive and go at him and sink him with your guns and torps!!!
Look, I will keep it brief. From my point of view, it sounds like you are playing the ship far too aggressively, that you are overextending and getting killed very quickly, and that now you are frustrated with that performance.
I'm struggling with it. Well ask no more cause the answer is here. The guns are inaccurate, but at close range they are reliable enough. 2) Damage Control Party 2 and (4) Repairs is a must plus run the 20% repair flag if you can.
Can't say I enjoy the play style yet, and the ship still struggles to hold it's own, but at least I cracked the nut on playing it. The AA and vulnerability to AP Bombers is so bad, that even POS CV like Lexington will outright wreck Tirpitz. If you can survive the beginning of the battle and not get taken out early, your chances of doing well will skyrocket because your relative durability advantage becomes ever more prominent the longer the game lasts.
You don't snipe in Tirpitz, but you don't rush in headlong and get killed, either. If you have a Tirpitz and love to play it, please play it. I hope to see you on the enemy team. IMO, the game meta has evolved and outgrown it, even with the recent secondaries buff (and the buff validates the ship is weak for its tier IMO). Captain Skill Calculator for World of Warships.
While still a daunting opponent, the addition of the Bismarck means you can no longer be sure of beating anything at close range. The Tirpitz is the worst ship I can recall playing (tier or premium).
I've played 2,000+ Random games in WoW. I'm managing to average just over 99 000 average damage, with a winrate of 63%.
These are ALL TIME STATS. I've played 2,000+ Random games in WoW. You will find that its sitting at a comfortable 3rd place, just ahead of the Bismarck and just behind the Amagi. Can't say I enjoy the play style yet, and the ship still struggles to hold it's own, but at least I cracked the nut on playing it. When this ship came out, Tirpitz got a bad reputation because of a lot of users were playing her wrong, i.e. With all these things considered, team play and knowing where to be, when to be there, and using her assets effectively when you get there will carry you to victory. Feel free to check my statistics in the Tirpitz. It's armor scheme is great, the secondaries are amazing (equal to Bismarck), it's got torpedoes when enemies try to bum rush you or get within suicide ranges, it has fairly quick turning/fast firing guns, it's got decent mobility, and okay AA. Yesterday in ranked a Bismark decided to close the distance with me when he should've kited .
I hated my Tirpitz at first and actually sold it for various reasons. Likely some truth to play style. 30 games now. [WOLF1] He had one of those oh crap moments right after he turned towards me , he said DERP cuz he knew what was coming . So stats look better on the hood because I finally figured out what to do with the 380/381 mm fast fire rate... Crushes cruisers... Good luck captain, hoping you stick with her.. On a side note I think she is the best looking ship in game as basic premium camouflage I assure do not want me in it while I am on the other team. If it looks too risky to push for the torpedo attack, then it really is. I have both Tirpitz and Bismarck and love both, Tirpitz is my most played ship so far and IMO Tirp is a good mid-late game BB, where you can close in and use both your secundaries and torps.
6) Secondary build with rudder shift and concealment upgrades for 5th and 6th slot.