Then there is Gunter. I'm not sure I'd recommend her over Thunderer which I've not played. Georgia secondary build is not usable. So even though I am leaning towards the german captain, I'd hate to have one that isn't usefull most of the time. I changed modules to suit. I hate that. [PHNAV] but that’s really not something I would rely on.I always called the Conqueror a Bofors Museum and Thunderer is following the same trend but with some extra.While she lacks in long-range anti-air, her mid-range is simply terrifying and she has, on top of that, the defensive AA. on Patreon!Supertest: M18 (90), Tier VII Premium Tank Destroyer I also have the same question so I don need to do another. Last time I bought the Smolensk, large damage out put, but boring to play.
I will have enough coal at 26th december when the new coupon comes up to either get Thunderer, Georgia or the german captain GL. HHost Greyfell. If its not a usable build, I'm not interested in her, but I like her speed and fast guns. She does, however, lack the tankiness against HE shells due to the 32 mm plating.As a side note, this ship has the amazing capacity to make the Slava completely irrelevant before she even arrives.When it comes to the health pool, the Thunderer has the 2nd lowest of all tier X battleships with 82 900 just like the Conqueror. Poor battlesheep.
Reply. Georgia is good and it is premium, you wont really utilize the secondaries that much in current meta, and also the gun are too good for waste them on meme build. THEN have it loaded with rapid fire secondaries that spit 127 shells at anything within 10km? Then give that BB some incredibly hard hitting and fairly accurate boomsticks. She is not premium tho and T10 is not really much cup of tea these days With a full concealment build, you can reach a 12.3 km detection by sea and 10.1 km detection by air. I sold my soul approximately 37 seconds after it was released and will never regret it youtube notser. The guns are very accurate for a battleship, they hit hard, the ship also has that amazing concealment that allows her to move around the map with a lot of freedom. Smolensk and Thunderer are not promising tbh. I'm in a spending pickle. Now, I havent bought the Thunderer before when I had the coal because I spent it on the russian captain, and I … She can overmatch 30 mm armor that Slava couldn’t overmatch. So possibly fun but again not sure. World of Warships footage of the tier 10 Royal Navy battleship Thunderer. Compared to other battleships’ main belts, the Thunderer’s main belt presents much less effective armor so high caliber AP shells will have a much easier time to penetrate it.Inside the bow, there is an armored deck with 89 mm of armor for the biggest part and the last part, close to the middle section is 152 mm thick. But again, I'm not really a double B man. Spending mah coal: Georgia, Thunderer or Gunter Lutjens? Simply not a BB man overall. Smolensk or Georgia, Yoshino is just a bigger Zao. Also bought Smolensk first, T second, noe im saving for Georgia or another new ship, hopefully Benham. Thunderer is absolute beast, guns are brutal but the maneuverability is the deal-maker for me.
Which ship should I buy? Her large-caliber AP rounds are capable of penetrating thick armor to reach the … Accurate and pack a punch. But I do like an accurate gun. But again, I'm not really a double B man. Mentioned briefly in todays meeting regarding Ian Fleming. Georgia is good with survival/accuracy build. ... 2:55 Aeroon is Flamu confirmed. Bookmark . Thunderer is a T10 Vanguard except with 457's and also supercruiser accuracy. Aerroon. Bit low HP for T9 Well, if you dont like BBs / TX BBs then my suggestion might not be the best - but ill still vote for Thunderer. I will have enough coal at 26th december when the new coupon comes up to either get Thunderer, Georgia or the german captain GL. True we did receive Blyska recently but there may be more ships added in 2020. Share this post. Better Damage, everything. Tier VIII planes will simply evaporate and tier X planes will suffer quite high casualties.The Thunderer is really an odd one when it comes to maneuverability. Approaching the required amount of coal for T10. Thunderer is a T10 Vanguard except with 457's and also supercruiser accuracy. on Patreon!
Imho I do way more damage with Ohio on distance than in Georgia. Lol. Yoshino is like a Zao that doubles down on HE spamming at range. I rather buy Yoshino/Georgia or even a Mutsu 1944 (with Triple 16inch main guns) concept for coal than any of the Ships. For 175k coal he is not that great. I've watched the recent Flamu vids regarding those ships and also checked their stats on wows-numbers. I've got Georgia and do recommend her. Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! You will not regret it.During the testing of the Thunderer, I used the following captain build and upgrades:Liked it? Thunderer is a T10 Vanguard except with 457's and also supercruiser accuracy. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. They could POTENTIALLY be nice if a destroyer decides to charge you. Then there is Gunter. Already sold my soul so I could be good with radar Mino, speaking of which, have had fun with her v Smolensk World of Warships - free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer game from Wargaming.
I don't meet many Georgia's built for secondairies. I will have enough coal at 26th december when the new coupon comes up to either get Thunderer, Georgia or the german captain GL. It's a fun bb that I keep coming back to just for fun. Personally the only one that interests me in any way is Thunderer, but they are all good ships, so really the only way you can go wrong is to pick a ship that doesn't mesh with your play style. No one has yet to mention about Thunderer? I changed modules to suit. you should, mino is unlikely to win a one on one with a smole unless she ambush it with radar
August 9, 2019 at 4:14 am. My sugar problems real life say, be daring and "fortune favours the bold " go for the Jap 20k torps Yoshino and annoy people