wows smolensk news

If you want to see a bit more about these AA cruiser designs, The 3D preview is sadly not available for now but I will update the article when I will get it.The Smolensk’s armor fits quite well to her role of AA cruiser. Developed after World War II, a project of a small light cruiser (MLK 16 x 130) equipped with sixteen dual-purpose guns in four turret mounts intended to counter enemy light ships.If available, mount Smoke Generator Modification 1 in Veröffentlicht am 13/05/2019 von H3nr1k2011 // 0 Kommentare Otherwise, you will really not last long.The plating on the middle section is fairly standard for a tier X cruiser. Startseite » News » Aus dem World of Warships Supertest: Russischer Stufe X Kreuzer Smolensk Aus dem World of Warships Supertest: Russischer Stufe X Kreuzer Smolensk.

16 main battery guns with comfortable ballistics, a good rate of fire but a rather short standard range. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. The ship is available in the arsenal for a base price of 244 000 coal.

Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! 2017-12-15 Partial support for languages: 2017-12-10 Search tool redesign. World of Warships: Smolensk review By Yuzorah 15th September 2019 With a lot of delay, it is time to do the review for the last addition to the Russian arsenal, the Smolensk. It is possible to search for warships.

Bonus Codes Naval Legends All Regions For those players that do not have the time to sit through the video to wait for a code t...   Pommern German Tier IX Battleship 1 945 A large, well-armed ship with powerful armour protection. 24/12/2019 in Diverses: Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, … Die Smolensk basierte auf einem Projekt eines kleinen leichten Kreuzers der russischen Marine, das nach dem 2. Diese Website verwendet Akismet, um Spam zu reduzieren. 2020-01-25 Players leaderboard includes players active in last 12 months 2018-12-22 Partial support for language: 2018-10-28 Support for ranked battles in divisions! These steering gears are exposed so HE shells will be able to jam them.

The anti-air will be quite brutal as well with that long range.Overall, this ship will need some kind of hybrid build between destroyer and cruisers so for a captain trainer, might not be the best.On a side note, seriously, who wouldn’t be hyped by this?Boy, these turrets are so cool! Weltkrieg begonnen wurde. on Patreon! on Patreon! I wish that this article came earlier but the schedule was just too crowded.The Smolensk is based on a project of small light cruisers from the Soviet Navy that started after World War 2. I wish that this article came earlier but the schedule was just too crowded. Take a second to support The Daily Bounce - WoT & WoWS News, leaks, and more! It was essentially a draft desi... German CV Container Codes WGB will be posting all of the codes as they are dished out by WoWs on the dates provided below.

The range of her torpedoes is 8 km;A good speed of 35 knots and nice handling make it possible to promptly respond to ever-changing combat situations;The Repair Party and Smoke Generator consumables on board as well as a concealment that is quite good for a ship of her type and tier compensate for the ship's poor armour protection and tiny pool of HP;An option to choose between the Defensive AA Fire and Hydroacoustic Search consumables to counter carriers or destroyers, respectively; Diese Kreuzer waren als Luftabwehrkreuzer gedacht, um die Hauptschiffe (zum Beispiel Projekt 24) zu unterstützen.

I THINK NOT. The ship constitu... However, the lower part of the citadel’s athwartship that is deep below water is only 16 mm thick. Bonus Code 22 Years of Wargaming All Regions 22 Years of Wargaming Code All Regions x2 CC Subscriber Expandable Camouflages +...   Slava  Tier X  Soviet Battleship   1950 A battleship design developed after the end of World War II (Project 24). 608 talking about this.