wows moskva premium

I take mindless repetition over mindless team mates because one I am fully in control of it, the other I have no control over it.

im still in schors. The cruiser's main battery surpassed foreign guns in maximum range and destructive power but had a lower rate of fire. I can live without more of them while trying to enjoy myself.

Jump to: Are we just assuming that WG will give us Moskva and Kirov as premiums if we have them in port at the time of the patch? Remember the words "FUN AND ENGAGING". DONT GET MOSKVA, it changed to tech tree Cruiser Plus with a silhouette that could been seen from Mars, it didn't help its cause.

A premium Russian heavy cruiser, Moskva is considered to be more of a battleship than a cruiser. Already have enough of mindless people during the day. I really hope so.

Are we just assuming that WG will give us Moskva and Kirov as premiums if we have them in port at the time of the patch?

Don't forget to bring EXP Signal flags as the announcement, as soon as the update launches, double check if you had Kirov and Moskva on your port, if you had it ,they will be there and promoted into Freemiums Do that and there will be an uproar matching or bigger than the PR disaster. Scale model on display in the Central Naval Museum I mean, they will almost certainly give us the new tech tree ships, but giving us the two new premiums seems a bit generous for WG... Too fewer hoops.... 

I mean, they will almost certainly give us the new tech tree ships, but giving us the two new premiums seems a bit generous for WG... Too fewer hoops....  Conroy was saying that we get to keep the moskva and kirov so i would say we would have to regrind the new t5 and t10 ships, 9.3 was the time frame so 2 months As a result, commanders should be trained in a similar fashion as battleships, but keep in mind you cannot tank hits for an extended period of time. Moskva plays as a fire-support vessel, but has enough HP to tank quite a few hits if necessary. If you have premium, it only take a week to get to them(speaking for random battles only)

Estimated time would be at 0.9.4, (5 months) That also means a possible German CV line could be reveal soon on Gamescom 1  month is enough right ? Oh wait, they should have put it in the rubbish bin. 0.9.2 should be around the 12th of March will have to see what it is however as April 1st falls in this patch cycle I would expect the event for April fools in this patch.

As they are moved to premium and coal ships, they will receive russian style favourtism "rebalances".

Now I grind T2.

Moskva and Kirov is getting promoted into Premium/Freemium, so no longer they are a regular tech tree.

"Because removing Smolensk and Neustrashimy in armory is overboard, comrade so we replace Kirov and Moskva as the new Freemiums"

how long it will take to grind ? Unlike her foreign counterparts, she boasted bigger dimensions and better armor protection. I mean, they will almost certainly give us the new tech tree ships, but giving us the two new premiums seems a bit generous for WG... Too fewer hoops.... 

Likewise, this is possible like Cleveland, if you get Cleveland in her tier from the past, you will get her as a Tier VIII Cruiser, as well with Baltimore downtiered and New Orleans.

Now im thinking these ships have their own anthem so make sure you have Kirov and Moskva in your port! Do that and there will be an uproar matching or bigger than the PR disaster.

Remember the words "FUN AND ENGAGING". Oh wait, they should have put it in the rubbish bin. There isnt any past case to set precedent.. so all is guessing game.. however I think if we unlocked and bought Moskva now, most likely we dont get to keep Moskva but we got the new t10 tree instead, although keeping moskva as it changed to premium is still possible if WG is being generous

Well they can't exactly remove the ships you worked for without compensation. Now im thinking these ships have their own anthem so make sure you have Kirov and Moskva in your port! im still in schors.

Russian cruisers are similar to their American and German counterparts — focusing on gunnery — but are more or less the eponymous "jack of all trades" cruisers. 0.9.3 by my reckoning should be early to mid April, I would expect this to be the pan EU DD early access patch. I know they gave us Cleveland and Dallas back when Cleveland was uptierd, but Cleveland was tech tree.

No we don't.

Moskva is okay in terms of power & game influence from what I can tell, but not a ship I want to play nor one I would make any effort to obtain. I know they gave us Cleveland and Dallas back when Cleveland was uptierd, but Cleveland was tech tree.

It would be the only way not to upset people. Are we just assuming that WG will give us Moskva and Kirov as premiums if we have them in port at the time of the patch? I do agree that Moskva has been power crept because of all the newer T10s since its primary gimmick was "invincible bow" but that required a lot of static play.

Estimated time would be at 0.9.4, (5 months) That also means a possible German CV line could be reveal soon on Gamescom my friend is crazier, FULL TECH TREE in 4 days with a lot of SPAM special Flag.... damn 10K-20K XP for each match I wish WG released the important info earlier I am actually thinking of we can both get moskva and T10 Cruiser OF BOTH LINE Research ASAP while you can I'm expecting the Soviet line split a bit later on than that, let me go into my reasoning. I take mindless repetition over mindless team mates because one I am fully in control of it, the other I have no control over it. Bonus Code 22 Years of Wargaming All Regions. Moskva is good, but she had been too obsolete (very much with nerfs) on her tier with the new tier X Cruisers so hopefully itll re-test for buffs(As a Freemum)

Coop might take a month, idek why people grind through it repetitively, go random, play smart==$$