wows minotaur legendary upgrade

It really preempts any kind of productive discussion when hostility towards dissenting opinions is present from the get go.Overall though, a well thought-out and explained post, OP.

I think it's an absolutely awful upgrade that people shouldn't even consider.Got the Republique and mounted it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsTactical Skill Problems, Mechanical Skill SolutionsMfw a gacha treats me better than WoWS| [TASH] Reshitelni (NA)Tactical Skill Problems, Mechanical Skill SolutionsTactical Skill Problems, Mechanical Skill SolutionsMfw a gacha treats me better than WoWS| [TASH] Reshitelni (NA)Cookies help us deliver our Services. Playing around with the Des Moines with the legendary upgrade. +1As a slight sidenote, I find your wordings to be unnecessarily acerbic.Yeah I realized that myself in many of my guides. This pretty much gets you improvement in all areas and you become much more flexible and more dangerous.Thanks, I thought I was weird for not getting the hype around that mod. This is the cruiser guide. Moskva [Slot 6] (–11% to maximum dispersion of main battery shells; +8% to main battery maximum firing range; –13% to main turrets traverse speed)17. Pinned the topic for a week by request, without comments it will just roll down the thread-hill die Zielsystem-Modifikation 0 für Katori, Yubari und Iwaki Alpha), aber nun kommen mit dem nächsten Update (Version 0.7.6) die ersten die ganz speziell für ein bestimmtes Schiff der Stufe zehn ausgerichtet sind.

It's especially annoying in destroyers (which I frequently play).By contrast, DoT gives you time to assess your options (hold DCP? The usefulness of the Unique or Legendary Upgrades? You can actually play closer in to where the lost range becomes insignificant but the improved dispersion now generates more hits and more damage and better chance for fires. The Gearing is the most worthwhile of the three, Des Moines is good just not as good as the Gearing's but the grind for the Minotaur to get an upgrade that the subsequent nerf of the boat all but negated, was a pain.
Des Moines [Slot 6] (–50% to time taken to reach full power when accelerating; –20% to rudder shift time; –10% to duration of Surveillance Radar)16. As an aside, equip the improved spotter plane mod as well for 40% increased time of the spotter for when you need the extra range or have to play from distance. Hindenburg Mod is notoriously questionable in current meta because of the heavy concealment loss and the general lack of flooding damage in German Cruisers. Do you consider the upgrade worth the grind (yes) or not (no)? Captain Skill Calculator for World of Warships. 5,346 views (225 votes, average: 4.44 ... minotaur is a 100% no. I don't think it's the massive upgrade you make it out to be. The content is solid, the points you make are quite valid and applicable, and your credentials give your insights some real weight. You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section.

Related Ship Rage! October 26, 2018 Uncategorized, WoWs Videos 17:52. Captain builds can be tested & sent to other warship players

It is largely up to the playstyle of the player to determine the worth of the upgrade)Subpar (These upgrades provide some benefit but are situational and not worth the tradeoff. Conquerer [Slot 5] (+13% to main turrets traverse speed; –80% to steering gears repair time; –40% to rudder shift time)3. Players will now choose between this unique upgrade and an upgrade that increases firepower. Shimakaze [Slot 6] (–25% to torpedo tube reload time; +50% to risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitated; –80% to torpedo tube traverse speed)18.

I think that the Russians hate the U.K. almost as bad as they hate the Germans. Do you use or strive for them? République [Slot 6] (–18% to main battery loading time; –13% to main turrets traverse speed; –24% to main battery maximum firing range)12. CheersNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA game about huge boats. Großer Kurfürst [Slot 6] (–15% to main battery loading time; –15% to secondary battery loading time; –7% to main turrets traverse speed; –8% to main battery maximum firing range)13. In the current HE range spam meta (which the Zao is a contributing part of) you really need that range and the Zao is already at the lower end of range, compared to other T10 cruisers.So while I would gain better dispersion (that I feel I don't really need) and better rudder shift (which I also feel I don't really need) I would give up 1,3 KM of main gun range (17,5 KM). use it now? Minotaur [Slot 5] (+150% to total smoke screen generation time; +10% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship; –5% to detectability range by sea; –15% to duration of smoke screen)6. This penalty didn’t affect the use and effectiveness of the upgrade. It improves a % of rudder shift and dispersion, but the values are already small so it's not really that much of an increase.I feel it is on the good level, since that 8% range allows you to hit stuffs at the that you won't be able to with the LM. you’re giving up concealment for a nothing.

Yueyang [Slot 5] (–10% to main battery loading time; –10% to torpedo tubes reload time; –15% to duration of smoke screens; –15% to duration of Surveillance Radar)11. Henry IV [Slot 5] (–12% to main battery loading time; +8% to main battery maximum firing range; +10% to detectability)5. Hindenburg [Slot 5] (–20% to rudder shift time; –70% to flooding recovery time; –40% to fire extinguishing time; –50% to main battery repair time)4. Zao [Slot 6] (–20% to rudder shift time; –7% to maximum dispersion of main battery shells; +8% to main battery maximum firing range)15. Cautiously so (because WG has screwed up reworks in the past, and the new CVs appear way too strong right now), but still very optimistic. CV strikes were particularly annoying to me because they could strike from a multitude of angles, from any range, with the exact same accuracy regardless of their range, and absolutely cripple/kill you if you make one poorly-timed mistake. It kinda makes you seem like a self-righteous tosser.But it's whatever.
X Henri IV (62,01% popularity, 0,7 WR) The upgrade had high popularity, which was the target of the changes. (World… Continue reading Gearing [Slot 5] (–15% to detectability; +5% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship; +15% to main battery loading time; +5% to torpedo tubes reload time)10.