wows jean bart removal
Share this post. JB is a good ship but can be a bit tricky to use because of her main gun placement, all up front. 3,997 posts [SIDE] thebigblue 2,020 Commander; Members; 2,020 3,997 posts; Report post #2; Posted February 6. Also if you hate having to roll the dice on your dispersion, 2x3 on Georgia can get VERY frustrating. They're faster and more maneuverable than the Ruskies. ... Id be more inclined to removing all guns, making her go 70 knots, receive no damage and ram enemy ships with it! If you have, or can easily earn, enough to get the JB before she's pulled, get her first. only thing with Georgia is that it has only 3 twin turrets and Jean Bart has 2 quad turrets forward, reload time is the same at 26 seconds anyone? Hate to spend coal on anything else. Share this post . I might cut it close. Jean Bart, mostly because it will be removed first and the Georgia will still be around in Decemember when the next ship discount ticket rolls around. what's the opinion on the best captain build for the jean bart, with so much going on with it what skills would best suit it. You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section.

Another voice saying get JB now while you can.

Jean Bart, mostly because it will be removed first and the Georgia will still be around in Decemember when the next ship discount ticket rolls around. 1 Share this post. If you have, or can easily earn, enough to get the JB before she's pulled, get her first. I think they're going to keep Smolester off the market for quite a while, and it wouldn't surprise me if the JB was also a candidate for treasured status. 13,553 battles [WG-EU] Commander_Cornflakes Localization QA Engineer; WG Team; WoWs Wiki Team; 3,500 posts; 13,553 … Well dang. Umbaretz confirmed she'll be pulled entirely. I have 97K Coal now and 1400 Steele. Problem is I used my Coupon for the Thunderer and it doesn't renew until  June. With the new of the removal of the Jean Bart in the armory for coal, it never mentioned if it was being removed from premium shop sale as well. Turret layout may look like it's designed to fight bow on but this is a trap, forget bow in camping, angling in and angling away while moving is the way to go. I really wanted Thunderer next. If you are looking at both, Jean is gonna likley escape first. Dunkerque and Jean Bart are pretty similar in how they should be played, they are both fast with high pen guns but don’t have overmatch against a lot of targets, not a lot of armour and should be used as flankers. Afaik, we have yet to see a arsenal ship removed... but it would of course be Jean that goes first. It's worth delaying the Thunderer for. Link to post Share on other sites. And I think JB is a far better and more  influential BB than the Smellens is as a cruiser. Same. Neither ship will dissapoint. Short of hoovering her up in a Christmas crate later on in the year, get her before patch 0.9.3 or miss out. wich one to choose??? Alabama, Asashio, Atago, Kidd, Saipan, Tirpitz Well dang. How much do you have? Is JB worth $77 cash? I really wanted Thunderer next. Personally, I think the MBRB and forward turrets of Jean is the more fun, but Georgia has the high end speed, fast reloading repair party, and good dispersion at her disposal. 8 forward facing rifles can put the hurt on many would be advancing reds. It's worth delaying the Thunderer for. only thing with Georgia is that it has only 3 twin turrets and Jean Bart has 2 quad turrets forward, reload time is the same at 26 seconds

Few ships can bow tank and hold down an area like one of those 3 ships. Members. Link to post Share on other sites [WG-EU] Commander_Cornflakes. 2,020 [SIDE] thebigblue. Both ships get good secondaries and great speed boost (both get the special upgrade too), so there is a lot in common. Well dang. JB is awesome. General WoWs Discussion ; General Game Discussion ; Jean Bart the Dissapointment. It's a fun BB, and the butt secondaries will surprise you (and possibly a careless DD). [GWG] Is any ship in WoW worth $77.00 cash? Link to post Share on other sites.
[GWG] I think the only external deciding factor would be if you want a crew trainer. They are very fun and unique.

Most shots are fine, but a bad roll can easily ruin a perfect salvo. I will receive a 25% coupon on June 22nd to get a ship with my coal, I was about to get Jean Bart but WOW added Georgia for the same amount of coal wich one to choose??? I use an Honore Bro for Richelieu and switch him into Dunkerque and JB.