wows hindenburg upgrades

One might be tempted to buff the secondary range, but it's a German CA, you don't really want to be engaging ships at that range.Gun Fire Control Sys Mod 2 - While it might be nice to make the AA even better, I'd rather improve the guns, which are the highlight of the ship, not the AADamage Control Sys Mod 1 - High tier German CAs seem to not get incapacitated much, at least when I play them. As WG can see from the popularity, it's relatively small, but the performance is already pretty good.

"X Hindenburg 's UU popularity is 54.5%" means that 54.5% of battles were played with UU equipped (that's the real numbers, by the way, as in the whole article). But if you find yourself in close quarter combat more often than not, which is a valid way to play too, this UU provides you the buffs specifically for that and the turret traverse starts to matter more and more. X Republique is a very potent medium and long range battleship, but her UU suggests a riskier play-style. Plus lately I get irritated when I get spammed at with HE from a Mogami or a stealth firing DD.Concealment Sys Mod 1 - Really obvious choice, since the other option is utterly uselessBasic Firing Training - Basics of Survivability is nice, but it's more useful for BBs who expect to be near constantly on fire.Superintendent - Since this is tier 9/10 this becomes much more important than High Alert for that extra charge of Repair Party, as well as Defensive AA Fire.Situation Awareness - Useful, but not so important that you get it right awayAfter that, save up for High Alert or Jack of All Trades, depending on how patient you are.Pretty much my own conclusions. some people are very effective playing X Minotaur with radar or X Des Moines with spotter plane, which does not necessarily mean that these configurations are optimal or even overpowered).Players' winrate is more important than winrate of the exact ship. either emphasise a particular play-style on the ship or, alternatively, suggest a new way to play it. AA Guns Mod 2 - …

The ship was developed from a series of German heavy cruisers.

Captain builds can be tested & sent to other warship players Everything else speaks for itself.I go for tbe accuracy + range upgrade for the Roon, with upgraded FCS you could shoot up to 20.7 km and outranges all other CAs in the game.. Against Zaos the best thing you can do is kite him and try to land citadels.. Rudder shift time is abysmal without hull upgrade. Personally i think most of the upgrades are pretty trash, especially that of DM, Yueyang and Z52 where there is almost no point in taking those upgrades. For example:ships WR difference (6,7) - Players WR difference (3,9%) = +2,8% difference. Neither torpedo tube nor turret turn is actually good here, so the remaining options are AA and Secondary.

Bonus Codes Naval Legends All Regions For those players that do not have the time to sit through the video to wait for a code t...   Pommern German Tier IX Battleship 1 945 A large, well-armed ship with powerful armour protection. It's a pretty simple metric, i.e. ... Wows is Final Fantasy now. New upgrades. Hindenburg (Slot 5) –20% to rudder shift time –70% to flooding recovery time –40% to fire extinguishing time –50% to main battery repair time; Pros: Hindenburg is one of the most solid cruisers, mostly thanks to her damage per minute, ballistics, and survivability.

If you don't use them, your ship will be very sluggish against Shimakaze and Gearing torpedoes.Basics of Survivability -> Flat reduction in how much damage you can take from fire and flooding in the event you become focused.Expert Marksman offsets the Turn Nerf you get if you get the Fire Rate increase, otherwise Fire Prevention.Superintendent boosts your repair, boosts your sonar or your AA.

You don't want those main guns actually breaking, followed by secondary, torpedo, and finally AA gun mods.Slot 2 - I tried the accuracy mod. ©™ Wargaming (With World of Warships Logo) © WoWs Gamer Blog (With only WGB Logo) UU's popularity should not be significantly lower than 40% - if it is, that's a sign that the UU doesn't offer an interesting enough alternative to the existing upgrades.

overshadow other upgrades in the slot, making the ship overpowered, and the upgrade itself mandatory for optimal performance. Bonus Code 22 Years of Wargaming All Regions 22 Years of Wargaming Code All Regions x2 CC Subscriber Expandable Camouflages +...   Slava  Tier X  Soviet Battleship   1950 A battleship design developed after the end of World War II (Project 24). From this point of view, when balancing the upgrades WG decided to concentrate on the following stats, looking at our active players who own the UU for the respective ship:Popularity: what's the share of battles on the ship was played with UU? ... Hindenburg - Replace Concealment or Rudder shift on slot 5. Up to you what you want.Slot 5 - Steering Gears are basically mandatory. (in this case it becomes a downgrade, not a side-grade).

create additional variety in how players can build their ship by providing an alternative option to the existing upgrades. be the way to buff or nerf the ship itself, as for this purpose the ship itself should be adjusted, not its UU. The secondaries are my go-to since they actually make them formidable flamethrowers for when you are in torpedo range.Slot 3 - The range seems nice on paper, but around 19km is when the rounds become super-floaty, so I wouldn't recommend it. Any advice?

If you're going to play it safe, sure, it was, and still is better to go with the regular upgrades of your choice.