world of warships yoshino captain skills

Unlike the heavy cruisers that preceded her, no torpedo armament was envisioned. I've never used all my consumbles by a long shot. Total. The IJN Yoshino was a Ishikari-class Battlecruiser, built to a wildly different design as a result of wartime shortages.. Due to a bombing of the factory where the 12in Guns were being produced for Yoshino and her sister IJN Nantai, both ships were scheduled to be converted into Carriers.. The planned maximum displacement was 34,800 metric tons. Skill Points Spent. Yoshino has heavy armor, meaning that unless she is broadside, cruisers will have a hard time dealing reliable damage with armor-piercing (AP) rounds. B-65’s main armament was planned with nine 310mm/50 guns, which were to be mounted in three triple turrets along the centerline, two forward, one aft.
Maybe Kremlin main deck you can't pen. The rest simply doesn't matter that much. Anti-aircraft-armament did not differ from other ships, relying on four twin mounts with 25mm guns, and two 13.2mm twin machine guns. B-65's armor was designed to be resilient against cruiser fire primarily, while also being strong enough to repel air attacks. Have been able to handle most plane attacks with DefAA after recent AA buff. Skills: (I have the unique captain that gives extra buffs to preventative Tier 1: Preventative Maintenance, Expert Loader, Incoming Fire Alert, (working for Priority Target) Tier 2: Expert Marksman, Adrenaline Rush, Tier 3: Basics of survivability, Tier 4: Fire Prevention, Concealment For propulsion I have that equipped with all of my cruisers in order for me to maintain my speed while performing a maneuver as well as come to a quick stop/quick acceleration when needed. If I got nothing better to do, maybe I will. For most cases 1 or 2 level 4 skills are enough. Captain skills are to provide more survivability against fire's and HE spam. The rate of fire was usually around 15 rounds per minute and gun. Skill Points Left. THANKS.Taking DE over SI on a 10 point captain seems strangeI have SI on my captain because it's a transfer from another ship. Gunboats. Ship Stats & Guides. Have fun farming on them :)I am slowly accumulating coal for the big girl, in the meantime the question is:"Wouldn't Torpedo Acceleration work very well with 20 Km torps?

Most ppl are going to dodge easily or get hit cuz they can't do anything else. Links to the Guides on Captain Skills for Battleships and Cruisers see at the foot of this page. Official website of the award-winning free-to-play online game World of Warships. "16 Km range with faster torps should work well for 'spam them in safe corridors', it's not like you really hit anything from 16 to 20 KmI wouldn't reccomend it honestly. A fast-moving ship armed with 310 mm artillery for her main battery, intended to counter enemy heavy cruisers (Project B-65). Captain Build Recommendations. Haven't needed Adrenaline buff.Use the 20K basic torps despite them being easy to dodge. A centerline mounted catapult would allow B-65 to carry up to three seaplanes. They're also great for area denial.I looked at the reaction time difference and it was about 1 second difference. I've hit a bunch of enemy ships I didn't see, didn't know were there, and I forgot I had torps out. I do that with my Asashio, but it's a huge difference on it and that's his primary damageYou should take your hopefully correct specced Yamato captain, aka full fire prevent with the standard EM,AR,CM.For my yoshino I built it around survivability and dodge.Mods: Main armament 1, Damage control 1, Aiming systems 1, Propulsion mod 2, Steering mod 2, Main battery reload,Skills: (I have the unique captain that gives extra buffs to preventative Tier 1: Preventative Maintenance, Expert Loader, Incoming Fire Alert, (working for Priority Target) Tier 2: Expert Marksman, Adrenaline Rush, Tier 3: Basics of survivability, Tier 4: Fire Prevention, ConcealmentI choose steering instead of concealment in order for me to have 8 second rudder shift since my concealment is already 13.2km with my skill. Never submarines, they said. She has a somewhat sluggish reload time, meaning that players must choose their shots carefully. First things first, here are a few suggestions: Go easy on level 4 skills. Captain Skill Calculator - World of Warships *Updated for Patch Player Leaderboard. You can always make a rough calculation by using the Captain Skill Builder available on the World of Warships official web-site. You at least make people dodge. This would allow B-65 to reach a maximum speed of 33 knots. Captain Level. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming?Press J to jump to the feed. I'm either dead or don't have enough time to use all my heals and such. Each gun was capable of firing a 13kg HE shell at sea targets 19.5km away, or at planes at an altitude of up to 13km.