You can do this via your PayPal business account, or from the WooCommerce When a payment is authorized for an order, the order status is set to “on hold”. You must have an eligible PayPal payment solution integrated with your website to offer PayPal Credit (either through the PayPal checkout or as a PayPal Credit checkout button) and to advertise financing on your website.You get paid upfront, even though your customers have more time to pay. To set up PayPal Standard: 1/ Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Payments. Integrate PayPal To WooCommerce In 5 Minutes (2019) - YouTube I need to create 1 other Sandbox account to simulate a customer (let’s say Katie from Phoenix is making a purchase for some Yeezy’s), so I can test that the customers PayPal account will work properly. Your email address will not be published. Payments usually show in your PayPal account within minutes, similar to any other PayPal transaction. no checks allowed).First, select your preferred appearances for Button Color, Button Shape, Button Label, Button Layout, and Button Size. I need to create 1 Sandbox account for my store “Sam’s Shoes” so I know I will receive payment when a customer makes an order. WooCommerce Payal Checkout lets your online shop accept payments via PayPal. You could also do 50 pixels x 50 pixels (this is what I do! Then, enable the PayPal Checkout payment method and click Setup. If the payment was not successful the order status is “pending”, “failed”, “on hold”, etc.Because you need to create 1 Sandbox account for your store to process payments, and 1 Sandbox account for the customer to process their payment. Required fields are markedIf you have not created a PayPal account yet, create a business account before proceeding. Toggle the tab to “API Credentials”.Your sandbox account is all set up. 2. To create a PayPal Business account you need the following:Yes that is correct. However, all comments are manually moderated and those deemed to be spam or solely promotional will be deleted. I would recommend not enabling this button. Since this is an official plugin, WooCommerce PayPal setup is very easy and straightforward. On your WordPress site, go to Plugins and then click Add New. This is the official WooCommerce PayPal Checkout plugin with over 800,000 active installations. Yes, you need to create two separate PayPal sandbox accounts. 2/ Use the toggle under Enabled to select PayPal. If there are no taxes or shipping costs, then the original amount is used. Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for your WooCommerce productsThis applies if you choose to manually enter your PayPal credentials.This extension skips most of the WooCommerce checkout process, and customers leave your site from the Cart page to complete checkout through PayPal.PayPal Checkout buttons on product and cart pages is meant to reduce the amount of data entry required by the customer. Save changes.Finally, do a live transaction on your site using PayPal Checkout. Note, I would recommend hiding credit and debit cards if you have other payment gateways such as and Stripe for collecting credit card information.Third, under ‘Checkout on cart page’, Enable PayPal Checkout on the cart page if you would like the PayPal Checkout button to be located on both the cart and checkout page. Comment policy: We love comments and appreciate the time that readers spend to share ideas and give feedback. Install Now and Activate.More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions. Put the seller’s API credentials into the WooCommerce admin for PayPal Checkout and use the buyer’s credentials to test purchases with.When you want to return to production mode, change back to production/live API credentials.There’s no extra charge for this service to the store/site owner.If you are a PayPal accepting merchant, PayPal Credit is already included at checkout at no additional cost to your business. PayPal customers can pay with fewer clicks where ver and how ever they shop, making it easy to complete an online purchase, especially on mobile. PayPal Checkout recommends dimensions of 190 pixels x 60 pixels. Note, if you don’t have a cart page, just disregard.Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save changes’.Next, navigate to the Single Product Button Settings.First, under ‘Checkout on Single Product’, select ‘Checkout on Single Product’.Second, under ‘Configure Settings’, select ‘Configure settings specific to Single Product view’.Third, select your preferred appearances for Button Layout, Button Size, and Button Label.Fourth, under ‘Enable PayPal Credit to eligible customers’, Enable PayPal Credit to eligible customers Checkout on the product page if you would like the PayPal Checkout button to be located on the product page.