Aegon was an infant during Robert's Rebellion, having been born a few months before its onset. Aegon Targaryen, Lord of Dragonstone before the War of Conquest, the son of Daenys and Gaemon Targaryen; Aegon I Targaryen, called Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon the Dragon, first Targaryen king; Aegon Targaryen, later known as Aegon the Uncrowned, eldest son and heir of King Aenys I Targaryen Eventually, the war took a different turn when Rhaenys, Aegon's youngest sister and his favorite wife, was killed in Dorne when her dragon Meraxes took an arrow in the eye.
Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros astride his dragon, Having defeated Cersei's forces and burned down a good portion of King's Landing, Daenerys quietly examines the Iron Throne as it now rains with ash, the Great Hall now broken open by the dragonfire she had recently unleashed upon the city.
El rey Aegon VI Targaryen es el hijo menor del príncipe Rhaegar Targaryen y la princesa Elia Martell. In truth, the young prince was spirited away by loyalists, hidden across the Narrow Sea and disguised as another.Aegon spent his early life as Young Griff, learning the ways of ruling a kingdom he had neither seen nor known. Aegon was ruthless to his enemies, but was always generous to those who surrendered. He was helped in the planning by his bastard half-brother, Orys Baratheon, his most loyal ally and vassal, his best friend and the first Aegon I fortified his initial landing point at the northern shore of the mouth of the Blackwater River, a strategically very defensible position protected to the east and south by water, and surrounded by open plains which would expose any attacking army long before it arrived. Shortly after landing, his sister-wife Visenya crowned him Aegon was considered an enigma even by his contemporaries.
Aegon Targaryen is the eldest son of Aemon Targaryen, the twin brother of Helaena Targaryen, father of Aemma, Vaelys, and Aurion Targaryen, and the cousin and Hand of King Viserys I. In 4 AC, the Targaryens decided that the time had come to finish the Conquest and they returned to conquer Dorne. ―Thoros of Myr.
Accompanied by Visenya, the last two Targaryens rained fire upon the desert strongholds to break the Dornish. Eventually, his main target becomes clear: The Iron Throne long established by Aegon I. Upon realizing that Daenerys is no more, he becomes even more upset, starting to blow flames around the room. As Jon approaches her, Daenerys recounts how her brother used to tell her how the Throne was built from a thousand swords built from Aegon's fallen enemies.
According to semi-canonical sources, Aegon looked like a According to Tywin Lannister, he required a way to demonstrate his loyalty to the cause of Tywin presented King Robert I with the corpses of Elia, Aegon, and Rhaenys as his "token of fealty".The deaths of Aegon, Rhaenys, and Elia were met with mixed responses. After several seconds, the Throne is reduced to a melted slag and Drogon picks up Daenerys's body, flying off into the sky, now known to be the last dragon descended from the Targaryen dynasty still alive. However, upon his death the realm was plunged into a bloody war when the Aegon married both his sisters when all three were very young, but had already become dragon-riders. He also knew that conquering Westeros had been the easy part and that the hard part would be maintaining the realm he had built. With so many enemies stacked, Daenerys could only imagine being able to see the soles of Aegon's enemies feet.
Aegon of the House Targaryen, the First of His NameTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Aegon's fury and grief at the loss of his wife was such that he headed for Dorne himself. After a short emotional exchange, Jon stabs Daenerys, causing her to die several moments later. King Aegon I Targaryen, known as Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon the Dragon, was the founder and first king of the Targaryen dynasty when he conquered all of Westeros and united the realm (with the exception of Dorne and the lands beyond the Wall) with three great dragons, Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes. To ensure that his dream would not die, Aegon spent most of his time traveling the various Kingdoms on royal progresses to remind lords and smallfolk who ruled them and to make his presence familiar to them. The son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell, Aegon was rumoured to have been killed during the Sack of King's Landing in Robert's Rebellion. In preparation of the Battle of the Trident, Aegon's grandfather, King Aerys II Targaryen used him, his mother Elia, and his sister Rhaenys as hostages, gracelessly reminding Aegon's great-uncle, Prince Lewyn Martell of the Kingsguard, that the three were in Aerys's hands.
Accompanied by tutors and protectors, t… Als Neugeborener soll er blondes Haar gehabt haben. Aegon only rode his dragon for travel or war, never pleasure, and did not ride horses in tournaments.
Robert Baratheon was relieved that Rhaegar's children were dead, and that he did not have to be the one to give the order.Tyrion deduces that once the impostor infant was dead at It is tragic that the blood spilled in war may as readily be innocent as it is guilty, and those who ravished and murdered Princess The perfect prince but still half a boy for all that, with little and less experience of the world and all its woes.Kevan Lannister had been here, in this very hall when Aegon has been shaped for rule before he could walk. Aegon helped end the attempt by Aegon began planning the invasion of Westeros long before launching the attack, spending time incognito visiting Westerosi cities and castles and gaining intelligence on the different houses, their lords and their vassals.
Para otros artículos con el mismo nombre, visita la página de desambiguación. Aegon Targaryen has been the name of several members of House Targaryen: .