warthunder yak 9k

Long-range version of Yak-9, fuel capacity increased from 440 l (115 US gal) to 650 l (170 US gal) giving a maximum range of 1,400 km (870 mi).
While retaining the same great 20 mm cannon, as well as the 12.7 mm MG, the Yak-9 gained a number of minor upgrades such as: Avoid excessive diving, since the wings are Very accurate center-mounted guns are easy to master for the player compared to planes with wing mounted armament. The most mass-produced Soviet fighter of the war, it remained in production from October 1942 to December 1948, with a total of 16,769 built. The Immelmann speed of the Yak-9K is superior to the majority of comparable fighters at the same battle rating making it a capable dogfighter. With few external differences, Yak-9 was at the same time much more advanced internally. I just had a fantastic 4 kill game two days before against a team of F82s, D 30s and P 47Ns and yesterday I had 6 kill game at the 4.0-5.0 bracket as well.
Yak-3の弱点であった火力不足を克服し、ほぼ据え置きの優秀な機体性能と相まってかなりの強さを誇る。 Yak-3 は大戦後期の機体としては圧倒的な軽さ(装備重量2,683kg、 A6M5 が2,733kgである)・小ささを誇り、驚異的な加速性能と格闘性能を発 … It's an incredibly powerful round which is really reliable if you get it to hit. Once the coolant systems and engine is upgraded, flying at 90% power will never overheat the engine! That 45mm can one shot fighters and bombers from the get go. Neither, I'd go for the Yak-3. It was the first combat aircraft designed by Alexander Yakovlev's construction bureau. Yak-9T の主武装であった37mm砲が45mm砲に強化された機体。 本機に搭載されているNS-45は、NS-37と比べて全体的に性能が下がっているもののそれほど使用感は変わらな … By this time, the manufacture of high-strength aluminum alloys was established in the Soviet Union, simplifying aircraft operation and increasing aircraft service life. The Yak-9 has some vehicles it needs to consider when engaging. Rebalanced wing and cockpit placement by a sligh… Yak-9T (Air RB) I can't justify using it over regular Yak-9 at 1.0BR lower. This section should be used to describe tactics and techniques specific to the aircraft - general strategies such as "boom and zoom" should be limited to a sentence or two, with a link to the appropriate page.

The Yak-9 is the first of a number of modifications (the B, K, M, P, T, and U variants are also in-game). I think if you liked the Yak 9T, you would like the Yak 9K as well.Yak-9K for the memes, but Yak-9T is basically just better. Where previous Yaks were good multipurpose turn-fighters, the Yak-9 also makes excellent use of energy-fighting tactics, so keep this in mind. Weight of fire: 2 kg (4.4 lb)/sec. Vybornov. Then focusing on ammo belts can benefit greatly, since the default ammo belt is rather lacklustre. I also find it a bit unbelievable that the ammunition of a maximum of 2 heavy machine guns is so potent it can compete outright with a single cannon, granted even with though they have a much higher RoF to a cannon.I'm happy to retract the above statements if I can be educated on the potency of the ammunition used by the 12.7mm Berezin UB and the 20mm ShVAK.The Yak-9T is really good, it has armor piercing rounds that can destroy tanks as well as planes.

While retaining the same great 20 mm cannon, as well as the 12.7 mm MG, the Yak-9 gained a number of minor upgrades such as: 1. Single-seat night fighter aircraft, equipped with a searchlight and an RPK-10 radio compass. Once this lower speed is noticed, quickly withdraw from the combat and try to gain speed and altitude, the former especially if an enemy fighter suddenly starts to attack. The 9K doesn't have these AP rounds. Yak-9T modified with a 45 mm NS-45 cannon with 29 rounds and a distinctive muzzle brake to deal with the massive recoil. Terrible.

Extremely competetive where it's at, and has multiple armament configurations, including the 37mm from the 9T.As for 37 vs 45, the 45mm gun is less accurate, has more deviation and accuracy decay (as you fire multiple rounds), and the added weight of the cannon means that you have a slightly less maneuverable aircraft.Why use the 45 when the 37 will do the same job?

This is not unexpected, as almost two years of design and combat experience of the Yak series went into the Yak-9. While I'm sure the Yak 9T is great when spaded as well, in my opinion, the Yak 9K is not bad at all either.

The Yak-9U contributed greatly to Soviet air superiority, and the Germans avoided the Yaks “without antenna mast”.A large formation of the Yak-9DD version was transferred to One of the top-scoring Yak-9 pilots was First Lieutenant A.I.