I've flown it out 8 times tonight. Originally modelled as the Bf 110 C-4, the vehicle was renamed and remodelled into the C-7 in Update 1.79 "Project X".. Die Bf 110 C4, die wir im Speil haben, ist eigentlich eine C7. The P-40s lock up terribly starting about about 550kph; they are BR'ed ok. Additional monkey wrench - if the A-36 is a 2.7 plane, then the P-40s are well placed. I guess. Consider the "AP-T" belt for the machine gun and "Stealth" or "Air targets" for the cannon.
108's, at lest they could be useful in some situations... wait, cannon buff, no, they're just dead weight now". If you pick up a tail, just remember to manoeuvre yourself to give your teammate the best chance to taking out your pursuer, and do not count on the gunner. It is important to remember that the 20 mm shells have fairly poor ballistic coefficient and tends to drop a lot more than the 7.92 mm's at the same range. Get a kill or two, lose the C-7. Equip either tracers or stealth belts in order to maximize damage output in conjunction with aiming for vulnerable areas on enemy aircraft such as fuel tanks and engines. Initially, the ammo pool of 360 rounds may seem low at a first glance, the destructive power of the shells and the MG FF/M's relatively slow rate of fire more than makes up for it.
Consider the "AP-T" belt for the machine gun and "Stealth" or "Air targets" for the cannon. I used to receive massive damage from bomber gunners and needed several passes to get a bomber down...now they go down like flies. Now it is gone, replaced by the C-7. Moreover, while having a decent top speed compared to its main adversary, the Hawker Hurricane, the 110 had very poor acceleration. I wonder how the improved model will fare when fighting BR 4.3 foes. It will not be able to dish out enough damage, and arguably even worse it will only be able to return fire at chasing planes that fly behind and above the Bf 110 C-7. Matches are also a lot shorter now. It was introduced in the Operation H.E.A.T event during Update 1.89 "Imperial Navy". While not much of an issue at close range (approximately 300 m), at a longer distance it will result in the 7.92 mm rounds missing if fired simultaneously with the 20 mm cannon rounds.
The Bf 110 C-4 was already kinda dead meat when uptiered.
The Messerschmitt Bf 110 was a twin-engine Zerstoerer (Destroyer, heavy fighter) used by the Luftwaffe in WWII. And now they give the USA a Merlin powered P40 with 6x50 at 2.3. IMO the gun pods were a faux pas. the MK 108 becomes pointless: The MG 151/20 insta-kills just as quick. The Messerschmitt Bf 110 was a twin-engine Zerstoerer (Destroyer, heavy fighter) used by the Luftwaffe in WWII. Careful aiming will only require a few shots with the high explosive shells to disable an engine, blow off a wing or knock out the pilot. I think it's sitting just fine at 3.0...and the 2 new ones at 3.3 and 3.7...also fine to me. As of the patch I think the 7.62 has been nerfed a bit It will not be able to dish out enough damage, and arguably even worse it will only be able to return fire at chasing planes that fly behind and above the Bf 110 C-7.
If you pick up a tail, just remember to manoeuvre yourself to give your teammate the best chance to taking out your pursuer, and do not count on the gunner. While not much of an issue at close range (approximately 300 m), at a longer distance it will result in the 7.92 mm rounds missing if fired simultaneously with the 20 mm cannon rounds.
so many planes at their BRs and below that are so much better. Matches are also a lot shorter now.
The Bf 110 C was the first truly mass-produced variant of the 110, powered by the DB 601. Nevertheless, the 110 was a good long-range escort fighter, as it had no range limitations like the Bf 109 E. Working above the bombers, the 110 could successfully use hit-and-run tactics against attackers; they could dive at the enemy, fire their extremely powerful armament from a distance, and return to a higher altitude.
The MG FF/M 20 mm cannons should generally be considered the Bf 110 C-7's primary armament as they will be responsible for the majority of the damage dealt.
IMO the gun pods were a faux pas.