Advantages: 1 seat ride with no changing; affordable. Disadvantage: very expensive (over €100)3) Bus to Piazzale Roma, then vaporetto to San Marco. After one hour ride, all passengers (and their luggage) were transfered to another boat for unknown reason. This step by step video will show you how to get from Venice Marco Polo International Airport to Venice via Vaporetto (Alilaguna water bus). However, if you are not in a hurry, the water bus ride is well worth experiencing.Well, an expensive water bus to begin with. Advantages: least expensive method (particularly if you're also getting a vaporetto pass; you can add the bus fare at a discount, then the pass covers the vaporetto); faster than Alilaguna. S an Marco Vallaresso is the smaller and older of two waterbus stations near the Piazza San Marco (the other, S. Marco Giardinetti, is a few meters to the east in the satellite image above). Alilaguna lines map in Venice. up to 23:41) Advantages: fast and scenic; can often get closer to your hotel than other methods (they can use any dock, not just the standard vaporetto or Alilaguna stops). Travel time was scheduled to be less than two hours but took about 2½ hours. La società Alilaguna fornisce il servizio vaporetto di linea tra l’Aeroporto Marco Polo, Venezia e le principali isole (Murano, Burano, Lido). How much luggage will you have?1) Alilaguna from the airport to San Marco. If anyone in your group is mobility-challenged, you may want to take the bus (or euro100+ water taxi).The only thing I was disappointed with IRT the Aliliguna, was that it wasn't quite as romantic or quaint as I had anticipated. within 30 minutes of deplaning, we were on our way.This topic has been automatically closed due to a period of inactivity. Just make sure they run late enough on your day of travel before you purchase in advance ( Venezia Unica website). Back to Line Timetables Timetables Line 2 S. Zaccaria → P. Roma 18:13→20:01 Daily - The following schedules are valid for each hour (for example at San Zaccaria there is a boat at 18:13, 18:25, 18:37, 18:49, 19:01 etc. The vaporetto (plural vaporetti) is like a city bus, but on water. Vallaresso has two pontili , or floating platforms, for boarding and exiting water buses. The boat was occasionally very crowded and full of suitcases. Note that the Alilaguna system is not the same as the vaporetto system; vaporetti do not go from the airport to Venice. Interconnecting routes ensure that you can reach any location in the city in minutes from the various stops, all of which are equipped with comfortable waiting areas. They are always crowded with tourists trying to get the best views of the buildings along the grand canal, but it has to be done and it;s the easiest way to get from one end of the Grand Canal to the other.We took the water bus from cruise harbor to the airport. So, there is no "ensuring a spot." Arriving into Venice (Marco Polo Airport) at 19:40 which is best means of transportation to San Marco for walk to Hotel Becher?Well you'll pay less with the Alilaguna - 14 euros per person, I believe. If all seats are taken, you stand. Leggi news E-mail • Tel +39/041-2401 701 • Fax +39/041-2401 778 You might also catch the seasonal Red Line, but it doesn't run as late into the evening.You do realize that the vaporettos do not run from the airport, right?I think Valerie is comparing the Alilaguna price to a more expensive private water taxi. Disadvantages; not a 1 seat ride; you have to make your way from the bus to the vaporetto dock.From personal experience, the Aliliguna was much more convenient to the other "affordable" option (the shuttle bus to Piazza Roma). It's possibly the cheapest and most scenic ride you'll have in Italy. I wouldn't recommend this if you are rushing to get anywhere as the trip from the airport to San Marco took well over an hour and a halfA great way to get around and see Venice from the water. Ferries from Piazza San Marco to Burano San Marco with St. Mark's Square is in the south of Venice, Fondamente Nove in the north. easiest?).