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Go to to see the video catalog in United States. This ending expands on the details at the end of the film. David Aames, the owner of a large publishing company he inherited from his father, is in prison. He then jumps off the building, screaming "I want to wake up!" Watch fullscreen.

Enjoy Vanilla Sky …

After Rebecca describes the lucid dream, David rushes out of the room but does not immediately dash towards the elevator. She takes him home, and over time, helps David emotionally recover. The film has been described as "an odd mixture of science fiction, romance and reality warp". Vanilla Sky. All albums by Vanilla Sky available to download and stream in high quality. Seiner Meinung nach ist es die beste Methode, um eine Frau loszuwerden. It's available to watch on TV, online, tablets, phone. At this point, David dashes out of the restroom for the elevator the way he does in the theatrical cut, but the scene in the lobby is expanded: David shoots the police officer who is firing at him and is then surrounded by a SWAT team whom McCabe tries to talk down, but the SWAT team fires at both of them. It is an English-language adaptation of Alejandro Amenábar's 1997 Spanish film Open Your Eyes, which was written by Amenábar and Mateo Gil, with Penélope Cruz reprising her role from the original film. Tom Cruise and Cameron Crowe reunite after "Jerry Maguire" for "Vanilla Sky," the story of a young New York City publishing magnate who finds himself on an unexpected roller-coaster ride of romance, comedy, suspicion, love, sex and dreams in a mind-bending search for his soul. In flashbacks, David leaves the duties of the publisher to his father's trusted associates while Doctors cannot completely repair David's face using plastic surgery, leaving it scarred and misshapen. Er konnte ja nicht ahnen, dass die Geliebte aufgrund dessen auf der gemeinsamen Heimfahrt einen … Much like in the theatrical cut, the Beach Boys' "Good Vibrations" plays, but this version makes it clear that David hears the music and that he chose it; meanwhile McCabe tries to convince him there is no music. As part of the program, David had opted for a lucid dream based on the "vanilla sky" from a They emerge on the rooftop, high above the clouds.

Doctors find a way to surgically repair David's face despite their prior prognosis. Brian convinces David to join him and Sofia at a club, but David ends up drunk and insults the two.
5 years ago | 1.3K views. Out of confusion and shock, he suffocates Julie. David wears a prosthetic mask around others, but the mental and physical scarring from the accident causes him to become withdrawn and depressed. Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont Amazon utilise les cookies, consultez la Votre historique de lecture n'est pas affecté.Jeune et riche, David peut avoir tout ce que son cœur désire, mais il manque quelque chose à sa vie. Un soir, David rencontre la femme de ses rêves et croit ainsi avoir trouvé ce qui lui manquait.Prime Video utilise des cookies pour vous fournir des services, dont l'authentification, la conservation des paramètres et la diffusion de contenu. Tech support tells David that while they have fixed his lucid dream, he has a choice of either being put back into the dream, or to be woken up in reality, requiring a literal The 2015 Blu-ray release offers the option to watch the film with an alternative ending.

They leave him to wallow in the street outside the club. Indrazizecson. Log in. Once they reach the roof, McCabe re-enters again and his pleas to David not to believe Ventura become more and more desperate until he collapses onto the ground in despair. as images from his life flash before his eyes. Sign up. Sunnyboy David scheut nicht davor zurück in Anwesenheit seiner Geliebten mit einer anderen zu flirten.