type 5 heavy tank

As said, any vehicle with less than 290 mm penetration with premium shells is not a major threat, and can be ignored until the actual threats are taken out. The HP is precious - try to save it as much as you can! Any tank with access to shells with over 300 mm penetration are the biggest threat, and should be your priority target. The Type 5 Heavy marks the end of its Japanese heavy line.- Very frontal armor with rather small weakspots that are resistant against most low tier vehicles. - Huge size and mass means that Type 5 can easily push other tanks and their wrecks around, facehug effectively and is so large that it can act as cover for smaller tanks and when destroyed as effective roadblock. - Gargantuan HP pool of 2900, 2nd highest in the entire game. These tanks have borderline OP armor and are given guns that practically negate armor all together. Observe what shells the enemy tanks are using as well. All in all, while the Type 5 Heavy is still relatively easy to play, it has some quirks and important facts to keep in mind in order to play it effectively. Because of this, its often better to just peek corners, take a shot, fire, and then utilize the good reverse speed to get back to the cover.

The vehicle was planned to be used for … Specifically, the Type 5 Heavy has much stronger hull cheeks, terminating one of the most well-known weak points of the previous Type 4 Heavy. The Type 5, also known as the Type 2605, was one of the variants of the O-I superheavy tank, developed during WWII. Jump to: Type 5, also known as Type 2605 or as Type 5 O-Ro Kai ("improved second super-heavy"), was a mysterious super-heavy tank that was supposedly developed by Imperial Japanese Army during the World War 2. Play cautiously and wait for a good opportunity to peek.

Like all the Japanese heavies, Type 5 Heavy lacks a true frontal weak point. This results in rather inconsistent performance - sometimes you feel pretty helpless. The Type 5, also known as the Type 2605, was one of the variants of the O-I superheavy tank, … In 1931, Japan produced a prototype heavy tank that was designated the The development of a new multi-turreted tank started in 1932 and was completed in 1934.Modeled on German and Italian tank designs, this tank featured 3 turrets.

While the gun isn't particularly special or impressive either, it is by no means awful like the 15.2 cm. The Type 5 Heavy is very hard to penetrate with lower tier vehicles, and even if they can penetrate it, they have to burn through it's huge HP pool to actually take it down. Supposedly a proposed upgrade to the Type 4 super-heavy tank, only some very vague sources even hint at the possible existence of the tank, and as the information is incredibly limited, it currently impossible to tell whether the Type 4 and Type 5 super-heavy tanks actually existed or not. It deals less damage than the HE shells of the 60TP and E 100, while having much worse accuracy, gun handling and more notably no AP and HEAT shells whatsoever.

Despite the armor being extremely thick, its also very flat, so some HEAT shells and tier 10 TDs can still penetrate it without much issues. Pick a flank you think you can push the most effectively, and just roll forward. Take a second to support The Daily Bounce - WoT & WoWS News, leaks, and more! Only a Maus is able to push it due to Type 5 Heavy being the 2nd heaviest tier 10 in the entire game.

The proposed 100 ton prototype was to be equipped with a Type 92 105 mm cannon for its main gun. - Unlike Type 4 Heavy, hull cheeks are no longer a weakspot, which further improves Type 5's ability to angle its armor, especially when combined with it's very good side armor. Let’s have a look at what is changing on Type 5 armour.These changes could make the Type 5 the King of Armour in the game. Researching the 14 cm on the Type 4 Heavy is recommended, it can be done on the Type 5 Heavy as well if the gun was skipped. This combined with the armor buff that will make for a lot more bounces.The Type 5/4 is also so contradictary to WG’s saying about that they want armor to be a bigger part of the game. Because of this, the Type 5 Heavy driver shouldn't get too confident with the tank's armor, and instead use it accordingly against right targets. The way Type 5 Heavy plays also depends on the map and matchup. The cannon could fire both Type 92 high-explosive shells and Type 95 armor-piercing shells. Also it has like 19 seconds reload :/In my own Type 5, with the 14cm (damnded if I ever use that derp) I was hit in the front plate by another type five using premium HE on the derp for 715 damage.

When facing only tier 10s, the Type 5 Heavy has to be more careful. - Has an option to use the 15.2 cm; however, after the nerfs, its almost completely useless.