travel klima new york

Wir verraten dir, welche Monate wir für welche Aktivitäten auf der Inselkette empfehlen. Nights are cold and frigid, between -2 and 4°F (-18 to -15°C). Questo tipo di clima prevede una notevole escursione termica tra inverno ed estate: in effetti la caratteristica principale del clima di New York è l’instabilità , dovuta principalmente all’azione delle correnti gelide provenienti da nord e quelle più calde provenienti da sud. Seasonally, summer-like conditions prevail from June to early September statewide, while areas in far southern New York and New York City have summer conditions from late May through late September. Periodo migliore per la visita the expected highest and lowest temperature readings at any point during the year or given month) calculated based on data at said location from 1981 to 2010.According to the National Weather Service, the snowfall data has been readjusted as of June 3, 2015. Dies gilt für die Küste von Kalifornien südlich von San Francisco bis zur Grenze zu Mexiko bei San Diego.Das Gebiet der Sierra Nevada und der Rocky Mountains hat in Höhen über 2.000/2.500 m ein alpines Klima, während in Lagen unter 2.000 m ein halbwüstenähnliches Klima mit wenig Regen und großen Schwankungen bei den Temperaturen zwischen Tag und Nacht und zwischen den Jahreszeiten herrscht.Die Flächen der Great Plains östlich der Rocky Mountains haben ein semiarides Klima mit trockenen, kalten Wintern und heißen Sommern. The Catskills See an average snowfall, between 25-50 inches and most of it is from nor-easters which are almost always snow. Deutschland. The climate of New York state is generally humid continental, while the extreme southeastern portion of the state (New York City and Long Island area) lies in the warmer humid subtropical climate zone. Der tiefe Süden entlang des Golfs von Mexiko hat ein feuchtes subtropisches Klima mit starken Regenfällen und begrenzten saisonalen Temperaturschwankungen.Die Region um die Großen Seen hat ein feuchtes Kontinentalklima mit starken saisonalen Temperatur-unterschieden und Niederschlägen über das ganze Jahr mit Spitzen im Sommer und schneereichen Wintern. Il clima di New York è continentale, con inverni freddi ed estati calde. The Adirondacks see the most snowfall because of lake effect snowfall and higher elevations which see between 100-200 inches per year and some may see more than 200 inches per year, especially western parts of the Adirondacks. Ecco le temperature medie. The best times to visit New York are spring and autumn, in order to avoid both the winter cold and the summer heat, and in particular, the month of May and from mid-September to mid-October. The New York City area and the Lower Hudson Valley in contrast feature more sultry and tropical summers with frequent bouts of high temperatures and high dew points. Come anticipato, per quanto la città si trovi affacciata sull’oceano, il Ecco un dettaglio delle condizioni climatiche che bisogna aspettarsi stagione per stagione a New York.Cerchi magliette, felpe e altri gadget a tema Stati Uniti, New York o viaggi on the road? The record low for New York state is −52 °F (−47 °C), set at Southeastern sections of the state near New York City have an average annual cloud cover of 59-62%, while areas of western New York around Buffalo average 71–75% cloud cover annually. We use cookies to ensure that our site works properly. Deutsche Textkorrektur von Dietrich Köster. For more information, see Mean monthly maxima and minima (i.e. Average precipitation across the region show maxima within the mountains of the Appalachians. Die Städte New York, ... Wann sich die Reise lohnt, alle Informationen zu Klima und Wetter für Oahu, Kauai, Maui und Big Island Beste Reisezeit Hawaii – alles über Klima und Wetter. This post is also available in: Englisch Vereinfachtes Chinesisch Traditionelles Chinesisch.