timon und pumbaa

Pig". Despite being slightly cowardly, they are willing to fight for what is right. In this game, Timon & Pumbaa have a whole bunch of crazy and over the top mini games such as ones about eating yucky bugs for you to take part in. Timon eventually came to his senses thanks to Rafiki's continued advice, and quickly followed, after which Rafiki says, "My work here is done." One day when Timon had guard duty while the Duke was away, he left his post to speak with the princess. In "Sense & Senegambia", Pumbaa is also revealed to have a deceased uncle named Ernie, who is likely named after his voice actor. Timon and Pumbaa also teach Kovu how to have fun after he forgets due to years of indoctrination in hatred. He lived in a more civilized colony, which was ruled by the Duke Meerkat and his daughter Princess Tatiana, whom Timon had a massive crush on. In another episode "New Guinea Pig", it is shown that Pumbaa's tusks can get in his way of doing some activities or passing through some things. Truthfully, I probably would have been a little insulted if [Favreau] Among the movie's vocal performances, Eichner and Rogen received particular praise by critics,It is revealed in the series that before Timon met Pumbaa, he had a best friend named Fred, who is a meerkat who enjoys pulling practical jokes. They also mistake the appearance of Mufasa's ghost as bad weather ("I think the storm is coming to a head"). Also, in the episode "Big Jungle Game", Pumbaa joins an Olympic jungle game in order to live out his dream. Enraged that Simba broke his promise to let her hunt alone, Kiara escapes from the Pridelands to hunt outside the boundary. Timon and Pumbaa appear with several of the film's other characters in the Timon and Pumbaa made regular appearances in the animated television series The two have made cameos in other Disney films and TV series. While he was gone, a snake invaded the colony and kidnapped Tatiana. It is a spin-off to the 1994 Disney animated feature film, The Lion King, as it centers on Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog, as they live their problem-free philosophy, Hakuna Mata… They serve as aides to Simba, and are often called upon to keep an eye on his adventurous daughter Kiara so in a way replacing Zazu's role as babysitters. Damit steht die Serie im Gegensatz zum eher ernsten König der Löwen.
In "Animal Barn", Pumbaa competes against a domestic pig for the right to be called "Mr. In the episode "Once Upon a Timon", told one of the versions of Timon's backstory was revealed. They later assist in the battle against Kovu's manipulative and vengeful mother Zira, and the Outsiders, but get chased off and cornered by a group of Outsider lionesses, until Timon threatens to use Pumbaa's tail as a gun and use his gas on them causing them to flee in fear. When Timon returned to the colony with Pumbaa and Tatiana, he was offered to marry the princess and get the good life, but that would mean leaving Pumbaa. In den Geschichten stehen Witz (vor allem durch stark übertriebene Cartoon-Handlung) und Action im Vordergrund.

In that same episode, Pumbaa believes he lost his bug-hunting skills after failing to catch and eat a cricket. Just before Boaris' farewell performance, he falls on fish eggs that Timon had thrown on the ground and goes to the hospital, leaving it up to Pumbaa to perform in his uncle's place. But I've learned that the bigger the project and the bigger the names that you're working with, the more you have to ignore it. Seine besten Freunde sind Timon und Simba. In another episode "The Law of the Jungle", Timon breaks the law by touching a forbidden stick. Pumbaa has flatulence issues but is also a fierce Many years later, while out on a musical walk with Timon, Pumbaa is distracted by a bug, which he follows into the jungle.