In the mid nineteenth century, groups of Usticesi left for America, notably for New Orleans. But besides the damage now there is also the mockery. It is a small and fierce community of not even a thousand souls, where everybody knows each other. The role of Italian Air Force personnel in the tragedy is unclear. The title of the article was: USTICA, THE WORD THAT CHANGES THE STORY. This established the sentence pronounced by the first civil section of the Court of Appeal of Palermo. Because Ustica is a small island with limited resources, residents have been leaving it in several waves of emigration. Italy, 2016-2019. They were then were acquitted by prescription of the crime as it was disputed to them the UPSET in the investigations (prescription in 15 years) and not the IMPEDIMENT or the total obstacle, crime for which the prescription is much longer.If this case had been challenged, as requested by the public prosecution and by the civil parties, not only two generals would have been convicted, not only the civil action for compensation could have been started against the Ministry of Defense and not generically towards the State for compensation for a generic massacre, but it would have been clearly written that the investigation had been totally PREVENTED, probably giving new impetus to further investigations.The exoneration of the generals for disturbing the investigation only by prescription of the crime sanctioned a single truth: on Ustica the cover-ups disturbed the investigations to such an extent that they prevented an objective complete confirmation of the facts. «Carlo Parrinello is one of the 81 victims of the Ustica aerial massacre. Exactly like that do the USA and France, 39 years after the Ustica massacre, to defend the image of NATO at the price of Italy’s truth and credibility.USTICA MASSACRE: THE NATO SHADES ON US – FRENCH AIR FIGHTERSTHE LIBYAN MIG’S MISTERIOUS CRASHING DOWN ON THE SILATHE SCOOP OF ANDREA PURGATORI ABOUT SARATOGA US NAVYTHE ITALIAN STATE DISPUTED ABOUT THE VICTIMS ‘FAMILIES REPARATIONUSTICA MASSACRE: THE NATO SHADES ON US – FRENCH AIR FIGHTERS Excavations begun in 1989 at Tramontana, also known as Faraglioni, have unearthed what was a large prehistoric village dating from the 14th to the 13th century BC. The foundations of some 300 stone-built houses were discovered, and the defensive walls of the settlement are among the strongest fortifications of any period known in Italy. I would first like to try to give a brief answer to two important reasons.Why after so many years there are still those who do not believe in the version of the plane shooted down as mistake by a missile? «Carlo Parrinello is one of the 81 victims of the Ustica aerial massacre. Forty years since Ustica massacre, a ‘black hole’ in contemporary Italian history, and we still unable to cast full light on it .It was June 27, 1980 when Itavia’s DC9 took off from Bologna airport bound for Punta Raisi in Palermo.But the plane exploded in flight and sank into the sea: a terrible accident which killed 81 people, including children. Enough had arrived by the 1860s that, in the American Civil War, a regiment of Italians, including many Usticesi, fought for the Confederacy.
The story of Usticese genealogy and emigration is thoroughly explored on the Ustica Genealogy web page cited below. Even Giovanni Spadolini, then defense minister from 1983 to 1987, said that anyone who solved the mystery of the MIG could understand the Ustica massacre.In this reflection, I do not intend to dwell beyond probing all the innumerable judicial episodes of this story dripping with blood and injustice.
The crash of Itavia Flight 870 in 1980 is one of the worst crashes in Italian history, and one of the most enduring and controversial air disasters - next to MH 370 and TWA 800. Massacre of Ustica, Mattarella: "We need truth, the allied countries collaborate" News/Politics 2019-11-27T11:13:43.610Z Bologna massacre, the former Nar Gilberto Cavallini in judgment 37 years later A thesis that has always been supported by the most meticulous journalist who followed the inquiry or Andrea Purgatori, screenwriter of the magnificent film by Marco Risi The rubber wall, repeatedly censored at the request of the Italian Air Force.Why so many cover-ups? However, according to the former sailor, when they returned, the planes no longer had weapons under their wings “.These would be the F-14 Tomcat attack aircraft supplied in the 1980s to the American aeronautics that in Mediterranean Sea is based on the US Navy VI fleet in Naples and can also count on the contingent Naval Air Force (NAS) of Sigonella.Among the numerous incidents that occurred to people in some way implicated as potential witnesses in the Ustica disaster, the massacre of August 29, 1988 at the NATO military base in Ramstein in Germany, headquarters of the Usaf aviation (and Africom from 2008) in Europe, in which 70 people died due to the collision between three Frecce Tricolori planes that caused the fall of the one piloted by two presumed witnesses of the Ustica massacre.The investigations of two German daily newspapers: Tageszeitung and Der Spiegel in April 1991 hypothesized that the accident was not due to a maneuvering error, but to a sabotage carried out to eliminate them.In the sentence-order of the judge Rosario Priore on the massacre of Ustica, on p. 4667, where the magistrate talks about the colonels Mario Naldini and Ivo Nutarelli, officers of the AM and members of the acrobatic team, we can read: «[…] The two pilots officers of the interceptor group, in service at the Grosseto airport, on the evening of June 27, 1980, were flying on F104, up to about 10 minutes before the disappearance of the Itavia DC9 – their landing at Grosseto airport is recorded at 8.45pm and 8.45pm locals; that this aircraft, together with another likely that of the cadet, had flown for a long stretch of preserves to the civil aircraft; that during this route and at the time of landing he had unlocked the emergency codes “.But besides the damage now there is also the mockery.
And then there were various misdirections. The Italian DC-9 disintegrated over the Mediterranean, during a flight from Bologna to Palermo. Another wave of Usticesi left for the San Francisco bay area in the late nineteenth century. Coordinates: 38°50′22″N 13°25′31″E/ 38.839494°N 13.425293°E Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 (IH 870, AJ 421) was an Italian commercial flight operated by a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-15 which crashed into the Tyrrhenian Sea between Ponza and Ustica, killing all on board, while en route from Bologna, Italy to Palermo, Italy in 1980.
Those of the billionaire reparations that France or the USA would have had to recognize to the relatives of the victims of Itavia if they had admitted their responsibilities in a war action around a civil flight.Because may be different to be compensated for a generic massacre of which the contours have not been clarified, as established by the sentence of the Italian Civil Justice, or for the explosion of a missile fired from a fighter during a fight: it is undisputed that the the extent of the compensation could change considerably.Add to this the fact that such a very serious air accident would have undermined the credibility of the Nato defense system. In the appeal ruling that involved 42 family members of the victims, the judges condemned the ministries to pay the lawyers 378,484 euros in addition to the flat-rate reimbursement for general expenses, Cpa and Iva.