that guy from naruto that isn't one of those 2 guys or that other guy but coughs
These are usually pretty small mistakes, but there are definitely times when they make bigger ones. Sometimes, the things that the Konoha ninjas, and former ninjas, do feel more like the actions of truly bad people who seem a little bit irredeemable. As the hero of the new superhero shonen series But he trained like crazy and earned One For All, and his combat intuition is remarkable. 10 Naruto Trying To Trick Sakura Into Kissing Him. A one-stop shop for all things video games. They definitely make a lot of mistakes and often let their egos or emotions get the best of them.

Here are 10 times that the heroes of This is a pretty minor thing compared to some of the other entries on this list, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. A one-stop shop for all things video games. He also didn’t necessarily care. He really ought to have the Sharingan on top of everything else.Now Chad uses his fists for good, and never strikes the first blow. And perhaps there was another way to stop them besides killing them all. Occasionally, we get a Lower-Deck Episode from their point of view.

And characters like Might Guy’s father or White Fang are ostracized for not being ninjas in the way that Konoha thinks they should be, even though they have worked hard and have good ethical standpoints. His lack of experience literally led to the death of one of his closest friends. It’s kind of a sociopathic thing to do, and it definitely doesn’t take Sakura’s feelings into account. Kyon's two friends Taniguchi and Kunikida from Suzumiya Haruhi. "What's with that guy?" She's a star in the world of But to her credit, Nezuko keeps a tight lid on her demonic ways, and she just wants to protect her brother and take the fight to the villainous demons. He trained as a firefighter, and now, he's ready to save the day the best way he knows how.Like many characters on this list, Shinra is an up-close melee fighter, and he's skilled at delivering heavy kicks and blasting flames everywhere. Naruto doesn’t really expect people to care about him or to be interested in being affectionate towards him, including He wants to kiss her, but instead of being straightforward with her about this desire, he instead disguises himself as Sasuke using a jutsu and plays with her emotions to try to elicit a kiss from her. In one instance, he loses control and destroys his enemies during battle, but he also attacks his friends, particularly Sakura. The entire village of Konoha is understood to be heroes in . That means memes only you fucking idiot. They’re all learning how to be ninjas, and in a way, that means they’re all learning how to be heroes too. Here are 10 times that the heroes of Naruto acted more like villains. Never is he tempted to abuse his powerful cyborg body for evil, and he ought to gain the Sharingan to shore up his defenses and allow him to strike even more precise blows against his enemies.Meet Shinra Kusakabe, a 3rd generation pyrokinetic who can emit flames with his bare feet.
Clearly, the manga had made no distinction as to whether he was dead or not. Willingly Naruto opened his mouth when a tongue licked at his lower lip and enjoyed the slow, deep kiss his mate initiated; his arms slipping around strong shoulders. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There was that bad ass guy with a sword that fought a bunch of aliens, really interested what he's up to and whether he's kind of a villain or something. Well it seems like it, but we're not sure, it could be a clone or illusion, etc —Preceding unsigned comment added by 01:32, 8 December 2007 (UTC) Thanks for fixing this - I thought it off when I came here directly after reading the manga. Enjoy the eye candy! (according to mangareader published dates). One's tall and lecherous, the other's baby-faced and timid. Close. Guys, jiraiya isnt dead yet. It still seems pretty awful that Itachi killed his whole family, regardless of his intentions.

Naruto hanging around with a superior Madara and dodging the lightfang is better than any of Guy's speed feats . After all, he's a pro bender turned police officer.Mako has taken on the most powerful sorts of villains and survived, from ninja-like Equalist thugs to villainous waterbenders to pro benders in the arena. Currently, I'm expanding my resume and skill set with jobs such as SEO writing and journalism. These are usually pretty small mistakes, but there are definitely times when they make bigger ones. In contrast to almost any other Naruto character, Guy’s name is one of the few names clearly not Japanese in origin. Sometimes, the things that the Konoha ninjas, and former ninjas, do feel more like the actions of truly bad people who seem a little bit irredeemable. Before Tsugumi can manage to find a reasonable retort to her brother's scolding, however, the man in front of her stirs. He even gave his own life to stop Dio once again, and a great hero like this certainly should have the Sharingan to shore up his powers.Unlike most other characters being listed here, Mako can fight from a distance, since he can bend both fire and lightning. Which characters in shonen and seinen anime series ought to have the Sharingan too, based on their combat power, noble motives, and courage?These eyes allow the user to predict and track an opponent's moves with ease, giving them a serious edge in combat.