If you opt for it, you might get also Phantom Dancer to help him against auto-attackers.Jayce is a Shapeshifter, so he will increase his health points once transformed, but meanwhile he doesn’t have many HP at level 1. Spear of Sho’jin allows him to ulti several times. Generally, you just want to use tank items on him.Dragon’s Descent is a powerful transformation as it turns the already tough Shyvana in a substantial damage dealer.Warmog’s Armor and Thornmail are mandatory because you want to boost her survivability and exploit the extra health points provided by the Shapeshifter bonus.Afterwards, you can either get Phantom Dancer to maximize her defense, or build a DPS item such as Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Rapid Firecannon.It is almost impossible to kill Swain while he is ulting: he deals lots of AoE damage and heals himself simultaneously.I suggest maximizing the damage inflicted by his ability with Rabadon’s Deathcap and Morellonomicon. Hextech Gunblade is also a great choice as third item if you require more lifesteal to survive.Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, and Phantom Dancer are items you should build only if he isn’t able to survive long enough to cast Demonflare.On Gunslinger champions such as Tristana, on-hit effect items are always the best choice: Red Buff, Cursed Blade, Hush, and Sword Breaker.Two Statikk Shiv is particularly strong on Twisted Fate because - beside the ability of the items - from their stats he gains almost as much mana he requires to cast Pick a Card.Guinsoo’s Rageblade is a classic DPS option, while Luden’s Echo can be particularly strong if the card you picked restores your mana.Rangers such as Varus are mostly hard-DPS characters, so you want to boost their range, attack speed, and damage. He is a frontliner with lots of health points thanks to the Brawler trait.Warmog’s Armor is mandatory to boost his toughness. Find out the best units in TFT.The best team compositions and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Set 1.
She requires some defensive items, and the best choices are Guardian Angel and Warmog’s Armor; the latter to exploit the Brawler’s bonus health.Spear of Shojin is also a viable pick due to the potential of her ultimate and its high mana cost.“Raid Boss” Volibear is actually one of my preferred champions in TFT because it is very satisfying observing his DPS meter :P.Rapid Firecannon is the only essential item on him because he requires some attack range to be effective.Afterwards, you can get a second Rapid Firecannon and Guinsoo’s Rageblade to maximize his damage. On Gunslinger champions such as Lucian, on-hit effect items are always the best choice: Red Buff, Cursed Blade, Hush, and Sword Breaker. Statikk Shiv is particularly strong on them thanks to their synergy, and it is an exceptional item to gain an advantage in the early/mid game.Ashe is also a champion with a great utility via Enchanted Crystal Arrow, so you can also build Spear of Shojin to focus on this aspect.Aurelion Sol requires Rapid Firecannon to attack from a long range, and Spear of Shojin to increase his mana gain.Afterwards, you can either build a second Spear of Shojin, or boost spell damage with Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Morellonomicon, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.If you are lucky with the items, he can really obliterate the enemy team.Blitzcrank has a lot of ability power, and with the right items he can literally oneshot most enemies using Rocket Grab.Spear of Shojin and Rabadon’s Deathcap are core items on him because they increase the number of times he will activate his special ability and boost its damage.Brand can inflict a massive amount of damage, but he must survive and cast Pyroclasm as much as possible.Rapid Firecannon helps his survivability with the extra attack range, and Spear of Shojin is extremely useful on a champion with a high mana cost spell.Complete the item build with another item to maximize his damage: Rabadon’s Deathcap, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Morellonomicon are the best options.Braun is literally the best tank in the game, and we will use items to maximize his survivability with extra health points, health regeneration, armor, and magic resistance: Warmog’s Armor, Thornmail, and Dragon’s Claw.Some players also love building two Thornmail because they stack, so you will inflict an impressive amount of damage against the attackers.