terra mineralia freiberg preise

Please choose a different date.Would you recommend this place or activity to a friend looking for an For all peoples interested in minerals, Terra Mineralia is the place. This combination makes the museum of Freiberg even stand out next to the collections of minerals in Paris or London.

Furthermore,For all peoples interested in minerals, Terra Mineralia is the place. Schüler- und Studentengruppen terra mineralia: 4,00 € / Person (3,00 € im Rahmen eines Schulprogramms oder einer Führung für Schüler) Studentengruppen der TU Bergakademie Freiberg: Eintritt frei (außer bei Sonderausstellungen) - gegen Vorlage eines gültigen Studentenausweises Eintritt je Person. It has a huge collection of minerals coming from all over the world. I have been at major mineral collections, but this one must be the ultimate mineral heaven. The museum is divided in four sections , each of these represents a continent in which mineral samples have been taken. Gaudy colours and modern architecture surprise the visitor. Terra Mineralia, Freiberg: See 103 reviews, articles, and 64 photos of Terra Mineralia, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 30 attractions in Freiberg. I have been at major mineral collections, but this one must be the ultimate mineral heaven. Lernt in der terra mineralia über 3.500 Minerale, Edelsteine und Meteoriten von fünf Kontinenten kennen. More than 3.500 minerals, mostly extraordinary and unique in its shape and colour, are presented in glass cabinets on an area of more than 1.500 square metres. Benutzer des Mulderadweges (8,00 €)Studentengruppen der TU Bergakademie Freiberg: Eintritt frei (außer bei Sonderausstellungen) - gegen Vorlage eines gültigen StudentenausweisesZwei Erwachsene mit Kindern oder Enkelkindern, die das 18. The different showrooms are already an architectonical masterpiece on their own and its equipment perfectly represents the beauty of the sparkling and extraordinary gemstones and minerals.Moreover, the museum offers workshops as well as different experiments, so that visitors as well as students are not only able to watch but even to explore the minerals. 95% of people who visit Freiberg include Terra Mineralia in their plan. In 60 Minuten um die Welt 30,00 € In 90 Minuten um die Welt 45,00 € Schmuck und Edelsteine 45,00 € Kurztrip Schatzkammer 25,00 € Mineralogische Sammlung Deutschland im Krügerhaus. Furthermore,For all peoples interested in minerals, Terra Mineralia is the place. August 2020.Die Audioguides sind verfügbar in deutsch, englisch, französisch, russisch, polnisch oder tschechisch und werden gegen einen Pfand (Geldbetrag von 20,00 Euro) an der Kasse ausgeliehen. This is the one thing you must do while in Freiberg.This exhibit was quite a sight to behold, collections span from the fifth floor to the first, organized mostly by continent of origin.

In sheer size and variety, it blows away what can be found at theDefinitely worth a visit! Once you stepped into the exhibition you can’t resist its presence! This combination makes the museum of Freiberg even stand out next to the collections of minerals in Paris or London.

Terra Mineralia.Incredible collection of gems and minerals.

Old plank floor, rustic wooden beams and the timeless design of the exhibition together with its fascinating and magnificent minerals, gemstones and meteorites are the aspects that make “terra mineralia” as unique as it is. Die Einnahmen aus dem Verkauf von Kombitickets werden entsprechend anteilig zugeordnet.

Eintritt je Person. Surrounded by magenta and purple one gets welcomed by the magnificent bright colours foreshadowing the colours which are going to follow in form of countless minerals. Ja Nein Unsicher. Do not wait, give yourself the gift. The entrance of the Castle Freudenstein pretends to hold a typical, historical exhibition for its guests, full of antiquities including an art gallery of the princes and similar. But already at the entrance area one is convinced by the contrary. The exhibition is arranged according to geographical aspects, so the visitors are invited to move from continent to continent admiring the various gems from all around the world. Terra Mineralia. Preise je Gruppe zzgl. Never have I seen anything like it! Untersuchungen am Rasterelektronenmikroskop finden nur im Rahmen von speziellen Führungen durch die "Forschungsreise" (Mitmach-Labor) statt.Der Verkauf der Tickets/Gutscheine erfolgt im Namen und für Rechnung der Dr. Erich Krüger Stiftung. 1.3K likes. Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten in Freiberg ; Terra Mineralia; Suchen.

Link to the website of terra mineralia. Infotheke (Mo - So, 10-15:30 Uhr) Tel. Restaurants near Terra Mineralia: (0.05 mi) Schwanenschlosschen (0.10 mi) PUBagai (0.11 mi) SIZ CampusCafé (0.21 mi) Stadtwirtschaft Freiberg (0.13 mi) Pfeffersack; View all restaurants near Terra Mineralia on Tripadvisor $ Hotels near Terra Mineralia, Freiberg on Tripadvisor: Find 535 traveller reviews, 997 candid photos, and prices for 30 hotels near Terra Mineralia in Freiberg, Germany. You cam as fast or slow as you want. In sheer size and variety, it blows away what can be found at the Smithsonian museum of Natural History. Even a special science centre was designed for pupils so that they have the chance to discover their enthusiasm for natural sciences and to learn about subjects like chemistry or geography in an exciting new way besides the lessons at school.But where are all those minerals from and who is responsible for these great and world-wide admired collection? Therefore, it should be definitely on your To Do List during your trip in Saxony! Do not wait, give yourself the gift. Please choose a different date.Would you recommend this place or activity to a friend looking for an For all peoples interested in minerals, Terra Mineralia is the place.