‘Cathedrals of Heaven’ is a track that definitely requires numerous, closer listens. There is a nihilistic fatalism constantly at play in the words uttered. .ed-button { “The Hanging Man” and “Some New Things” both reprise the pounding rave-ups of the band’s recent records and live shows, while the overdubbed chants and chain-gang rhythm of the closing “My Phantom Limb” recall the agonies of the “The Nub,” the other song with the Necks’ at its center, seems at first to be about sexual pleasure.
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A rhythm section that seems to stalk the air, and ambience that should prove a balm but is anything but, all curate an atmosphere to bring Another triumph from a band who just can’t stop. Meticulously constructed and conducted, it moves with a primal groove and brings through some of the dissonance that has featured so faultlessly on recent records, such as The title track is an almost constant crescendo. font-weight: bold; .ed-related-posts { Swans — leaving meaning.
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.related h4 { But as it drifts and droops, and Baby Dee sings of krill, bleached fluid, and putrefying flesh, the song comes to resemble an audio portrait of a To explain, the artist known as Swans, is now Michael Gira with “a revolving cast of contributors”.
The former is a CD exclusive, and while it is very good indeed, it is perhaps the only dip, if one can really attribute that terms to it, that features on Swans’ new album. because, once again, Swans is a band, and is Gira, but for the first time isn’t a band, is still Gira, and – more to the point – is most definitely a selection of musicians being Swans. Swans: leaving meaning (by M. Gira) leaving meaning. ‘Sunfucker’, which one might legitimately assume would follow ‘The Hanging Man’s’ suit, given that title, turns out to be something quite different; a transgressive, quite-differently-hypnotic, tribal hymn. .ed-post-meta a { margin-bottom: 5px; float: left; Quite appropriately the PDF of the album’s lyrics, provided in the PR pack for this review, are typed out in a haphazard way; there’s double or even triple spaces between words occasionally, handfuls of words are suddenly in capitals which often doesn’t actually echo how they are delivered on record, there’s dots, dashes and assorted punctuation, but absolutely no line breaks. }
Where Swans’ last three albums were all two-hour behemoths, this one clocks in at a relatively manageable … Release date: October 25, 2019 Genres: drone, experimental rock, neofolk, no wave Highlight: My Phantom Limb. SWANS – Leaving Meaning (Album Review) Leaving Meaning marks the 15th studio album of SWANS’ long and incredibly diverse discography, the first album since frontman Michael Gira formally dissolved the most recent lineup of the band in favour of … /* ----------------------------------------- */ margin-top: 5px; /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Content Template: New Site Post Template - end */
/* ----------------------------------------- */ Quite literally, drop mic.
} With Gira taking a step back and jamming with the rest of group, the wild bass and drums take centre stage before Baby Dee’s haunting, deeply affecting voice cuts across, all the while ‘The Nub’ building and engorging to a scintillating climax.First single ‘It’s Coming It’s Real’ then appears. /* Content Template: Loop item in 5 Random Posts - start */ He’s as charismatic a ranter as they come, but to hear him so sedate makes for a nice change.“Amnesia,” which first appeared in radically different form on 1992’s It’s not all so gentle or so gossamer. But, perhaps, on reflection, one may need two goes at clearing the mind, when the closing track ‘My Phantom Limb’ is as powerful, all-encompassing and downright retched in all the best ways, as it is.