The aircraft had been in the area of Bogor, approximate coordinates A ground-and-air search for the aircraft was initiated, but was called off as night fell. El Sukhoi Superjet 100 (en ruso: Сухой Суперджет 100, Sujói Superdzhet 100) es un avión regional dedicado al transporte de pasajeros, con capacidad entre 68 y 103 plazas. Sukhoi Superjet 100 (Campeche, Mexico) De Soechoj Superjet 100 (Russisch: Сухой Суперджет 100) (SSJ) is een Russisch regionaal passagiersverkeersvliegtuig met 75 tot 95 zitplaatsen. The company needs to achieve a production rate of 32 to 34 aircraft per year to make a profit, though demand for Russian models in the 60–120 seat category is forecast to be only 10 aircraft per year over a 20-year period. Four engines were initially envisaged: the Key suppliers were selected in October 2003, including In June 2007, Boeing expanded its assistance to cover flight and maintenance crew training and manuals, and spare parts management and supply.By January 2009, the first two aircraft had completed over 80 flights, and the engines had accumulated 2,300 hours of tests.In December 2009, engine availability issues resulted in deliveries being delayed indefinitely.By June 2010, certification was 90% complete but was delayed due to SaM146 engine problems that were not encountered during testing.Sukhoi is planning a 'Russified' Superjet 100 for 2020: a smaller PD-10 variant of the Western content accounts for 55-60% of an SSJ100 cost but The five-abreast cross-section is more optimised beyond 70 seats than the four-abreast On 19 April 2011, the first production aircraft was handed over to In June 2017, dispatch reliability increased to 97.85% from 96.94% a year earlier, while there were 89.6 malfunctions per 1,000 flight-hours, down by 40%.In September 2018, Interjet was reported to be considering replacing its SSJ100s with By February 2019, CityJet's remaining five SSJ100s stood idle and were expected to be transferred to Slovenia's Sukhoi delivered only three SSJs in the first half of 2019; its financial results show a sevenfold drop in aircraft sales revenue and a fourfold drop in overall sales revenue, resulting in a 32% increase in its net loss.
By 2019, the priority had shifted to the replacement of Western parts on the SSJ100 so that the aircraft can be sold to US-sanctioned countries such as Iran. S7 Airlines, which had committed to 75 of the shortened aircraft, may seek alternatives from Bombardier or Embraer.By August 2016, 133 SSJ100s were in operation with eight airlines and five governmental and business aviation organizations.It is impossible to confirm the accuracy of the Superjet order backlog as the manufacturer does not provide up to date order information, and there have been no updates on many longstanding orders.
On 9 May 2012, a Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliner on a demonstration tour in Indonesia crashed on Mount Salak, in the province of West Java.All 37 passengers and 8 crew on board were killed. There have been three hull loss accidents and 86 deaths as of June 2019.
In the short-term, the company's main hope is that Aeroflot will firm up its 2018 preliminary agreement for 100 SSJs.Only Aeroflot is expected to take deliveries of the jet in 2020Three variants were initially planned, seating 60, 78 and 98 passengers: the RRJ-60, RRJ-75 and RRJ-95, respectively. Sukhoi Superjet 100-95B: Базовая версия самолёта. Der Suchoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100; zuvor Russian Regional Jet, RRJ) des russischen Flugzeugherstellers Suchoi ist ein zweistrahliges Regionalverkehrsflugzeug in Tiefdeckerausführung.
Das Projekt wird von Suchoi zusammen mit zahlreichen westlichen Partnern und dem Vertriebspartner Alenia umgesetzt. Il programma RRJ contemplava la progettazione, lo sviluppo, la produzione, la commercializzazione ed il supporto di una famiglia di nuova generazione di jet regionale da 75-100 posti.
着陸するSSJ-100(動画) 発注状況. Первый полёт состоялся 14 мая 2008 года. The RRJ programme allocated $63.5 million to the development of a 4–5 tf (8,800–11,000 lbf) engine between 2003 and 2015. demonstration tour when the crash happened. The plane had taken off minutes before from Jakarta's Halim Airport on a promotional flight for the recently launched jet, and was carrying Sukhoi personnel and representatives of various local airlines. Первым получателем этого типа стала армянская «Armavia». スホーイ・スーパージェット100 (Sukhoi Superjet 100) ... ヤクーツク航空 スホーイ・スーパージェット 100-95B(2014年) メディアを再生する . The subsequent investigation concluded that the flight crew was unaware of the presence of high ground in the area and ignored warnings from the The jet was flying as part of a "Welcome Asia!"
With a different jet, a demo flight had been flown successfully in In the decade between 2002 and 2012, there were seven aviation crashes in the area of Indonesia's Air Traffic Control, Jakarta Branch, reported that communication between ATC and aircraft was done in English, there was no language problem hampering communication. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. In seiner Erscheinung und Auslegung ähnelt der SSJ stark den Embraer E-Jets sowie dem Airbus A220, ferner … Aeroflot, RA-89098, Sukhoi Superjet 100-95B: Date: 9 November 2017, 12:56: Source: Aeroflot, RA-89098, Sukhoi Superjet 100-95B: Author: Anna Zvereva from Tallinn, Estonia: Licensing. The sources used for this are either It would have used a derivative of the In 2016, a shorter stretch seating up to 120, using larger wings but the same engines and tail, was planned for introduction in 2020.Demand for such jets is 200-300 in Russia and up to 3,000 overseas; introduction could slip to early 2023. Le premier vol a eu lieu le 19 mai 2008. 原型機(機体記号:97001)は2007年 9月26日に完成し、2008年 5月19日にコムソモリスク・ナ・アムーレ市にて初飛行 … In occasione del MAKS Airshow a Mosca, nell'agosto 2005, l'Agenzia federale russa per l'industria, Sukhoi Aviation Holding, gruppo Finmeccanica ed Alenia Aermacchi firmarono un memorandum di intesa sullo sviluppo della cooperazione nel programma RRJ, che vide la firma dell'accordo di partnership strategica a Mosca il 20 giugno 2006. De Superjet wordt gebouwd door Soechoj, dat een onderdeel is van de Russische luchtvaartconglomeratie Verenigde Vliegtuigbouwcorporatie.