Experimental Hyperexcited Ion Stream Projector Mk X It's a very fun ship. The 31st Century Temporal Ships have been release!
If not, feel free to reach out and I will offer advice.The Delta set is an interesting choice, could you explain the rationale?Assuming you're looking for a meta optimisation (if this is a theme build, now would be the time to say it), Ico 4-piece, drop 2 DHCs for the Terran and ARAP cannons, slot Cannon Vulnerability Locators. ).i HAvent started the nukara rep yet. Chronos Class Dreadnaught Discount Build; Chronos Class Dreadnaught [S13] Eternal Class Multi-Mission Science Vessel; Eli’s Eternal Class Multi-Mission Science Vessel [S13] Ourobos Class Raider … The base hull of all scaling starships is 10,000, which is then multiplied by the ship's hull modifier (0.88 for the Ouroboros Temporal Raider), and then multiplied by the scaling multiplier below at each level. The above is a risky setup - it's relying on DEM and Marion to give you a decent strike from cloak, and while it uses a solid combo of Temporal abilities (pin a group and build Entropy, before spreading the Entropy and dishing out a stack of damage) it's at the cost of running a sustained engagement. ... Temporal Raider: Chronos-class Temporal Dreadnought Cruiser: Other Tier 6 Cross-Faction Temporal Starships Husnock Warship: Sphere Builder Edoulg-class Science Vessel: Sphere Builder Denuos-class Dreadnought Carrier: Related starships [edit | edit source] These ships do not possess the Temporal Reconstruction ability, but are … Star Trek Online Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Back to top. For announcements on Mobile please see the “About” TabLooks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Please help out STO Wiki by adding the necessary changes! This table shows how the ship's hull strength scales at each level. Your energy torp will take a hit, yes, but the Terran weapon should make up for that and more.I would drop the Tachyo and Crystalline consoles, and give consideration to taking the Tactical System Stabilizer and one other 31st Century console to get the 2-piece - the threat console will probably get you killed, the Anchor is a safer choice. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Constantly maintained DPS-builds: Most builds are based on a tactical captain, but they would be build in the same way for the other careers. An Ouroboros brings potent weaponry and tactical systems to the fight in whatever era she's deployed in, making the raider a valuable asset in the Temporal Cold War. Last edited by karmaplasticity on Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total. Remember to click "reply" and name your build or if your only here to comment on a build - please use the quick reply button. An Ouroboros brings potent weaponry and tactical systems to the fight in whatever era she's deployed in, making the raider a valuable asset in the Temporal Cold War.This vessel can utilize the Temporal bridge officer powers, and other abilities described below. This thread is for any and all builds that we might want to try out on the t6 temporal raider ship. Spread is You have the CRF trait, I'd be inclined to use CRF with Intel's boost to rear shots, and just devote yourself to drilling one target at a time (rather than the meta route of hitting as many things as possible, as often as possible). It's made for Raider play - decloak at rear, hit them with everything, bug out if it didn't go as planned.Since we're building for Raider play, I'd favour the HY over Spread. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. Two parts of the 3-part team that also includes tactical team.If you think you're doing "just fine" without them, then you're setting the bar mighty low.There's a variety of other suggestions to be had with the build, but I imagine after 5 months you've either heard them or moved on. Don’t miss our constantly maintained post for several build types like Support Ships, Science Ships, Cannon Ships, and Beam Ship.You will … GFTK should make CRF the better choice here skin don't that extends the duration. The Ouroboros Raider from the future puts fear into the hearts of her enemies. With cannons, though, APO III shares the same spot as Cannon 6% more Cat 2 all-damage may be "worth more" than 10% more of purely cannon "final damage" bonus.Not really sure where the 6% Cat2 is here (unless it's APO1->APO3 differance, which I thought was more), but 10% final is 10% more damage, which is vastly superior to a 6% Cat2 (I don't even have to check numbers to tell you that...but I can if you want). Each of the configurations generates its own specific counter, which is then used to fuel the This starship's equipment slots, base hull capacity and shield capacity scale as your level increases. i know . i can survive without it (for now)Old thread, but something from the OP requires attention, especially for future readers.You really can't survive without a sci BOff. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.
It's not being used as much now because it's no longer new, and people like new stuff, like the Miradorn Raider, which is superior to the temporal in some ways, less in others.