You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies Sanchez Vicario then held when Maleeva hit another backhand long.“I feel as if I made her a present today,” said Maleeva, 22. try again, the name must be uniquePlease Steffi Graf and Arantxa Sanchez Vicario both played the right shots at the right moments Friday and advanced to the semifinals of the $1-million Virginia Slims Championships at Madison Square Garden.Top-seeded Graf beat Helena Sukova, 6-2, 6-1, and fourth-seeded Sanchez Vicario rallied from a 2-5 deficit in the first set, saving three set points along the way, to defeat Manuela Maleeva, 7-5, 7-6 (7-5).Graf will meet third-seeded Gabriela Sabatini and Sanchez Vicario will face second-seeded Martina Navratilova for berths in the final.The winner of the year-end championships will pocket $125,000.The sprained ankle that has plagued Graf all week gets better each day, and she was also helped by the knowledge that she has not lost to Sukova since the two first met in 1983.“She was just too good,” said Sukova, who lost her serve at 1-4 in the second set despite serving four aces.
Graf and last night's trophy, the tennis-ball-shaped concoction of 2,300 diamonds she received for finishing atop the Kraft Tour's point race in 1993, were on much better terms. drukwerk, commerciële uitzending, film, digitaal)Iedereen in uw organisatie mag het onbeperkt gebruiken gedurende maximaal 15 jaar, wereldwijd, met onbeperkte vrijwaring.Onderworpen aan de Licentieovereenkomst voor contentBescherm uw creatieve werk. She held serve on four unforced errors by Maleeva and then broke at 15 with a spectacular point in which Sanchez Vicario raced down a drop shot, turned and chased Maleeva’s forehand into the open court and then turned around again and retrieved what Maleeva thought was a winning high backhand angle volley, finally ending the point with a perfect backhand down-the-line winner.“I’m always trying shots like that,” Sanchez Vicario said.
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Daarnaast zijn er eenvoudige tarieven met volumekortingen beschikbaar.Kranten en tijdschriften (met uitzondering van covers), redactionele uitzendingen, documentaires, niet-commerciële websites, blogs en social media-berichten ter illustratie van zaken van algemeen belangCovers van boeken of tijdschriften, commerciële, promotionele, advertorial-, onderschrijvings-, reclame- of merchandisedoeleinden in enige media (bijv. "The PAMther" put Steffi under pressure by coming into net even off Graf's first serve, taking away her time, her ability to run around the backhand, and her ability to dictate the pace of the match. "You have been a role model for all those who love sports," Judy Levering, president of the US Tennis Association told Graf. *{{ t('save_amount', { amount_saved: formatPrice(pack.amountYouSave) }) }}{{ t('pack_count_lowercase', { total: pack.packCount }) }}{{t('compared_with_single_price', {price: formatPrice(selectedSize.price) }) }}*UltraPacks verlopen nooit, zolang u zich minimaal één keer per jaar aanmeldt.Met Market Freeze kunt u er gerust op zijn dat we dit beeld van onze website verwijderen zolang als u het nodig heeft. SPECIAL TO THE TIMES Neem contact op met uw bedrijf om dit beeld te licentiëren.Alle royalty free licenties bieden wereldwijde gebruiksrechten en uitgebreide bescherming. Guillermo Vilas – 46 matches (1977) Certain sources, including the International Tennis Hall of Fame , state Bjorn Borg achieved winning streaks of 49 in 1978 and 48 in 1979-80. Steffi Graf’s 66-match run in 1989-90 – which Monica Seles ended in Berlin – is the closest anyone has come since. Independent Premium.
{{#sender.isSelf}} "You came back dramatically from many injuries to make a strong sport even stronger," said Bart McGuire, chief executive officer of the WTA Tour.