New York, Memorably, when he encounters the Ferengi for the first time, he immediately senses their selfish nature and plays them off against each other to get his captive ship back in "Acquisition. The substantive rank of captain was typically held by officers captaining starships. This gives Pine the room to make some juvenile-yet-hilarious mistakes, such as getting in bar fights, or being angry with colleague Spock because the logical Vulcan alien — a very by-the-books sort of person — accused Kirk of cheating on a key test when he found a loophole. Officers of this rank also sometimes served in other capacities, such as members of experimental engineering programs. © With William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew. Officers of this rank also sometimes served in other capacities, such as in command of starbases or divisions of support personnel (such as According to the rules of naval parlance, a person of any officer rank could be addressed as captain if they were assigned as sole commanding officer of any starship. Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) Seen in: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Captains could also have been awarded provisional (brevet) ranks or field promotions to be accorded the title of captain. These decisions are all the more courageous given that she was so far from Starfleet's authority at the time.The TV version of Capt. The Captains is a feature length documentary film written and directed by William Shatner. James T. Kirk.
Janeway may win for her ability to keep the crew focused while her ship was stranded on the far side of the Milky Way galaxy, a 75-year trip away from home. John Archer, the reluctant diplomat. He's forever wandering across the universe, getting snared by beautiful women, but somehow able to use his wiles to escape trap after trap. The "Star Trek" captains of the USS Enterprise (and in one case, the space station Deep Space Nine) have so many different personalities to them. Sisko was on the verge of resignation. "Star Trek" isn't the only franchise for which Patrick Stewart is known: He also portrayed Professor Charles Xavier in several installments in the "X-Men" franchise between 2000 and 2017. Capt. Shatner's subjects discuss their lives and careers before, during, and after their tenure with Star Trek. The Captains is a 2011 feature documentary that follows actor William Shatner through interviews with the other actors who have portrayed starship captains in five other incarnations of the Star Trek franchise. Kirk (played by Chris Pine) starts as a much younger captain than the one portrayed in the TV series. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The substantive rank of captain was typically held by officers captaining starships. The "Star Trek" captains of the USS Enterprise (and in one case, the space station Deep Space Nine) have so many different personalities to them.
NY 10036.
The film makes use of conversations, personal observations, interviews, and archival footage. According to the rules of naval parlance, a person of any officer rank could be addressed as captain if they were assigned as sole commanding officer of any starship. Shatner's performance is a joy to watch on screen, although his antics rob him of the gravitas one might think was required in military organizations such as Starfleet.There's no question that Jean-Luc Picard was in charge of the Enterprise; all it took was a withering look or one well-placed comment to remind a crew member when they stepped out of line. Jean-Luc Picard responsible for it as Picard was temporarily assimilated into the Borg's collective. Archer comes last on our list, we want to emphasize he is an extremely able captain that was a true pioneer — his ship, the Enterprise NX-01, was the first starship capable of exploring distant star systems. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, While Picard was very respectful of authority and Starfleet's command, he also wasn't afraid to speak up for his crew when the situation warranted it.
In consultation with a nearby ship, the Marquis, she made the difficult decision to merge the two crews to best preserve their chances of survival. You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. Kirk (played by William Shatner) is almost like a modern Odysseus. Much later in the show, Janeway entered a controversial temporary alliance with the Borg (a notorious, assimilating alien species) to stay alive in the face of an even stronger enemy. "Benjamin Sisko started his command at Deep Space Nine under very difficult circumstances. Captain Jean-Luc Picard has returned with new adventures on Star Trek: Picard.