star trek: nemesis netflix

The first new Star Trek TV show in 16 years will be coming to UK Netflix on the 25th of September (with new episodes releasing every Monday).

To save their crews, Kirk and the Gorn must fight to the death, but Kirk refuses.A black star sends the Enterprise back in time to 1960s Earth. When Klingons attack, Organians show their true evolution.Kirk meets Lazarus, who claims he's chasing his parallel self through space and time and if Kirk doesn't help him, the entire multiverse is at risk.Bones travels back to 1930s America and inadvertently destroys the future. 1966 TV-14 3 Seasons Award-Winning TV Shows. 'The Seven Deadly Sins' Season 5: Netflix Release Date & What to ExpectWhen will Season 10 of 'The Walking Dead' be on Netflix? Kirk and his landing party to reenact the Gunfight at the O.K. It takes place throughout the Universe onboard an intergalactic ship, For example, the Enterprise or the Voyager. Netflix is a registered trademark of Netflix, Inc. All Rights Reserved. James T. Kirk, First Officer Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and the rest of the Enterprise crew embark on a five-year mission of space exploration.Capt. When a friend is murdered, Kirk asks a Shakespearean troupe to investigate.After Romulan war birds destroy Federation outposts, the Enterprise pursues them. Kirk with his creator.Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and Uhura find themselves in a mirror universe aboard a parallel Enterprise run by ruthless barbarians.Kirk and a landing party beam down to what seems to be an ideal, Eden-like planet.The Enterprise encounters the wrecked Constellation, whose distraught captain is determined to stop the giant ship that killed his crew.When Kirk and his landing party arrive on the planet below, they are met with eerie mists, a dark castle, witches, goblins and a black cat.Harry Mudd returns with a plot to take over the Enterprise by stranding the crew on a planet populated by androids under his command.The Enterprise crew members encounter a mysterious energy cloud that pulls them down to planet Gamma Canaris N, where they meet a castaway.The Enterprise hosts a number of quarrelling diplomats -- including Spock's father -- but someone on board has murder in mind.The Federation is in competition with the Klingons for an alliance with the inhabitants of Capella IV, a warrior tribe.Landing party members from the Enterprise are exposed to a strange form of radiation that rapidly ages them.Capt. Tracey of the USS Exeter violating the prime directive and interfering with a war between the Yangs and the Kohms.The Enterprise is chosen to be the test ship for the new M-5 multitronic computer system, which is designed to run a ship without human help.The Enterprise discovers a planet whose oppressive government is a 20th-century version of Earth's Roman Empire.The Enterprise is assigned to observe Earth's history in 1968.Capt. Spock risks their lives on a slim chance at a rescue.When the Enterprise is captured on a planet ruled by a childish alien who is fascinated with Napoleon, Kirk offers his life for his crew's freedom.Aliens abduct Kirk and a Gorn, a violent, lizard-like humanoid. Netflix Netflix. Star Trek. Although wanting to be liked, he attacks others until the secret of his powers are revealed to Kirk.As Kirk and Spock investigate a Starfleet tragedy, a friend of Kirk becomes endowed with godlike powers. Before they can turn back, Kirk and the crew must destroy all evidence of their visit.After an officer is killed in a freak accident, computer records indicate Kirk is to blame. But don’t worry, we’re here to cover every Star Trek title currently available, due to release in the future, and has sadly left our Netflix screens.To see the entire catalog of different Star Trek we suggest you head over to We would like to explain that the list below only refers to what’s available on Back in July of 2016, 7 Feature Length Star Trek Movies tragically left If you are slightly disappointed in hearing that so many of the classic films are no longer available to stream, remember if you are lucky enough to have a We’ll keep this post updated over time with every single Star Trek title as things tend to come and go from the service regularly. What's on Netflix is a unofficial fansite for Netflix. There is much debate on which adaptation of Star Trek is the best, but one thing is for sure. Facing a court-martial, Spock refuses to back down.During Spock's court-martial, video images of Capt. To stop him, Kirk must hatch a risky plan.A virus causes the Enterprise crew to lose all self-control, as Sulu threatens the crew with a sword, Spock cries and Bones looks for an antidote.The Enterprise transporter malfunctions and beams Kirk onboard with his evil doppelganger. Kirk and the intrepid Enterprise crew run into dangerous conflicts with Klingons, Romulans, psychic humanoids and a host of other alien races.When a mysterious intruder on the Enterprise cunningly steals Spock's brain, Bones tries to keep the Vulcan alive while Kirk tracks down the thief.On Kirk's orders, the Enterprise deliberately crosses the Neutral Zone into Romulan space and is promptly surrounded by Romulan warships.Trapped on a planet whose inhabitants resemble Native Americans, Kirk loses his memory and is proclaimed a god.The Enterprise reaches a Federation colony where the adults have all killed each other but the children play without care.The Enterprise transports the Medusan ambassador Kollos; his telepathic interpreter, Dr. Miranda Jones; and engineer Laurence Marvick.As punishment for trespassing on their planet, the inhabitants condemn Capt. A new animated series from writer-director Kevin Smith.A medical student enters a top German university on a secret mission to uncover a conspiracy linking a family tragedy to a visionary biology professor. Star Trek: Nemesis 2002 T 1h 56m Adventures With the Romulans at last willing to negotiate peace with the Federation, the Enterprise is dispatched on a diplomatic mission -- but it's all a ruse. Evidence at a court-martial reveals that Kirk was framed.When the Enterprise travels to a planet where a Starfleet ship disappeared years ago, they find a tyrannical computer that rules its oppressed people.The Enterprise encounters brutal super humans led by Khan Noonien Singh, who battles Kirk for control, turning a trusted colleague against Starfleet.Arriving at a planet where his crew members are slated to die, Kirk learns they're in a virtual war in which suicide is commited to avoid real combat.The Enterprise lands on a planet where everyone becomes very passive and affectionate toward one another. When it is unintentionally brought aboard, Scotty faces a decision.Powerful teenage psychic Charlie beams aboard. Capt. Based on true events.The war for Eternia begins again in what may be the final battle between He-Man and Skeletor. Since its inception, there have been 726 individual Star Trek episodes spread out across decades.