Well behind friendly lines a veteran sergeant commands a small anti-aircraft unit. Great Patriotic War, early 1940s. Access in-development titles not available on IMDb Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Es ist der erste russische Film, der komplett in 3D-Technologie gedreht wurde. However, it is not the first 3D movie to come out of Russian territory. Stalingrad ist ein russischer Kinofilm des Regisseurs Fedor Bondarchuk aus dem Jahr 2013. When in 1941 Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, their troops quickly besieged Leningrad. This is the story of the 1st Russian Women's Battalion of Death, formed as part of an ill-conceived propaganda ploy by the Russian Provisional Government in late May of 1917. However, it is not the first 3D movie to come out of Russian territory. Stalingrad has become hell and paradise for those who were worthy of awards, but the only reward they managed to get was love. Showing all 55 items Jump to: Release Dates (32) Also Known As (AKA) (23) Release Dates Armenia 10 October 2013: Azerbaijan 10 October 2013: Belarus 10 October 2013 : Kazakhstan 10 October 2013: Russia 10 October 2013: Ukraine 10 October 2013: Georgia 24 October 2013: China 31 October 2013: Lithuania 29 November 2013: Latvia 29 November 2013: Poland 29 … The World War 2 Battle of Stalingrad from the initial attack to the repatriation of the survivors after the war. His troops are inexperienced women.
While much is said of Stalingrad being of symbolic value for Hitler, it was a transit hub for oil deliveries for the Soviets, who got their oil from Chechnya and Azerbaijan at the time. Stalingrad ist ein Kriegsfilm aus dem Jahr 2013 von Fedor Bondarchuk mit Thomas Kretschmann, Yanina Studilina und Philippe Reinhardt. Documentary [3][4] Die Erstaufführung fand im September 2013 statt. The German tanks used in the movie are in fact T-34s, mocked up as German Panzers. Having a losing fight, the crew of Semyon Konovalov destroyed 16 enemy tanks, 2 armored vehicles and 8... The honor goes to "Concert" produced in 1940-1941 in USSR, directed by Alexander Andrievsky, and released on February 4th, 1941. The set built near St. Petersburg was meant to reproduce every detail of Stalingrad's heroic image. Was this review helpful to you? Thomas Kretschmann is featured in both the Stalingrad (1993) and Stalingrad (2013). Oscarverleihung 2014 als best…
A war drama set during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, in which Soviet troops held on to a border stronghold for nine days. The construction of the set took six months, involved over 400 people and cost around 4 million dollars. A story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in history. The movie inspired by real events tells the story of the KV-1 tank's crew heroic deed.
Stalingrad (2013) Release Info. The house in the movie is based on the legendary Pavlov's House in Stalingrad and its history. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin.
Stalingrad is the first Russian movie made completely in 3D IMAX and the first non-North American film in the IMAX format. Pavlov's House is a real life house, later on Vasily Chuikov a Soviet general joked about Germans lost more men trying to take over Pavlov's house than they did taking Paris. Gleichzeitig ist es der erste russische und nicht-amerikanische Film,[2] welcher das IMAX-Format anwendet. Der Film wurde bei der 86.