The only advice is take row 47 and 73 so that nobody is behind you "massaging" your back or take another flight (B777) The 350 seems a nice aircraft, although honestly I am not sure I could tell it apart from any other newly fitted out similar sized plane. The big problem throughout the WHOLE plane is that the backrest is soft which increase the confort a little but come with a big drawback. Sie werden ausschließlich für interne Analysen durch den Webseitenbetreiber verwendet z. Viele Fluggesellschaften bieten jedoch meist im vorderen Bereich der Maschine spezielle Sitzplätze an - bevorzugt für Nathan L on SeatGuru User on This is a good seat as it is in a separate sectin within the Business Class cabin. 2017/03/10 for Seat 32C SeatGuru User on Kur vor sieben Uhr am Morgen landet unser Airbus A350 auf der Insel von Lantau.Egal ob zum Frühstück nach Abu Dhabi, im Cockpit eines Boeing Frachters nach Bangalore oder für einen Coconut Mojito in die Karibik - ich reise frei nach dem Motto "Der Weg ist das Ziel". SeatGuru User on 2014/02/14 for Seat 16G SeatGuru User on There is a cabin panel that protrudes into your shoulder space making the seat seem even narrower than it really is. 2019/03/29 for Seat 32C being 6ft 3 and a fly in, fly out worker who flys very regularly i found the seats in economy to have great leg room and even better slightly wider seats. SeatGuru User on
Better to take a seat further back where you can stretch your legs beneath the seat in front. Feeling really let down by Cathay here. Flat Bed Business (Rows 11-26) Seems all the A350 seats a much tighter than the 777 seats, which are very comfortable. Am Zielort gelandet, holen wir noch unser Gepäck und warten, dass wir bei Cathay Pacific einchecken können.Drei Stunden vor Abflug nach Hongkong öffnet der Check-in. 2017/09/24 I'm not sure if it's related to the exit door, but I found that the temperature at least in the legroom of this seat is far lower than the regular cabin temperature. I wound up using my own headphones the rest of the trip. 2017/04/28 2017/05/02 for Seat 59H This configuration of the Boeing 777-300ER seats 275 passengers. 2018/01/18 for Seat 62C LG N on
Disappointing! Flew from LAX to HKG. 2019/01/03 for Seat 71D We are all around 5ft 8in in height so plenty of leg room. gehört, den Zeitpunk, in dem Sie darauf geklickt haben, die ID für die Art der Anzeige, die ID für das Produkt und jede Referenz, die die verweisende Webseite (Referrer-URL) dem Click hinzugefügt Sitzplan Emirates A380 800 Economy. Jimdo Control Cookies 2016/05/22 for Seat 17A Food was delicious, including a great bacon cheeseburger with fries. Pro - Last row in PE so reclining the seat does not affect anyone. As the aircraft was brand new when I flew, the seats and the TV-On Demand were really great. 2015/12/02 for Seat 59K