ship juan carlos i

In 2003 the contract specifications were defined and in March 2004 the construction order was signed between the Spanish Navy and Navantia. Juan Carlos I is a multi-purpose amphibious assault ship in the Spanish Navy (Armada Española).Similar in role to many aircraft carriers, the ship has a ski jump for STOVL operations, and is equipped with the AV-8B Harrier II attack aircraft.The vessel is named in honour of Juan Carlos I, the former King of Spain.. The Spanish Juan Carlos I amphibious assault ship is similar in concept to the US Wasp class. Multi-functional garage and hangar space on two levels covers 6,000 mConstruction of the 231 m (758 ft), 27,000-tonne ship started in May 2005 simultaneously at the Navantia Shipyards in Following a lengthy design contest that pitted the design against the similar but smaller French Navantia will provide design, technology transfer, equipment and technical assistance to Sedef Shipyard of Turkey for the design and development of a Turkish derivative of the However, the Turkish Navy later changed its plan and opted for a fully equipped flight deck with the ski-jump ramp in front, after deciding to purchase The final contract for the construction of the ship was signed with the Navantia-Sedef consortium on 7 May 2015.
Her NATO denomination is LHD (Landing Helicopter Dock) and is named after His Majesty King Juan Carlos I, following a long tradition in the Spanish Navy to christen ships with the name of the reigning monarch.

The amphibious ship aircraft carrier "Juan Carlos I" is the largest naval unit ever built in Spain. Juan Carlos is a Spanish sailor and Immune aboard the Achilles under the command of the Ramseys.

-- Born2cycle (talk) 13:40, 14 September 2010 (UTC) Since 2013 it replaced in service the Spanish Principe de … FEATURES LHD "Juan Carlos I" (L-61) DISPLACEMENT: 26.000 Tns. Similar in role to many aircraft carriers, the ship has a ski jump for STOVL operations, and is equipped with the AV-8B Harrier II attack aircraft. By the following year contract specifications were drawn up in 2004 with the execution order, which was signed to Navantia. The name of the ship is the Juan Carlos I so that is the theoretical ideal title, but of course it needs to be disambiguated, and the disambiguating term ship is the obvious choice for that (prefer to L61 because ship is much better recognized than L61). Aircraft composition: Pure combat: 20 AV8B or F35B + 6 flight deck parking spotsMix: 11 AV8B or F35B + 12 NH90 + 6 flight deck parking spotsThe new vessel plays an important role in the fleet, as a platform that not only replaces the For the first time in the Spanish Navy, the ship uses The complement of the ship is around 900 naval personnel, with equipment and support elements for 1,200 soldiers.
When Ned Ramsey takes a strike team aboard the Solace to destroy the lab, Juan is one of the sailors apart of that team. When Ned Ramsey takes a strike team aboard the Solace to destroy the lab, Juan is one of the sailors apart of that team. The new vessel plays an important role in the fleet, as a platform that not only replaces the For the first time in the Spanish Navy, the ship uses diesel-electric propulsion, simultaneously connecting both diesels and the new technology gas turbine powerplant to a pair of The complement of the ship is around 900 naval personnel, with equipment and support elements for 1,200 soldiers. The amphibious ship aircraft carrier "Juan Carlos I" is the largest naval unit ever built in Spain. The design for the Buque de Proyección Estratégica (Strategic Projection Vessel), as it was initially known, was approved in September 2003.The vessel has a flight deck of 202 metres (663 ft), with a ski-jump ramp. The L-61 has no missiles; only self-defense and close-in weapons systems: four 20 mm guns and 4 Browning machine-guns.The procuring process started in May 2002 when the Naval General Staff drafted a document defining the Spanish Navy requirement for a large multi-purpose platform for strategic projection missions with Marine Corps and Army Forces and capable of operating as aircraft-carrier as well.

Mix: 11 AV-8B + 12 NH90 + 6 flight deck parking spots Es wurde nach dem ehemaligen spanischen König Juan Carlos I. benannt und kann als Mehrzweckkriegsschiff sowohl in der Rolle eines Flugzeugträgers wie auch eines amphibischen Angriffsschiffs eingesetzt werden.

La classe Juan Carlos I (anciennement Buque de Proyección Estratégica) est, selon la liste des codes des immatriculations des navires de l'US Navy, une série de navires de type Landing Helicopter Dock, Landing Ship Dock, Landing Helicopter Assault et Landing Platform Dock conçue pour la marine espagnole et exportée en Australie (sous le nom de "Classe Cambera") et en Turquie. Juan Carlos I is een multipurpose-schip van de Spaanse marine.Het is vernoemd naar de Spaanse koning Juan Carlos I.Het schip wordt voornamelijk gebruikt als vliegdekschip met AV-8B Harrier II-vliegtuigen.Het vervangt hiermee het vliegdekschip Príncipe de Asturias, dat op 6 februari 2013 uit de vaart is genomen.Verder vervangt het de troepentransportschepen Hernán Cortés (L41) en Pizarro (L42)

Her NATO denomination is LHD (Landing Helicopter Dock) and is named after His Majesty King Juan Carlos I, following a long tradition in the Spanish Navy to christen ships with the name of the reigning monarch. The ship is equipped with a multi-service computer network integrating TV, radio, the internet, phones, etc.LHD "Juan Carlos I" near San Felipe Castle in the Ferrol estuaryLHD "Juan Carlos I" flight deck with several aircraft Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar nuestros servicios. Juan Carlos I is a multi-purpose amphibious assault ship-aircraft carrier in the Spanish Navy (Armada Española).