rudolf ii matthias

He was the eldest son and successor of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, and King of Hungary and Croatia; his mother was Maria of Spain, a daughter of Charles V and Isabella of Portugal. Rudolf was born in Vienna on 18 July 1552. Maximilian II’s son and successor Rudolf II received his education as a ruler during his younger years in Spain.
Danubia. A Chair from the 'Kunstkammer' of the Emperor Rudolf II. Matthias van Oostenrijk was de zoon van keizer Maximiliaan II en prinses Maria van Spanje.

Ceremonial swords and musical instruments, clocks, water works, astrolabes, compasses, telescopes and other scientific instruments, were all produced for him by some of the best craftsmen in Europe. The collection became an invaluable research tool during the flowering of 17th-century European Rudolf's successors did not appreciate the collection and the Rudolf gave Prague a mystical reputation that persists in part to this day, with Rudolf is also the ruler in many of the legends of the Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary and Croatia, King of Bohemia and Archduke of Austria (1552-1612)Generations are numbered by male-line descent from the first archdukes. 22, Completed in 1567, the portrait depicted Rudolf II at the age of 15. Biography Family. Matthias van Oostenrijk was nog erg jong en politiek totaal onervaren toen hij landvoogd werd. Rudolf loved collecting paintings, and was often reported to sit and stare in rapture at a new work for hours on end.Rudolf's love of collecting went far beyond paintings and sculptures. Het R. Feuchtmüller, G. Flossmann e.a.,Renaissance-Schloss Schallaburg, Wenen, 1989, pp. He commissioned decorative objects of all kinds and in particular mechanical moving devices. In May 1618 with the event known as the Rudolf moved the Habsburg capital from Vienna to Prague in 1583. Simon Winder. His successor, the conde de Oñate, negotiated the secret Treaty of Graz (1617) by which the Jesuit-educated archduke Ferdinand of Styria (later Emperor Ferdinand II) was designated as heir to Matthias . In de dagelijkse praktijk had Matthias dan ook weinig in te brengen tegen de ervaren Aangezien Matthias kinderloos was, werd achter zijn rug heel wat mogelijkheden geopperd. Rudolf built up important art collections and patronized scientists such as the astronomer Johannes Kepler. Hayward, J. F., 1980. This painting can be seen at the By 1597, the collection occupied three rooms of the incomplete northern wing. Later generations are included although Austrian titles of nobility were abolished in 1919.Trevor-Roper, 121-123. Rudolf's legacy has traditionally been viewed in three ways:Rudolf spent eight formative years, from age 11 to 19 (1563–1571), in Spain, at the court of his maternal uncle Rudolf would remain for the rest of his life reserved, secretive, and largely a recluse who did not like to travel or even partake in the daily affairs of state.In addition, Rudolf was known to have had a succession of affairs with women, some of whom claimed to have been impregnated by him.Many artworks commissioned by Rudolf are unusually erotic.Rudolf succeeded his father Maximilian II on 12 October 1576.Historians have traditionally blamed Rudolf's preoccupation with the arts, occult sciences, and other personal interests as the reason for the political disasters of his reign.Although raised in his uncle's Catholic court in Spain, Rudolf was tolerant of Rudolf died in 1612, nine months after he had been stripped of all effective power by his younger brother, except the empty title of Holy Roman Emperor, to which Matthias was elected five months later.
Soon after the beginning of his reign as Emperor he transferred the Residence from Vienna to Prague, which he made into a political and cultural centre. Picador, Pan Macmillan. Matthias and Rudolf II: the beginning of the ‘Bruderzwist’ Emperor Matthias in a portrait medallion, copperplate engraving, after 1611 Having returned chastened from his adventure in the Netherlands, Matthias started looking for a role commensurate with his rank as an archduke. Matthias van Oostenrijk (Wenen, 24 februari 1557 — aldaar, 20 maart 1619), aartshertog van Oostenrijk (1608 - 1619), was keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk, koning van Hongarije (als Matthias II) en enige tijd landvoogd van de Nederlanden. Rudolf II (18 July 1552 – 20 January 1612) was Holy Roman Emperor (1576–1612), King of Hungary and Croatia (as Rudolf I, 1572–1608), King of Bohemia (1575–1608/1611) and Archduke of Austria (1576–1608).He was a member of the House of Habsburg. He was the elder brother of Matthias who was to succeed him as king of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor. Trevor-Roper mentions many stories and rumours, but not those of Rudolf's homosexualityWendell E. Wilson, Joel A. Bartsch & Mark Mauthner, Masterpieces of the Mineral World: Treasures from the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston Museum of Natural Science Harry N. Abrams/New York, 2004.

Matthias was born in the Austrian capital of Vienna as the fourth son of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor and Maria of Spain.His brothers were Rudolph II (The Later Emperor) Ernest of Austria, Maximilian (from 1585 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order), Albrecht (archbishop of Toledo, later governor of the Netherlands) and Wenceslaus (Grand Prior of the … Matthias van Oostenrijk was vier jaar lang landvoogd (van 1577 tot 1581). Hij was de jongere broer van keizer Rudolf II en achterneef van koning Filips II van Spanje.