ruby weapon ex mtq

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! For today's Extreme Trial, we'll be doing The Ruby Weapon in the Cinder Drift (Extreme). Ranged went near edge and melee kept uptime.Yup this is exactly what my group last night did. Long or Short lines doesn't matter, they swap on the second cast, Uptime wise you'll lose a GCD or two if that on DRG/MNK, SAM has enpi and enough time to end a combo to work it in, NIN has mudras. Is there an easier way to find the safe spots for the aoe with the 3 curved lines? Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! Gist of it is, everyone goes to their P1 cardinal or intercardinal positions on both Ravensclaw AND … For today's Savage raid, we'll be doing Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage) or E7S. The formatting is also a little bit wonky, but I hope this can make your PF experience a little less painful.Shout out to Weis for letting me butcher his macro to make this. The Extreme trial tied to "Save the queen" will give you two totems. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services.

It made all the difference. Pug groups here in japan just use 1 fixed position for tendrils+1 left/right depending on your tendril position.Same goes for the meteor in phase 2, same position, as long as you are at the middle it won't kill you, and just identify 8.In a pug group, even without trying to optimize we can clear phase 1 even before it starts casting that 1 odd optimized ultima before the second charge and we killed those blue/red naels before we are forced to switch targets too, the dps check is laughably low on this that the boss dies shortly after the 2 odd meteor drops without even seeing any of the mechanics after that through all of the 6 clears I pugged so far.Just as an fyi to all those posting Ruby Weapon macros.Its easier to just have clock positions for the whole fight.A - 2 on right, C-4 on left for stacks.

Starting with "A Realm Reborn" and the expansions include "Heavensward", "Stormblood", and "Shadowbringers"!Press J to jump to the feed. I prefer adjusting for just a little more uptime, but for sure this is more consistent. Not particularly amazing for uptime, but it should do the trick. 2nd set: he will first dash forward with claw on left or right hand. 8 Drops at max melee. Flash 5 months ago #1. For today's Savage raid, we'll be doing Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage) or E5S.

You can access them through main menu -> macros.It's a EU servers thing because the can't communicate with each otherWhat markers are on which cardinal, exactly? For today's Extreme Trial, we'll be doing Suzaku in Hell's Kier (Extreme). If you're interested in my other Patch 5.2 content, click here: Memoria Misera (Extreme) Guide; Eden's Verse (Savage) Guides: E5S | E6S | E7S | E8S; The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide; Patch 5.2 …

There are even 8 “lights” in the floor at cardinals/inter cardinals that are the perfect distance to drop them from center. Yoshida understands that players want tanks to deal more damage, but they currently have no plans. Didn't have a single death once we did it that way. Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I...Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! Second pf, clock positions meant phase 1 positions (without adjusting for melee).Can someone, once and for all, just clarify to me wtf "Clock positions" are supposed to mean?It's intended to be P1 positions, but I can see how that can be confusing if the pf just so happens to be used to 1234ABCD.

Everyone but 8 drops theirs near the wall on their clock position. Your pref. For today's Savage raid, we'll be doing Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage) or E7S. During one of the JP interviews, he said Ruby weapon would give you 2 totems per clear, but they changed it to 1 and adjusted the length of the fight instead.

I would type the marker 8 was on and then it’s ezpz from there. View entire discussion ( 1 … For today's Extreme Trial, we'll be doing Sephirot (Extreme). Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! But easier to do than having everyone running around like a chicken. Ruby, then Emerald, then Diamond? For today's Savage raid, we'll be doing Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage) or E6S. For today's Savage raid, we'll be doing Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage) or E5S.

For today's Extreme Trial, we'll be doing The Ruby Weapon in the Cinder Drift (Extreme). Might have to update that.A community for fans of Square Enix's popular MMORPG "Final Fantasy XIV Online", also known as FFXIV or FF14. then stand in front of meteor and get knocked back behind it. Welcome to my FFXIV Raid Guides! Or if you want use arms length/surecast and move behind it. This one is from patch day, so it might not be optimized, but it’s at least a primer. They think RDM's damage buff was enough, but they … For today's Extreme Trial, we'll be doing The Ruby Weapon in the Cinder Drift (Extreme).

8 needs to place their meteor a little closer to center than the rest, preferably within melee range then hide behind that as usual.Marker placement isn't as important this time around, but one at each cardinal should do, and potentially one at each intercardinal as well, if you feel like people might get confused dropping meteor in between markers.First post here, but I just wanted to share an early PF macro that me and a couple of static mates were using to clear.Should be pretty self explanatory, but just to note, P2 we used the markers 1-4, A-D around the arena at cardinals and intercardinals, starting south, with D being a little bit in the boss's hitbox.

We had way more success with this than trying to do race car or a specific order.DPS isn't that tight, no need to add more confusion trying to maximize dps. For today's Savage raid, we'll be doing Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage) or E6S.