probe and drogue refueling

In other cases, using the buddy store method allows a carrier-based aircraft to take-off with a heavier than usual load, the aircraft then being topped-up with fuel from a HDU-equipped "buddy" The tanker aircraft flies straight and level and extends the hose/drogue which is allowed to trail out behind and below the tanker under normal aerodynamic forces. Buddy stores allow fighter / bomber aircraft to be reconfigured for "buddy tanking" other aircraft. Originally designed for the US Navy, these multi-role aircraft are set up for probe and drogue refueling.

This requires a closure rate of approximately two knots (walking speed) in order to establish solid probe/drogue coupling and push the hose several feet into the HDU.

I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use Cobham offers a range of robust drogue solutions to suit different customer requirements for hose and probe refuelling.

Too little closure will cause an incomplete connection and no The optimal approach is from behind and below (not level with) the drogue.
Disengagement is commanded by the tanker pilot with a red light. Because the drogue is relatively light (typically soft canvas webbing) and subject to aerodynamic forces, it can be pushed around by the bow wave of approaching aircraft, exacerbating engagement even in smooth air. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account.Enter your email address below and we will send you your usernameIf the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Probe and Drogue Aerial Refueling Requirements: How Will Air Force Special Operations Command Meet Future Demands? The hose …

There are currently 2 categories of Cobham drogue; Fixed Geometry and Variable Drag Drogue (VDD) covering the low and high speed flight envelope.

If the hose is pushed in too far or not far enough, a cutoff switch will inhibit fuel flow, which is typically accompanied by an amber light.

Probe-and-drogue. Fuel flow is typically indicated by illumination of a green light near the HDU.

The CF-18's retractable probe sits about …

Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, After initial contact, the hose and drogue is pushed forward by the receiver a certain distance (typically, a few feet), and the hose is reeled slowly back onto its drum in the HDU. The drogue (or para-drogue), sometimes called a basket, is a fitting resembling a windsock or shuttlecock, attached at its narrow end with a valve to a flexible hose. The various types of tanker are described and reference is made to the overall configuration of their refuelling systems.

Cobham Mission Systems Division, Cobham, Wimborne, UKCobham Mission Systems Division, Cobham, Wimborne, UKUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues.

Lockheed Martin video of the first probe-and-drogue aerial refueling tests with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter The pilot of the receiver aircraft extends his probe (if required) and uses normal flight controls to "fly" the refueling probe directly into the basket.

Integrated across a large spectrum of tanker and combat aircraft, air to air refuelling products include wing pods, fuselage refuelling units, buddy-buddy refuelling systems and a range of refuelling probes.

Probe and drogue refuelling was invented by Sir Alan Cobham in 1950 and has undergone and continues to undergo development since that date.

Aerial refuelling developments from Cobham cover hydraulic and fueldraulic solutions through to modern fully digital electric systems. This opens the tanker's main refueling valve allowing fuel to flow to the drogue under the appropriate pressure (assuming the tanker crew has energized the pump). Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "probe and drogue" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

This refueling method employs a flexible hose that trails from the tanker aircraft. Tension on the hose is aerodynamically 'balanced' by a motor in the HDU so that as the receiver aircraft moves fore and aft, the hose retracts and extends, thus preventing bends in the hose that would cause undue side loads on the probe.

The drogue stabilizes the hose in flight and provides a funnel to aid insertion of the receiver aircraft probe into the hose. This chapter describes modern state of the art and provides references for those interested in the history of the subject. This refueling method employs a flexible hose that trails from the A "buddy store" or “buddy pod” is an external pod loaded on an aircraft hardpoint that contains a hose and drogue system (HDU).

This allows an air combat force without dedicated/specialized tanker support (for instance, a carrier air wing) to extend the range of its strike aircraft. | Shapland, John S. | ISBN: 9781288274949 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon.