premium aerotec augsburg news

“We want to get through this crisis together and in return expect operational layoffs to be excluded,” he says. The RCT, which is unique to the new long-range A321XLR, is a permanently installed high-capacity fuel tank that makes maximum volumetric use of the aircraft’s lower fuselage. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Therefore, it wants to negotiate a downsizing. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.

Premium AEROTEC GmbH has more than 7,000 employees and generated revenues of about 1.3 billion euros in 2010.

The entire aerospace industry in Bavaria is very badly affected by the effects of the corona crisis. The 2,800 jobs Premium Aerotec plans to cut include 900 jobs from an ongoing savings program.

When in the previous year there was talk of a possible job cuts from up to 1100 jobs at the time, this quickly became an issue for the state government. “The Premium Aerotec management team will do everything in its power to make the necessary adjustment of employment as social as possible in coordination with the employee representatives,” promised Ehm.Augsburg’s IG Metall boss Michael Leppek is still horrified: “I think the numbers mentioned are exaggerated,” he said. As far as these 900 jobs are concerned, layoffs are excluded, reports the works council.

The most famous is […] “To be able to offer this strategically important industry a future perspective in the worst post-war aerospace crisis, companies and the Free State must pull together,” emphasizes Aiwanger.The employee representatives are now betting that the worst can be prevented with short-time work or working time measures. The eyes of the employees are now also directed at the government at the federal and state levels.In any case, the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger is familiar with the plant on Haunstetter Strasse. As was learned on Monday, Minister of Economic Affairs Aiwanger will visit the Premium Aerotec plant again at short notice. As was learned on Monday, Minister of Economic Affairs Aiwanger will visit the Premium Aerotec plant again at short notice.

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The information letter to the employees is available to our editorial team. Kunzendorf is also demanding that more supplier orders from Airbus be placed with Premium Aerotec instead of with third parties.

“We are fighting for this to be socially acceptable. Kunzendorf is also demanding that more supplier orders from Airbus be placed with Premium Aerotec instead of with third parties. It has been clear since Monday how this affects the individual locations: In Augsburg the 1000 jobs mentioned are affected, in Premium Aerotec boss Thomas Ehm was unhappy about it: “We regret this development and would like to have avoided it,” he said. Premium Aerotec has around 10,000 employees; almost half of them work at the Augsburg headquarters. The city of Augsburg also wants to help employees.

Minister Hubert Aiwanger has announced the impending job cuts of up to 1000 jobs at Premium Aerotec. Its core business is the development and manufacturing of metal and carbon composite aerostructures and the associated equipment and production systems.

Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The entire aerospace industry in Bavaria is very badly affected by the effects of the corona crisis. “It is important that the work is done here rather than in other countries like Turkey,” he says. According to the general works council, it has so far not been a matter of a hard downsizing of staff, but of a “capacity gap by 2021”.

“It is important that the work is done here rather than in other countries like Turkey,” he says. The city of Augsburg also wants to help employees. Since Airbus produces fewer aircraft, production is less busy. These cookies do not store any personal information.Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.

3,500 employees work for the aircraft manufacturer Premium Aerotec in The Airbus parent company recently announced plans to cut aircraft production by 40 percent in the wake of the Corona crisis. Premium AEROTEC GmbH has more than 6,000 employees and generated revenues of 1.1 billion euros in 2009. “We want to get through this crisis together and in return expect operational layoffs to be excluded,” he says.