portugal antónio costa

António Luís Santos da Costa [ɐn'tɔnju ɫu'iʒʃɐtuʃ kɔʃtɐ] (* 17. "António Costa participou no programa de debate político da Casou em Lisboa, na 6.ª Conservatória do Registo Civil, a Regresso à Assembleia da República e eleição para o Parlamento Europeu É o atual secretário-geral do Partido Socialista, desde novembro de 2014 e é primeiro-ministro de Portugal desde 26 de novembro de 2015. Juli 1961 in Lissabon) ist ein portugiesischer Jurist und Politiker, der seit dem 26. He was elected as Secretary G… Costa has overseen a return to robust economic growth after a decade of recession and stagnation. But their margin of victory gave Mr. Costa plenty of leeway to negotiate an alliance with smaller parties, like the one that brought him unexpectedly into office four years ago.The Socialists won about 37 percent of the vote, according to preliminary results, with about two-thirds of the votes counted.Four years later, the “geringonça” label has been worn as a badge of honor by Mr. Costa. Costa's first role in a Socialist government was as Minister of Parliamentary Affairs under Costa resigned as an MEP on 11 March 2005 to become António Costa resigned all government offices in May 2007 to become his party's candidate for the municipality of In September 2014, the Socialist Party chose Costa as its candidate to be During the campaign, Costa pledged to ease back on Since coming to power, Costa's government has managed to combine fiscal discipline with measures to support growth, while reversing most of the austerity policies imposed by the previous center-right administration during the 2010–13 debt crisis.By March 2017, polls put support for Costa's Socialists at 42 percent, up 10 points from their share of the vote in the 2015 election and close to a level that would give them a majority in parliament During his tenure, Portugal experienced its deadliest wildfires ever, firstly in In 1987, Costa married Fernanda Maria Gonçalves Tadeu, a teacher.Andrei Khalip and Mark Heinrich (20 February 2019), Após essa data, de outubro de 1999 a abril de 2002, foi Ministro da Justiça da República Portuguesa.Durante dois anos presidiu na Assembleia da República ao Grupo Parlamentar do Partido Socialista, de abril de 2002 a março de 2004, e pouco tempo depois rumou ao Parlamento Europeu onde foi Deputado entre junho de 2004 e março de 2005, tendo sido, durante esse período, Vice-Presidente do Parlamento Europeu.No XVII Governo Constitucional, de março de 2005 a maio de 2007, foi Ministro de Estado e da Administração Interna.Foi Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa durante oito anos, entre 1 de agosto de 2007 e 6 de abril de 2015.No período entre 2010 e 2015 foi Membro do Comité das Regiões e assumiu ainda a Presidência do Conselho da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa de 4 novembro de 2013 a 6 de abril de 2015.A nível partidário, António Costa é Secretário-Geral do Partido Socialista desde 22 de novembro de 2014.Há «condições de bom diálogo político» para garantir estabilidadePortugueses querem mais quatro anos de estabilidade, que é também «um fator de distinção de Portugal» no plano internacionalPortugueses querem mais quatro anos de estabilidade, que é também «um fator de distinção de Portugal» no plano internacionalPrimeiro-Ministro apresentou ao Presidente da República a lista dos Secretários de Estado do novo GovernoPrimeiro-Ministro apresentou ao Presidente da República a lista dos Secretários de Estado do novo Governo Luto nacional pela morte de Freitas do Amaral Farias was among the roughly 46 percent of voters who stayed away from the polling stations, resulting in what preliminary results indicated was one of the lowest election turnouts since Portugal’s return to democracy in the 1970s.This year, fuel truck drivers held major strikes that forced Mr. Costa’s administration to take emergency measures, while nurses and other health care workers also protested their work conditions.The labor unrest strained relations between Mr. Costa and his two left-wing partners, who accused him of turning Portugal into a European poster child of fiscal discipline instead of investing more in public services.Depending on the election results, Mr. Costa could now try to form his next government with different allies, including perhaps the support of a party that defends animal rights.

Foi presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa de 2007 a 2015. Previously, he was Minister of Parliamentary Affairs from 1995 to 1999, Minister of Justice from 1999 to 2002, Minister of Internal Administration from 2005 to 2007, and Mayor of Lisbon from 2007 to 2015. António Luís Santos da Costa é um jurista e político português. “Call it the Marshall Plan or von der Leyen [plan], whatever you want. Deslocação do Ministro Adjunto e da Economia aos AçoresMedidas preventivas para a passagem do furacão Lorenzo nos AçoresComposição e notas biográficas dos membros do novo GovernoElenco e notas biográficas dos Ministros do XXII Governo ConstitucionalDeclaração Final da IV Cimeira Bilateral entre a República Portuguesa e a República de MoçambiqueDiscurso do Primeiro-Ministro no debate do estado da Nação - 2019Discurso do Primeiro-Ministro na Conferência Internacional do TrabalhoIntervenção do Primeiro-Ministro do debate quinzenal na Assembleia da República - 18 de junho de 2019Período de governação: 2015-11-26 até 2019-10-26 Democrata cristão, estadista e patriota, foi um dos fundadores do regime democrático

That party made among the biggest gains on Sunday.The political stability in Portugal contrasts with the uncertainty in neighboring Spain, where Pedro Sánchez, the caretaker Socialist prime minister, Mr. Sánchez, the Spanish prime minister, praised Mr. Costa and his Portuguese model in a recent autobiography. In 1961 Costa Gomes, acting as under-secretary of state for the Army, was involved in a constitutional "coup d'état" headed by the Minister of Defense, General Júlio Botelho Moniz, that tried to convince President Américo Tomás to remove an aged António de Oliveira Salazar from the premiership. And the Portuguese economy has outpaced most of its European partners, while unemployment has almost halved, to just under 7 percent.“Costa was somewhat lucky — Portugal had exited the bailout program, there was a boom in the tourism industry, the economy started to grow — but he also made his luck,” said Eunice Goes, who is Portuguese and a professor of politics at Richmond University in Britain.Portugal now stands out as an example of stability in Europe, while its fiscal turnaround has won plaudits internationally.