politik in pakistan

On 7 October 1958 Pakistan's civilian and first President Iskander Mirza in collaboration with General Mohammad Ayub Khan abrogated Pakistan's constitution and declared Martial Law. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. Civilian, yet socialist-oriented autocratic, rule continued from 1972 to 1977 under Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, but he was deposed by General Zia-Ul-Haq. Juli 2013 hat Mamnoon Hussain dieses Amt inne.Er gehört ebenso der Pakistan Muslim League an wie der amtierende Regierungschef, Nawaz Sharif, der am 05.06.2013 von der Nationalversammlung gewählt wurde, nachdem seine Partei die Mehrheit in den vorausgehenden Wahlen gewonnen hatte. The Government consists of three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. Jahrtausend v. Chr.

Zu der im 3. The Federal Cabinet comprises the ministers, ministers of state, and advisers. The Mohtasib's purpose is to institutionalise a system for enforcing administrative accountability, through investigating and rectifying any injustice done to a person through maladministration by a federal agency or a federal government official. Beide Strategien haben sich bislang als wenig wirksam erwiesen. These US examples — with their multi-county framework — are similar to what is in place in France after regional unit introduction (making France have a three-tier systemic framework also in the Commune (municipal/lowest tier local unit), Department (county), Regional unit context). Since 2001, the vast majority of these have been led by democratically elected local councils, each headed by a At times there have been claims of foreigners getting very close to Pakistani political leaderships and deep state dispensations and have had possible indirect influential roles. Imran Khan leads Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) (Pakistan Movement for Justice) under the slogan: "Change".On 25 April 1996, in Lahore, the PTI, a social democratic and Third Way political movement, was founded by Imran Khan. #mungkinjuganyampah After France and Britain, the Indian colony of Britain was the third region to see this methodology implemented. The chief justice and judges of the Supreme Court may remain in office until age sixty-five: now 68 years and this is also another clause of seventeenth amendment. Kita mungkin tidak butuh untuk mengetahui lebih jauh sejarah tersebut. The bicameral federal legislature consists of the Senate (upper house) and National Assembly (lower house). Alles zum politischen System Pakistans: amtierender Präsident und Staatsoberhaupt, politische Parteien im Parlament, Pakistans aktuell größte Partei Pakistan Muslim … Der Präsident muss von den Abgeordneten dieser beiden Kammern und obendrein von den Abgeordneten der Provinzversammlungen gewählt werden. Kita hanya akan membahas lebih jauh pergolakan politik terakhir di Pakistan yang kembali memanas.Berikut kronologi peristiwa penting di Pakistan yang memicu krisis politik di negara Asia Selatan tersebut :Hanya catatan usang untuk dibagi.

Kemudian Musharraf membekukan undang-undang dasar, memecat sebagian besar hakim tertinggi negara itu dan memperketat media pada beberapa hari awal keadaan darurat tersebut, tapi kemudian mengendurkan beberapa hal. Elections for minority seats are held on the basis of separate electorates at the same time as the polls for Muslim seats during the general elections.

(3) Now withstanding anything contained in clause (1) or clause (2), the President shall appoint the most senior Judge of the Supreme Court as the Chief Justice of Pakistan. National Assembly members serve for the parliamentary term, which is five years, unless they die or resign sooner, or unless the National Assembly is dissolved. Appointed by the president, the Mohtasib holds office for four years; the term cannot be extended or renewed.