European Aircraft Sales A/S | Lufthavnvej 151, 5270 Odense N, Denmark | +45 2043 5287 & +45 4016 5401 | CVR: DK 32656188 | We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. Currency Capital, *All aircraft loans are subject to credit approval. The Piper Arrow is a member of the Piper Cherokee family of light aircraft designed for air taxi, fliaght training, and personal use and is built by Piper Aircraft.
illustrated above are based on terms available to the highest qualified She is a good looking airplane.
We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It leads the piston pack with an impressive 213 KTAS cruising speed, as well as the ability to cruise up to 25,000 ft in pressurized comfort.
Wings have been factory chromated on the inside. Care To Know What Your Airplane Is Worth In This New Environment? Photos and other media may not display unless you activate javascript and refresh this page.1976 Piper Arrow II, 2565TT, 1291 SMOH, 43 SPOH, IFR Equipped With Digital Nav/Com & Panel Mount GPS, Complete Logs. We noticed you're using an unsupported browser which may result in limited or no functionality for portions of our website. I purchased it recently from a gentleman who had her for over 20 yea... COVID-19 Got You Down? Creature comforts abound with high-end carpet and interior appointments, power plugs, lighting controls, and seat controls for each passenger.
Search aircraft for sale for free! Monthly payments Motorflugzeug, Segelflugzeug, Gleitschirm oder Flugzeugzubehör, alles auf dem Flugzeugmarkt von Flugzeug24 schnell, einfach und kostengünstig zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen! No Price Listed Request Price. Seiten: 60DBO-56173.
1980 Turbo Arrow IV - 200hp 225 hrs. The cruise speed is 143 kts and the stall speed is 55 kts.
Beautiful Piper Arrow 200 II with a one piece windshield. With the most advanced safety features, along with a number of additional significant product improvements, the M350 has the most advanced cockpit of any cabin class, six-place aircraft available on the market.The Piper M350 comfortably seats six with club seating. The Piper Arrow’s legacy only gets better with the Garmin G500® TXi Glass cockpit.
Ready to Go! Your students and instructors will appreciate the quality design and care in their Arrow.The Arrow interior is ready for high flight hours while still providing maximum comfort and durability. conditions.
CALL TODAY For A Free Written Appraisal Of Your Aircraft Backed Up... The cruise speed is 172 kts and the stall speed is 56 kts.
The content of this website (graphics, text and any and all other elements) is © Copyright 2020 by Piper Aircraft, Inc., and may not be reprinted or retransmitted in whole or part without the expressed written consent of Piper Aircraft, Inc. Seiten: SMOH TT5838 G5, Garmin 430W, Garmin 496, Garmin SL30, Garmin GTX327, Garmin GMA340 Garmin GDL82 ADS-B.
Simple And Highly Able The Piper Arrow iv.
You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Piper service bulletin 1244c has been accomplished with no corrosion found.
Commercial Financing may be provided by Currency Capital, LLC and loans The panel and interior were designed after the same era with modern avionics that are common among Pipers. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 1975 PIPER PA28R Arrow II (200 HP), $128,500 (Here at Placerville) - N44802.