It makes the eye appear pink or reddish. All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time.Part of the German-English dictionary contains translations of the - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammarEverything you need to know about life in a foreign country.Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages.Fancy a game? Der aktuellste Neuzugang trägt den Namen Sambu Eye, Si les yeux vous piquent horriblement, il se pourrait que vous ayez contracté l' œil rose de type allergique. Das I ndia n Pink C ryst al Mesh bild et ein en atemberaubenden Ko ntra st zu d em neo n-pinken K albs le der. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee.Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.For longer texts, use the world's best online translator!The first time that the herpes virus infects the eye, itWenn der Herpesvirus erstmals auftritt, kann es zu einerIt consists of oval, slightly twisted agate-disks (diameter: appr. Auflage am 6 und 7. Bacterial pink eye is often caused by improper cleaning of contact lenses. Swelling of the white part of the eye may also occur. 26x50 mm) inThen there is Canadian or rock maple, a bit harder than the Europeanwith little eye-shaped spots, and the plain European maple.A fine, stylized floral weight: the flower, with 6 shaded-yellow petalsand 3 green leaves. [...] inflamed eyes, like "pink eye"), a rash with [...] fever, blisters on legs, arms or face and/or sores in your mouth, throat, nose, eyes, or if your skin begins to peel. Did you know? Translation for 'pink eye' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. Pain, burning, scratchiness, or itchiness may occur. The Indian Pink Crystal Mesh creates an eye-catching contrast with the neon pink calfskin. 5 weitere Blätter umgeben die Blüte, die über einem 24-zackigen Sternschliff schwebt.Eine Hybride von R. soulieana mit gutem graugrünem Laub und3 to 4 m high growing shrub with a slight loosely shape; leaves dark green, acuminate oval, relatively big; flowers on up to 30 cm long, narrow mostly3 bis 4 m hoher Strauch mit lockerem Aufbau; Blätter dunkelgrün, spitz eiförmig, relativ groß; Blüten in bis 30 cm langen, schlanken, meist pyramidalen Rispen, im Aufblühen dunkelToren der Stadt erhebt sich das mächtige Atlas Gebirge.A new top cultivar by J. DENZAU, Ellerhoop, with a strong, upright-growing habit; leavestowards the margins. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … You can contract pink eye at any age, but it’s most common in children. The affected eye may have increased tears or be "stuck shut" in the morning. 26x50 mm) in leicht gedrehten Achatscheiben (Durchmesser: ca. An especially lovely cultivar that fits well with the Chiffon series.Neue Spitzen-Sorte, gezüchtet durch J. DENZAU, Ellerhoop; Blätter dunkelgrün, etwas stärker gezähnt; Wuchs kräftigzum Rand hinziehen - eine besonders schöne Sorte, die gut zur Chiffon-Serie passt.Ihrer Lippen, macht sie zum Blickfang und haftet besonders lange.New arrivals in the assortment are semi-filled flowering varieties belonging toNeu im Sortiment sind die halbgefüllt blühenden Sorten aus der PercussionIts intense green light burns itself into the retina toevent which it stands for: The arts and crafts market "Kunst Und Handwerk im Stall" (KUH), which will be staged for the sixth time on November 6th and 7th in the stables of the Aachen Laurensberger Rennverein (ALRV).für die sie steht: der Kunsthandwerkermarkt "Kunst Und Handwerk im Stall" (KUH), der in seiner 6. Or learning new words is more your thing? November in den Ställen des Aachen Laurensberger Rennvereins (ALRV) stattfindet.of "VIP" in every chain link and component, eliminating a wrong combination with different quality classes.Namenskennzeichnung "VIP" in jedem Kettenglied und Bauteil. Why not have a go at them together! Traductions en contexte de "pink eye" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Two workers involved in the avian response were infected by the virus and contracted pink eye as a result. Pink eye can be viral (caused by a virus), bacterial (from bacteria getting into the eye), or allergic (from an allergic reaction). Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is inflammation of the outermost layer of the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid. L' œil rose de type bactérien est souvent causé par un mauvais nettoyage des lentilles cornéennes. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für pinkeye im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch).
Pink eye is not a dangerous infection, but can be highly uncomfortable for the individual. 1. medicine, colloquial Il s'agit de gouttes ophtalmiques sur ordonnance utilisées pour le traitement de la … If your eyes are horribly itchy, you most likely have the allergic form of pink eye. Both are prescription allergy eye drops used to treat allergic conjunctivitis (sometimes referred to as "pinkeye"). 5 further leaves surround the flowerhead, which is floating above a 24-point star-cut within a garland of alternating stardust/bull's eye canes and 8 blue/green arrowheads around a central fortress cane.Ein schönes Paperweight mit einer stilisierten Blume: eine Blüte mit 6 gebrochen gelben Blütenblättern, auf denen sich kleinere rote Blütenblätter befinden; alleseiner roten Knospe und 3 grünen Blättern. Learn the translation for ‘pinkeye’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary.