phoca vitulina übersetzung

When groups of seals are together, there is usually agonistic behavior such as biting, head butting, flipper waving, and snorting.Alaska Natives are allowed a subsistence harvest of approximately 2,700 per year for meat, blubber, and hide. 0000009617 00000 n 072514 harbor seals alsea bay odfw (14953206829).jpg 2,100 × 1,500; 853 KB - Seal, Phoca vitulina - Baby-seal, Phoca vitulina, juv.

Mensch und Seehund Etymologie. Three to four weeks later, after the pup is weaned, mating takes place.Harbor seal pups weigh about 25 pounds at birth and are ready to enter the water almost immediately. The first sighting in the water is usually of the round head. 0000003505 00000 n %PDF-1.6 %����

0000013906 00000 n Phoca vitulina richardii (es); Phoca vitulina richardii (fr); Phoca vitulina richardii (ast); Phoca vitulina richardii (ru); Phoca vitulina richardii (de); Phoca vitulina richardii (pt); Phoca vitulina richardii (ga); Phoca vitulina richardii (bg); Phoca vitulina richardii (ro); Phoca vitulina richardii (ceb); Phoca vitulina richardii (pl); Phoca vitulina richardii (uk); Phoca vitulina richardii (la); Phoca vitulina richardii (nl); Phoca vitulina richardii (en); Phoca vitulina richardii (vi); Phoca vitulina richardii (it); Phoca vitulina richardii (sq) subspecies of mammal (en); نُويع من الثدييات (ar); Unterart der Art Seehund (Phoca vitulina) (de); taxon (nl)

0000002982 00000 n This decline coincides with a widespread decline of sea lions, marine birds, and other marine species throughout the Gulf of Alaska. Harbor seals in Atlantic waters are significantly smaller than those in Alaska or the Western Pacific, averaging five feet long and 185 pounds.Harbor seals have various haul-outs in Kenai Fjords National Park both on boulders near shore at high tide and on ice flows in front of tidewater glaciers. Ungava-Seehund (Phoca vitulina mellonae), Seen im nördlichen Québec, Kanada (einziger im Süßwasser lebender Seehund) Die Largha-Robbe wurde früher als Unterart des Seehundes, heute aber als selbständige Art eingestuft. sending Invoice, Delivery Note or Receipt from VirtueMart component or it can be used to quickly send emails from Joomla! Pups are generally born with spotted silver coats but occasionally show a longer, softer white or gray coat (lanugo) that sheds usually within 10 days.Harbor seals are known to have lived to over 30 years of age. 0000000756 00000 n After a 10-month gestation period, females give birth in June to a single pup. 0000004787 00000 n administration site Phocis Übersetzung im Glosbe-Wörterbuch Latein-Deutsch, Online-Wörterbuch, kostenlos. möchte es seinen Benutzern ermöglichen, ihr Wissen mit anderen zu teilen.

References This page wis … During the 1980s, numbers declined 63-85 percent in Alaska. Foka pospolita (Phoca vitulina) – gatunek drapieżnego ssaka morskiego z rodziny fokowatych, najbardziej rozprzestrzeniony przedstawiciel płetwonogich Występowanie.

In general, the harbor seal is non-migratory, making limited movements due to foraging and breeding. Disclaimer: The Animal Diversity Web is an educational resource written largely by and for college students.ADW doesn't cover all species in the world, nor does it include all the latest scientific information about organisms we describe. phoque {m} commun [Phoca vitulina] Seehund {m} zool. Foka pospolita występuje w wodach klimatu umiarkowanego, subarktycznego i na wybrzeżach mórz strefy okołobiegunowej. 0000001080 00000 n Der Gemeine Seehund (Seehund im engeren Sinn), gehort in Deutschland, trotz der stark zuruckgegangenen Bestande zum jagdbaren Wild (Jagdzeit September/Oktober). trailer 0000010729 00000 n The average for females in the wild is around 25-30 years. < Their color varies from silver white to almost black with contrasting colored spots, rings, or blotches. The ice flows from the tidewater glaciers and sharp drop-offs from rocky shores of the surrounding fjords offer access to various prey items and refuge from predation by marine predators.

0000001378 00000 n Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden; Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. 0000008390 00000 n

Phoca vitulina Übersetzung im Glosbe-Wörterbuch Latein-Deutsch, Online-Wörterbuch, kostenlos. Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: sea calf [Phoca vitulina] [sea dog] [harbor seal]

They are seen more often out of the water during pupping season in June and later during their fall molt, August through September. 0000004710 00000 n (Phoca vitulina) 1993). Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung! zool. Because this is laborious, they will roll or slide whenever possible. Millionen Wörter und Sätze in allen Sprachen. HARBOR SEAL (Phoca vitulina): Western North Atlantic Stock STOCK DEFINITION AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGE The harbor seal is found in all nearshore waters of the Atlantic Ocean and adjoining seas above about 30ºN (Katona et al.