Dank der PhiBrows Microblading Grundausstattung, die in den Ausbildungskosten enthalten ist, können Sie nach der Ausbildung ohne weitere Investitionen mit dem Microblading beginnen.Was können Sie am 3. PhiBrows is a manual, semi-permanent technique of hyper-realistic eyebrow drawing in which the shape of eyebrows is calculated according to facial morphology and golden proportion (phi 1,618).The technique is intended for anyone over the age of 18 (persons under 18 must be accompanied by their parents) who wants to correct the aesthetic problems of their eyebrows. Unsere . Um Sorge zu tragen, immer auf dem „neuesten Stand“ zu sein, investieren wir kontinuierlich Zeit und Geld in die Fortbildung unserer Trainer.Im Rahmen unserer Trainer-Weiterbildungen war unser Team zu Gast bei PhiBrows in der PhiAcademy in Wien und hatte das große Vergnügen, eine exklusiven Einzelschulung bei Vesna Jugovic (PhiBrows Grand Master) zu bekommen. Wir werden die Zeit effektiv nutzen, um die neu erlernten Techniken ein- und umzusetzen. If there is eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, acne, pimples or any damage in the eyebrows area, seven days before treatment the client can use PhiTopic cream that will eliminate the problems (instructions for use can be found on the package). Mit unserer Microblading Artist Ausbildung über 4 Tage bilden wir Sie schnell und sicher zum Profi aus!Der Microblading Grundkurs über 3 Tage beinhaltet alle, was Sie für Ihren erfolgreichen Kariere-Start brauchen! Tag befassen wir uns mit der Kombination beider Verfahren und der Entwicklung von Behandlungskonzepten. After a long time of research and dedication, PhiBrows “SUPER Formula” is finally here. PhiAcademy recommends Royal Artists and guarantees for their experience and quality of work.Before each treatment, the skin should not be burnt, nor in recovery or regeneration process.The following treatments are not recommended 30 days before the treatment:Please check below all titles user can be granted during the process of certification: By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Hierbei dürfen Sie sowohl auf Latex üben als auch später an echten Modellen Ihr Können unter Beweis stellen.
Trotzdem gehört zu jeder guten Ausbildung auch ein Anteil an theoretischem Wissen. The initial two-day microblading course represents an introduction to the technique where the students become familiar with practice and basic problems of the technique and skin. Beim Anwenden werden ausschließlich hochwertige Produkte und Tools von PhiBrows verwendet.Craft Master werden aus den Royal Artists ausgewählt. PhiTopic is available/can be ordered in the salons where the treatments are done.Pain during the treatment is relative. A u s b i l d e r. A u s b i l d e r bundesweit. Grand Master has to design a new technique, but also has to have good personal qualities and help others to advance.Grand Master is allowed to appoint his/her own Craft Masters based on the Craft Master application system, his/her Students, Royal artists, Craft Masters, etc.Artist is every person who has previously been a PhiBrows Students and successfully passed Craft Master application training.In order for an Artist to become a Royal Artist, he/she has to have the title of an Artist for at least 6 months.To get started You are required to attend one of the following basic course:Anyone who has been an Artist for at least 6 months, who is active on social networks and groups and whose works have been noticed by many Masters can become a Royal Artist. Teilnehmer die lieber online lernen können ortsunabhängig an unserem Online Kurs teilnehmen.Nachdem unsere Microblading Schulung erfolgreich absolviert wurde, darf sich der Student PhiBrows Artist nennen. Sind all diese wichtige Voraussetzungen erfüllt, praktizieren Sie die Microblading 3D-Feinhärchen-Technik an Ihrer ersten Modellkundin unter Aufsicht und Begleitung Ihrer Trainer.Im Rahmen der Microblading Artist Ausbildung werden wir Sie Schritt für Schritt mit den verantwortungsvollen Aufgaben des Bladens vertraut machen. Das geschieht, um Ihnen die richtige Spanntechnik zu vermitteln und Ihnen zu zeigen, wie tief die menschliche Haut pigmentiert werden darf. Pictures of prepared shapes, as well as all other important information, are stored in the application, under the Treatment History section.
For how long the pigment will be retained mostly depends on the skin oiliness. He/she also advises students on how to advance at the Academy.Master Assistant can become a Craft Master depending on his/her country of living and whether there is already a sufficient number of Craft Masters there if he/she gets chosen by the Academy based on predetermined criteria.Craft Master’s job is to teach students according to PhiAcademy rules and the Craft Master application and guide them to pass all the levels and obtain the certificate.Besides transferring theoretical knowledge about pigments, skin types, tools, hygiene, etc., Craft Master’s task is to teach students how to approach their clients and to motivate the students to keep working with their constant support, as well as to respond to students within 48 hours.Craft Master is obliged to introduce novelties and lectures he/she finds necessary to the basic Craft Master and to have one video on live model recorded by the Academy’s rules.Craft Masters appointed by Branko Babic can make their own Craft Masters.Craft Master who has more than 100 certified students within one year and who has been a Craft Master for more than a year can become a Grand Master.Grand Master has to have a recognizable style accepted by others on the forum, a different technique and shape and modified basic Craft Master. Lernen Sie live das Machine Shading kennen und perfektionieren Sie so diese Technik!Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten an unseren Microblading Kursen teilzunehmen. Master’s job is to teach students according to PhiAcademy rules and the Craft Master application and guide them to pass all the levels and obtain the certificate.Besides transferring theoretical knowledge about pigments, skin types, tools, hygiene, etc., Master’s task is to teach students how to approach their clients and to motivate the students to keep working with their constant support, as well as to respond to students within 48 hours.