It depends on their success making it digital, and if they do I see no problem continuing like this.Can you please make people aware that current reported numbers in Norway are likely incorrect and should be increased by a tenfold. So, my advice is wiat until they cancel your flight and reclaim a refund.Hello David, I’m a Norwegian citizen working on a multi-language corona virus infections map for local regions of Norway and the neighboring countries. The best defence is by taking sensible precautions, not by hysterical claims that have no basis in fact.I live in Oslo , Norway. this is really really bad! That’s a valid question.
Thank youHi, I have lots of friends in Norway and have worked there in the past. But it is what it is, everybody’s safety comes first.
Seriously, have you not heard of the so-called Spanish flu pandemic in 1918-20? ?STOP SPREADING….THIS IS THE ONLY HOPE HUMANITY HAS….Dont you see ITALY ,SPAIN,GERMANY,NOrway?? I got my tickets to Oslo just a bit before Covid Outbreak for August, what do you reckon? Suncerely, Jo WoleverHello to this wonderful thread. Embassy’s office hours: Mon – Fri at 9.00 – 12.00 and 14.00 – 16.00. So that any person can have information where to take strict measure while going out. All excursions cancelled. The virus is already here!
There were absolutely nothing to worry during all my trip except if there is no cloud to see northern lights ! Norway releases its daily totals at a different time of day.Why are schools and universities still open in Bergen?Good question. Jeg er redd.
This weekend for the cross country races spectators were not allowed in the venue.we are in our late 70’s and plan to do the trip up the fiords from 14the March, flying from uk. They introduced the On the afternoon of March 27, the Health Minister announced plans to delay hospital treatment for all but essential cases. He was born just a few days after Norway became a free country again after WWII, My mom barely made it to the hospital in the confusion; no help was available, so she basically pushed him out her self, which damaged my brother’s brain! I’m finding it very difficult to find a detailed source of information regarding employer and employee rights and obligations regarding so-called short-time working, and temporary redundancies. We would have to look at how it started in Sweden and continued at the initial stages as compared to Norway. I’m just ending my trip in Lofoten with my returning flight to France tomorrow and that was amazing !
SAS and Ryanair seem to star flying to Norway from mid May (we have a flight with SAS on the 12th that is not cancelled yet…) There seems to be one flight to Stavanger on the 5th of May.Hi everyone!
It’s smart to stay safe than taking a risk just for one trip.Guys we have decided to cancel after increasing number and reading comments by health Minister. I have read the travel restrictions in Norway for U.S. citizens and exercise common sense, but does anyone out there have an idea about how things might be in terms of travel and COVID-19 come September? I really want to visit her for her birthday in early June. Best regards, ØyvindQuestion: We are booked on a cruise departing Sept. 6 from Bergen. She is a naturalized USA citizen but a proud Norwegian! I hope Hurtigruten give us a chance to do the same Cruze later, when this serious and pandemic situation pass! There have been to much in the news of poor social distancing among some people in the area around Oslo.Many coastal areas are corona free now, and have good strict control. Then “someone” from Oslo’s government people decoded: Wow, this is such a lovely old Historic Villa, which needs to be restored; they never even looked into the fact that this was the home for 5 men! I guess its just a case of waiting then!
Couldn’t they allow for with quarantine rules of 10-14 days and allow people who come instead of blocking everyone.Same here. For example I believe they are reporting only 113 for March 7th and you are reporting 145.Hi, it’s just a reporting lag.
Stay home folks.Stay safe, wash your hands Please, for everyone… read my post above! Some of these people are not taking it seriously enough, passing each other closely (of course, hardly anyone wear masks in Norway). you have no idea as to who has this _ don’t be foolish! Czech Republic and Vietnam are among the countries to have banned arrivals from high-risk countries that There’s also a big issue getting in and out of the country at all. Brazil (96,000) and Mexico (48,500) are also badly hit.According to the WHO, coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).Coronaviruses are transmitted between animals and people, and there are several known types that have not yet infected humans. However, the travel and hospitality industries, among others, are still feeling the heat. Its just sick to read these comments and see that people are planning their trips for easter! This home was run like a real family! See: Thank you for keeping us updated! So I hope that people are aware and try to protect the elderly and immunosupressed by obeying the new measures and thus leaving the health system less overloaded..Does the Europe to U.S. travel suspension that Trump put into place include Norway. Such a pity as we have really been looking forward to this trip! The current outbreak concerns COVID-19.Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. They don’t want them to use the local stores either. We are in our 30s, otherwise healthy. I know I can check direct with the operators. Before the ban was lifted on 20 April distancing and care was the norm in all the local shops but now the visitors are overwhelming all the facilities so it is almost certain Covid19 will now spread into all the country areas!