operation blücher april 1945

It would be Gröner the problem-solver who would negotiate William’s abdication as the Second Reich collapsed into mutiny and disorder in a matter of days. Forty-eight divisions, 900 aircraft, 6,300 guns, and Georg Bruchmüller were committed to the attack that began on July 15. The raid so surprised the British command that it blew all the bridges over the canals in the area near the town and 25 miles away. The generals’ rebellion that deposed the emperor and the domestic revolution that ended the monarchical order are alike remarkable for the limited influence they exercised on the army as an institution. Before nightfall, however, a change in divisional plans assigned the capture of Gravelines to 5 Cdn Inf Bde and restored to 6 Cdn Inf Bde its original objectives of Nieuport, Furnes and La Panne (Ibid, 7 Sep 44).

On 8-9 October 1944, the Czechoslovak Independent Armored Brigade Group, commanded by General Alois Liška and subordinated to the 1st Canadian Army, arrived at the Dunkirk perimeter and took over from the British as the operational controlling element of the containment forces for the rest of the war. Its withdrawal was covered by R. de Mais, who, since 11 Sep had been engaged in cleaning up the Soex – Hooge Weld – Steene area south-west of Bergues (Ibid; AEF/5 Cdn Inf Bde/C/D, Docket IV: Account of a Two-Coy Attack on Spycker by “B” and “C” Coys R. H. C.; W. D., R. de Mais, 11, 12 Sep 44). the position was finally taken on 17 Sep, and its capture marked the end of 5 Cdn Inf Bde’s operations against the Dunkirk defences. The ground to the south-east of the town had been flooded by the enemy, who were found to be holding the north bank of the Canal de la Colme, and the Bergues – Furnes Canal, both of which ran through Bergues. At first light on the 9th the attack was resumed, and the company pushed forward to find the village vacated (W. D., R. H. C., 8 Sep 44; AEF/5 Cdn Inf Bde/C/D, Docket IV: Account by Major Pinkham, “C” Coy R. H. C., of the Attack on Coopenaxfort). During the morning orders were received to the effect that 4 Cdn Inf Bde would move the following day to the Antwerp area, and the attack on Bergues was called off (W. D., H. Q. On 5 April 1945, Frisius launched Operation “Blücher,” a raid in force against the Canadian and Czech positions around his perimeter. During the three following wartime years, from 16th December 1941 to 28th October 1944, he was assigned to Pas de Calais as the commander of its fortifications. The enemy immediately counter-attacked, and for two days Spycker and Grand Mille Brugghe came under continuous shelling and mortaring, the enemy having turned some of his coastal guns and brought them to bear on inland targets (Ibid). It was evident that he intended to hold a strong perimeter about Dunkirk (Ibid, 17 Sep 44). For the next week Calg Highrs remained in contact with the enemy using Loon Plage as a base for extensive patrolling and a series of thrusts towards Mardick, three miles to the northeast. (W. D., H. Q. Neither the tactics nor the technology of 1918 was quite up to breaching even improvised defensive positions at acceptable cost. Operation Blücher: The Last German Attack in France, April 1945 Operation Blücher: The Last German Attack in France, April 1945 Operation Blücher: The Last German Attack in France, April 1945. Tactically the attack was a virtuoso performance, even compared to The improvised American Army had the obvious and predictable shortcomings: inadequate training, ineffective equipment, inappropriate doctrine, inefficient officers, inflexible organizations, inexperienced men. 5 Cdn Inf Bde, 13-17 Sep 44).The capture of Ghyvelde, Bray Dunes and Bray Dunes Plage marked the western limit of 6 Cdn Inf Bde’s attempt to reach Dunkirk and brought to an end the brigade’s operations in that area. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.