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Items are quite flexible, but lots of Sparring Gloves will help itemize Vayne to ensure a win streak.Brawler Blaster comps haven’t seen much success recently, but both Jinx and Gangplank are getting buffed in 10.16 which may be enough to make this comp competitive again.Bed and Breakfast revolves around the blaster synergy that does immense damage even at only 2 blasters. Set 3.5. Nautilus
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4 Blasters will be strong midgame, but late game you should look to add in Rebel with Ziggs to compliment Gangplank.
1 This effect does not stackWhen combat begins, shoots a beam straight ahead that delays affected enemies' first spellcast, increasing their max Mana by 30% until they cast.
cookie and device IDs, and information about your possible interests. More TFT Resources.
Overhealing with this item now generates a shield (max 400 Health).Basic Attacks grant +5% bonus Attack Speed for the rest of combat. (Stacking increases the radius of this effect, not the amount of the slow)Gains 10% max hp true damage over 4 seconds on hit in addition to its burn. Dictionary for TFT - LoLCHESS.GG All about TEAMFIGHT TACTICS! All Rights Reserved.
Using Xayah 3 will carry the early game to hit level 8 to fit in 6 Blademasters.Go for this comp if you find early copies of the core units and have a strong economy to hyper roll after Krugs. #LoLCHESS.GG: [Features] 1.
[Consumes Three item Slots]Contributing to a kill grants +25 Attack Damage for the remainder of combat. Zed received a small buff which can offset the nerfs to Master Yi.This team slow rolls at level 7 to build a Rebel core.
TFT Stats 2.
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This effect does not stackWhen the wearer takes damage or inflicts a critical hit, they gain a 2% stacking damage bonus.
No stacking limit.Shields allies within two hexes in the same row for 250 / 300 / 375 damage for 8 seconds (scales with wearer’s Star Level)Enemies within 2 hexes have their Magic Resist reduced by 40% (does not stack). Stacks up to 50 times, at which point the wearer gains 25 Armor and Magic Resistance, and increases in size.Negates bonus damage from incoming critical hits.
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Scales with wearer’s Star Level.Shields allies within two hexes in the same row for 250 / 300 / 375 damage for 8 seconds (scales with wearer’s Star Level)Angrenzende Gegner verlieren 50% Angriffstempo. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.