nymphadora tonks tod

En 1996, Harry esperaba que Tonks estuviera entre los Aurores que lo escoltarían al Más tarde, cuando Lupin abandonó a Tonks brevemente, debido a los temores de que la niña que ella llevaba se infectara con Tonks conoció a Hermione Granger y Ginny Weasley en el verano de También es posible que Hermione y Ginny hayan proporcionado una tía sustituta y una figura materna, respectivamente, durante la infancia del hijo de Tonks, Teddy, considerando que el esposo de Ginny Tonks y su compañera miembro de la Orden Molly Weasley tuvieron una relación bastante estrecha. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1984 to 1991 and was Sorted into Hufflepuff House. Commission for Cypher Three.Who knew Harry questioning the fact he could enter a magically binding contract would cause a ruckus and lead to a rebellion? With the aid of his kinky little daughter, he collects females he wants, takes them back and fucks them, mercilessly.

Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. She is a pretty young woman with a heart-shaped face.

Aunque hubo una diferencia significativa en la edad entre los dos, la pareja a menudo confiaba en el otro; varias personas sospecharon que Molly esperaba que su hijo Ella también tenía una buena relación con los otros miembros de la familia Weasley. ‘From a variation of the Sorting Hat song we heard in Tonks too prized individuality of spirit – just look at the pink hair she rocked – and accepted people no matter who they were or where they came from. (Post-war) One witch 7 years his junior, one witch his own age, and one witch 7 years his senior.

All vying for Harry Potter's affections. *Nota: Algunos de los enlaces son de afiliados, lo que significa que, sin costo adicional para ti, Fandom ganará una comisión si haces clic y realizas una subscripción. Tonks era entusiasta, alegre y fácilmente capaz de hacer amigos con personas que acababa de conocer.

She might have been a loyal member of the Order of the Phoenix, but ‘We shouldn’t be surprised. Am Ende von Harry Potters fünften Schuljahr ist Nymphadora Tonks eines En 1995 se disfrazó de mujer alta de tweed con cabello gris hierro y una anciana con un sombrero morado en forma de pastel de cerdo. She later saved Professor Sprout didn't make her one of Hufflepuff's prefects in her fifth year because she lacked the ability to behave properly.Despite her behaviour, Tonks achieved good marks on her exams and qualified for During her sixth year, Tonks proceeded to take N.E.W.T. Nymphadora Tonks (123) Hermione Granger (81) Luna Lovegood (40) Fleur Delacour (37) Sirius Black (36) Ginny Weasley (36) Ron Weasley (35) Remus Lupin (30) Albus Dumbledore (30) Include Relationships Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (171) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (68) Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (46) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (38) Nymphadora Tonks Navigationsmenü Harry Potter die tribute von panem mockingjay teil 1 kostenlos anschauen der Orden des Phönix. She was eager and would often want to help A notoriously clumsy Tonks tripping over an umbrella standTonks was notoriously clumsy and curious. However, It Will Remain Posted For People To Read As They See FitA Little Challenge that I propose you concerning Harry That become a Futa and transform other in Futa.A small collection of Harry/Nymphdora fluff drabbles written for a friend of mine.Drabbles, ficlets, and fics written for the quill-it community on LJ. Blatantly and obviously AU.Harry potter has lived in the shadow of his younger brother Michael potter for all his life.When Michael is wrongly thought to be the "Boy who lived" and wrongly chosen as king of magical Europe as well as taking away harry's magic from him.As his brother rules,Harry is slowly dying from his lack of magic and curses his fate...and yet still there is hope for him through the unknown love of his Half sister Selina....The Empress of magic.A challenge taken on Tumblr; a 30 Day OTP NSFW challenge.

Her hair changes color, but is often bubble-gum pink. Habiendo sido entrenado en el uso de la magia defensiva y ofensiva por Tonks mantuvo una buena relación con sus padres, aunque ella detestaba por completo el nombre de Nymphadora, que le fue otorgado por La familia extensa de Tonks estaba poblada por miembros de la A pesar de que apenas se conocían, se puede suponer que ella estaba molesta por su muerte. The Sorting Hat told us Hufflepuffs were loyal in the first ever song we heard it sing in A Hufflepuff’s loyalty to the good side is demonstrated clearly in Tonks, and it is extended to people as well, particularly an unswerving loyalty to The Boy Who Lived.

Though there was a significant difference in age between the two, the pair often confided in one another.

The fun has just begun. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Most chapters are general in rating, but a few are adult and are so noted in the notes. „Es tut mir so Leid , dass ich dich so geschockt habe !“ brach es aus ihr heraus und sie presste ihren Kopf wieder an seine Brust . Sie ist für den Tod des Hauselfen Dobby verantwortlich. Ella insistió en ser llamada "Tonks" en su lugar. Tonks maintained a very good relationship with her parents, although she utterly detested the name Nymphadora, which was bestowed upon her by Tonks's extended family was populated by members of the Despite being extremely happy, Remus felt that any relationship between the two of them was too dangerous because he was a Jacob's sibling and Tonks met in their first year at Hogwarts, and shared Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody was Tonks' mentor during her time training as an For his part, Moody was openly fond of Tonks. Follow/Fav Nymphadora Tonks Goes To Hell By: The Impossible Slashtronaut Featuring emo rock star Andrew Jackson, an impregnated dictator, a singing barber, Maximilian Robespierre as the Sassy Gay Friend, spontaneous musical numbers, the North Korean … But not knowing that they started something that will change the Wizarding World and Muggle World at the sametime.Harry wakes up in Las Vegas with a massive hangover, completely naked... and married?